
Medicine and ecology

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No 3 (2024)
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5-15 119

The purpose of the study. To consider a student scientific-theoretical conference, organized within the framework of the concept of Zhana Kazakhstan, as a way to unlock the scientific potential of students, as one of the effective means of forming key values of the new development model and as a tool for improving communicative competencies in a non-native language within the framework of the scientific style of future professionals. To offer a number of methodological recommendations for organizing and holding such conferences, which will increase the research potential of future specialists and more effectively form the value system of the new concept of Zhana Kazakhstan.
Materials and methods. The article presents the experience of holding two student scientific-theoretical conferences by the Center of Languages Development within the framework of the concept of Zhana Kazakhstan with the participation of first-year students of the Karaganda medical university NC JSC.
Results and discussion. The article proposes effective ways to motivate students to scientific activity, the most effective methods of revealing their research potential. The ways of forming such Zhana Kazakhstan values as creativity, creation, innovation, professionalism and others are indicated. Methods for improving communication skills in a multilingual and multicultural communication environment are described. As examples of areas of research, some topics of student reports, material and methodological basis of their research are given.
Conclusions. The experience of holding a student scientific conference, in which the concept of Zhana Kazakhstan is implemented, allows us to assert that the process of developing research competence will be effective if students are involved in such a form of research activity as a scientific conference.


16-26 85

Osteoporosis is a disease that is widespread among the population and leads to early disability and a decrease in the quality of life. The review provides information on modern diagnostic imaging methods that allow to identify violations of the mineral composition of bone tissue with a high degree of reliability and at an early stage and predict the risks of fractures.
The author of the article concludes that the expression «It is easier to prevent than to treat» applies to osteoporosis. And in this regard, one of the cornerstones of the tasks of doctors of related specialties is the need for early identification of persons at risk, comprehensive examination, and methods of radiation diagnostics play a significant role in this.

27-42 107

The aim was to summarize the information in the literature on working conditions and professionally caused diseases in workers in contact with chrysotile-containing dust.
During a 10-year-old literary search in Russian, Kazakh and English using the keywords «chrysotile asbestos», «employee health», «production environment», «risk factor», «professionally caused disease», «working conditions» from PubMed (Medline), eLibrary, Google Scholar databases.
Assessing the health of the working population in the conditions of modern industry is becoming an urgent task that requires in-depth research of working conditions, lifestyle and health status of workers. According to the International Labour Organization, 160 million new cases of work-related diseases are registered annually in the world due to the effects of harmful industrial factors.
Working conditions in the mining industry are associated with the release of dust, unfavorable microclimate, noise and vibration, which to one degree or another have a negative impact, it is the working conditions of workers that are the main risk factor for the formation of professional and production-related pathology.
The problem of professionally caused diseases among workers of chrysotile production remains relevant and indicates the need for scientific epidemiological studies.

43-50 102

In the acute period of COVID-19, more than 1/3 patients develop neurological symptoms, 25% of which can be attributed to direct damage to the central nervous system. Most often, all these complications arise due to the penetration of the virus into the systemic circulation, its dissemination and damage to the vascular endothelium. All clinical manifestations associated with the penetration of COVID-19 into the nervous tissue can be divided into several groups:1) signs of damage to the central nervous system, including headache, impaired consciousness, encephalitis, cerebrovascular diseases, seizures and ataxia; 2) signs of damage to the peripheral nervous system, such as anosmia/hyposmia, dysgeusia, visual disturbances, neuralgia and Guillain-Barre syndrome; and 3) signs of damage to the musculoskeletal system, such as myopathy, myalgia and fatigue.
The aim of the review was to identify the main sources and mechanisms of nerve tissue damage in COVID-19 disease.
Literature search was conducted in the Web of Science, PubMed and Scopus databases. The search was carried out by the following keywords: «COVID-19», «nerve tissue», «endothelial dysfunction», «oxidative stress», «neuroinflammation». The literature search yielded 329 results, of which 234 articles.
As a result of the analysis of the articles, 2 main groups of studies were identified: descriptive and experimental. The pathogenesis of damage to the nervous system by the COVID-19 virus has two sources: by infecting nerve endings, such as olfactory sensory neurons, and retrograde penetration of the virus into the brain.


51-58 154

Aim of the study. To assess the prevalence of caries in children with iron deficiency anemia.
Materials and methods. A study was conducted on 1500 children and adolescents in 3 areas of the Karaganda region, of which 54% suffer from IDA. Study examined children and adolescents aged 3 to 17 years, who were classified into three age categories: preschool children (3-6 years), primary school age (7-11 years), and high school age (12-17 years). The analysis was aimed at identifying the connection between iron deficiency anemia and the prevalence of caries among children and adolescents in the Karaganda region. To achieve this goal, statistical methods were applied, including correlation analysis and analysis of variance, considering age groups and regional characteristics.
Results and discussion. All study participants examined showed a direct connection between the degree of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and the prevalence of caries, amounting to 67.98%, which is a significant correlation. This effect is especially noticeable among children aged 7 to 11 years. It was also found that with an increase in the severity of iron deficiency anemia, an increase in the number of cases of decompensated caries is observed.
Conclusions. Children and adolescents with iron deficiency anemia (IDA) exhibit higher rates of caries activity. In severe iron deficiency anemia, there is a high prevalence of caries, which indicates a significant impact of iron deficiency on dental health. Such figures indicate the importance of timely diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia to improve overall health and prevent possible complications in the form of oral diseases, including caries.


59-66 98

Idiopathic (primary) pulmonary arterial hypertension – a rare progressive disease that shortens life, usually diagnosed at a late stage. Therefore, it is critical to have a low threshold for suspicion of pulmonary hypertension (PH) and to refer patients to specialized centers for diagnostic evaluation and treatment as early as possible. Echocardiography is the method of choice for pulmonary hypertension assessing.
Aim of the study. To determine the reason for the late diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension.
Material and methods. Using the developed questionnaire, 41 patients, men and women aged 18 years and older, who were reliably diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension, were interviewed.
Results and discussion. The diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension in clinical practice is made on average 7.1±6.0 years from the onset of the first symptoms of the disease. In 95% of cases, the onset of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension begins with shortness of breath on exertion. Most often, the development of the disease was preceded by an acute respiratory viral infection. All patients underwent diagnostic echocardiography at the time of their first visit, but the diagnosis was established in only 56% of patients.
Conclusions. Reasons for late diagnosis of idiopathic pulmonary arterial hypertension: the nature of the disease at its onset and errors in diagnosis.

67-74 80

Purpose of the study. To compare the effectiveness and safety of using autologous hematopoietic stem cells without freezing in multiple myeloma.
Materials and methods. The study was carried out in the transplantation department of the Republican Scientific and Practical Medical Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The study included 82 patients with multiple myeloma who underwent autologous bone marrow transplantation between 2014 and 2020 and was retrospective in nature based on medical records. The patients were divided into 2 groups – I without freezing (40 patients), II – with freezing of stem cells (42 patients). The average age was 47±4.5 years, the male to female ratio was 32 (39%) and 50 (61%), respectively. The timing of hematopoietic restoration, length of hospital stay, viability of hematopoietic cells and 5-year overall and relapse-free survival in both groups were analyzed.
Results and discussion. In the study groups, immediately after apheresis of peripheral hematopoietic stem cells, viability was 96-98%. In group I, at the time of administration, the number of living cells in the graft was the same 96-98%, and in group II, at the time of transplantation, viability was at the level of 79-93%, which was associated with cell loss during freezing, thawing and exposure to Dimethylsulfoxide. Also, the use of an unfrozen transplant increased the recovery time of hematopoiesis after transplantation to 11 days, while the frozen transplant was restored by the 15th day. Complications associated with preservative toxicity occurred in group II in 100% of patients. The study did not reveal any difference in 5-year overall and disease-free survival. In group I, relapse-free survival was 63%, in group II -60% (p = 0.2). When assessing overall 5-year survival between groups I and II, there was also no significant difference: 78% and 74% (p = 0.1).
Conclusions. The data obtained in the study allow us to conclude that transplantation with non-frozen peripheral hematopoietic stem cells is an effective and safe method and does not have a significant difference when comparing long-term results in cryofrozen peripheral hematopoietic stem cells.

75-81 76

Aim of the study. To determine the relationship of the polymorphic locus of the IL2 genetic marker (T-330G) with the risk of complicated course of multiple myeloma.
Materials and methods. The molecular analysis of the IL2 (T-330G) gene was carried out in the laboratory of Molecular Genetics, cytogenetics and FISH at the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Hematology of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent city). 101 patients aged 34 to 72 years with a reliably established diagnosis of multiple myeloma were examined. IL2 polymorphism (T-330G) was genotyped by real-time PCR using primers from Litech (Russia) using an Applied Biosystems thermal cycler (USA).
Results and discussion. An increased risk of complicated course of multiple myeloma compared with healthy individuals was found to be 1.6 times higher among carriers of the mutant G allele (χ2=4.3; p=0.05). Statistically significant differences between unfavorable loci in the group of patients with combined complications of multiple myeloma compared with the control were revealed.
Conclusions. The risk of developing multiple myeloma compared with healthy individuals is 1.6 times higher among carriers of the mutant G allele (χ2=4.3; p=0.05) according to the polymorphism of the IL2 gene (T-330G). Along with this, a statistically significant relationship was established between unfavorable loci (G and G/G) with an increase of 2.5 (χ2=9.4; p=0.01) and 3.5 times (χ2=5.3; p=0.03) the risk of developing multiple myeloma complicated by plasmacytoma in combination with nephropathy.  

82-89 86

Aim of the study. The article compares the method of surgical treatment using a crossing wire construction with the modified Ravitch operation for recurrent pectus excavatum.
Methods. Between 2010 and 202, in our center twenty-four patients with recurrent pectus excavatum were operated. 15 patients underwent modified Ravitch technique with sternocostal plate and 9 patients were operated by open toracoplasty with crossing wire construction. The primary end point was Haller index change after operation. The secondary end points included length of stay after operation, short-term and long-term complications.
Results and discussion. The mean patient age was 19.1±2.87 years. The mean Haller index was 4.45±2.78, the Gizhitskaya index – 0.7±0.1. A toracoplasty with cross wire construction was performed in 9 patients. There was no perioperative death. The Haller index reduced to 2,9±1,76 after the operation. During the follow-up, there were 1 patient who developed wound marginal necrosis; hemothorax in 2 patients and pneumothorax in 1 patient.
Conclusions. Reoperation for recurrent pectus defects is a challenging undertaking. The results of our study showed that patients with recurrent pectus excavatum can safely undergo reoperation by toracoplasty with cross wire construction, and achieve satisfactory results.

90-97 121

Aim of the study. To determine the relationship between ultrasound parameters of the urethro-vesical segment and the quality of life of women with stress urinary incontinence before and after surgical treatment.
Materials and methods. We studied the quality of life and the severity of symptoms according to the UDI-6, I-Qol, IIQ-7, ICIQ-SF questionnaires, as well as ultrasound examination of the urethro-vesical segment in 40 women with stress urinary incontinence before and after surgery for the period 2023-2024. Correlation analysis among the listed indicators was performed. The mean age in the analyzed group was 49.7±9.7 years.
Results and discussion. There was a significant improvement in postoperative quality of life scores for all the questionnaires used. There was a direct correlation between UDI-6 and urethral diameter in the Valsalva test, between IIQ-7 and the distance between the pubic symphysis and the bladder neck in the Valsalva test, the severity of symptoms according to the ICIQ-SF scale and the size of the posterior urethro-vesical angle at rest before surgery. After surgery, an inverse correlation was found between the distance from the pubic symphysis to the bladder neck in the Valsalva test and the data of the I-Qol questionnaire, as well as I-Qol and the values of the posterior urethro-vesical (β) angle in the Valsalva test. A direct correlation was found between the distance from the pubic symphysis to the bladder neck in the Valsalva test and the results of the IIQ-7 questionnaire, as well as between the β-angle value and the severity of symptoms according to the ICIQ-SF questionnaire.
Conclusions. The results of the analysis confirmed the researchers' hypothesis that ultrasound parameters of the urethro-vesical segment correlate with the severity of symptoms and the level of quality of life in patients with stress urinary incontinence before and after surgical treatment.

98-104 70

The study presents the results of research on the treatment of chronic catarrhal gingivitis in patients undergoing long-term orthodontic treatment with fixed appliances. A domestic product based on plant components, a four-component polyphyte oil «Fitoleum® Oil for Gums and Teeth», was used for treatment. The study involved 36 patients diagnosed with chronic catarrhal gingivitis who had been undergoing orthodontic treatment with bracket systems for six to eighteen months. All patients were divided into two groups: the main group (20 persons), using the four-component polyphyte oil, and the control group (16 persons), receiving standard treatment.
The therapeutic effect was assessed based on the absence of complaints of itching and discomfort in the gums, as well as indicators of the sulcus bleeding index (SBI) according to Mühlemann and the degree of inflammation using the papillary-marginal-alveolar index (PMA). Measurements were taken on the first, third, and fifth days of the study. The results showed a positive dynamic in clinical and index indicators on the fifth day of using the four-component polyphyte oil «Fitoleum® Oil for Gums and Teeth» in all patients of the main group.
Thus, the use of this oil demonstrated high effectiveness in treating chronic catarrhal gingivitis that developed during orthodontic treatment with bracket systems. The advantages of using the four-component polyphyte oil include reducing inflammatory processes, decreasing the level of gum bleeding, and improving the overall condition of the oral mucosa. The obtained results confirm that this method can be recommended for widespread use in clinical practice for patients undergoing orthodontic treatment.


105-112 124

Aim of the study. Conducting a safety analysis of the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in order to develop informed recommendations and precautions for medical practice.
Materials and methods. A retrospective analysis of inpatient medical records of 250 patients in the multidisciplinary surgery department was conducted for the period from December 2023 to February 2024.
Results and discussion. Based on the results of the analysis of inpatient medical records, such criteria as the presence of indications for the prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (according to the diagnosis, clinical pain syndrome and according to pain assessment scales), compliance of the choice of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with national protocols/international recommendations, compliance with age, the patient's physiological/ pathological condition and allergy history for the prescription of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were 100%. The indicator for compliance of a single therapeutic dose, route of administration, frequency, duration and an appropriate diluent of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs with instructions for use was 86%, where medication errors were mainly made in the frequency of use of drugs. The percentage of polypharmacy was 20%. The criterion for assessing drug-drug interactions between drugs taken by patients showed that interactions of high clinical significance (major) were 8%, while those of moderate clinical significance (moderate) were 40%.
Conclusions. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are convenient and affordable drugs that are widely used in the treatment of diseases of various organs and systems. Therefore, to ensure the rational and safe use of drugs in this group, it is necessary to introduce effective recommendations and precautions:
1. Timely completion of pain assessment scales and diary records in the Damumed medical information system;
2. Development in the Damumed medical information system of divisions of appointments into planned and pro re nata (as necessary), introduction into the system of accurately recording the time of execution of doctors’ prescriptions by nursing staff for strict compliance with the intervals between doses of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs allowed by the instructions.
3. Introduction into the practice of doctors the use of tools to combat polypharmacy in patients ≥65 years old: Beers criteria;
4. Conducting educational activities, covering both medical personnel and patients, in order to increase the level of registration of unwanted adverse reactions.


113-120 74

Aim of the study. The study of macroeconomic (external) environmental factors influencing primary healthcare level as the main link in routing a patient with inflammatory bowel diseases and providing quality care.
Materials and methods. The opinion of three experts on 4 groups of indicators (political, economic, social and technological) in the context of their impact on the outpatient level of care for inflammatory bowel diseases in the next 3-5 years is analyzed. All factors were taken into account based on the strength of their influence (from 1 to 3) and the probability of variability. Then, according to the methodology, a weight-adjusted score was determined.
Results and discussion. The analysis of environmental factors on the effectiveness of medical care for inflammatory bowel diseases in primary health care has shown the importance of both technological factors (availability of information systems, telemedicine technologies, innovative techniques), political (related to the regulation of the health system at the Ministry level, the existing Standard, labor policy, the level of knowledge of doctors and preventive measures) and economic (financing of the system health care, developed infrastructure, income of the population and accessibility of services); socio-cultural factors are slightly less significant, primarily related to joint responsibility for the health of citizens, the level of education of the population, the degree of trust in medicine and the existing inflated expectations of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases.
Conclusions. The analysis showed an obviously significant influence of technological, political and economic factors on the quality of care provided for inflammatory bowel diseases in primary health care. It is obvious that socio-cultural factors, primarily related to joint responsibility for the health of citizens, the level of education of the population, the degree of trust in medicine and the existing high expectations of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases, are comparatively less significant for the quality of care provided.

121-128 82

The study aimed to identify and analyze the potential of practical healthcare professionals in terms of skills and knowledge for conducting clinical research in Kazakhstan, as well as to identify obstacles that may arise and cause the low involvement of specialists in research activities.
Materials and methods. A specially developed questionnaire was conducted online. Various healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, teachers of medical educational organizations) from all regions of Kazakhstan participated. By random sampling, 337 respondents answered the questions. Data was collected anonymously through Google Forms.
Results and discussion. 29,7% respondents had participated in clinical research. Most respondents do not have sufficient knowledge in conducting clinical research; on average, 35% of respondents answered correctly. On average, respondents' self-assessment of knowledge and skills in choosing a study design, forming groups of study objects, collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data obtained during clinical trials, and performing statistical processing of results was 3 points (max = 5 points). A majority expressed a need for further training in clinical research. The main barriers to conducting clinical research were identified as lack of working time (44%), insufficient knowledge in conducting clinical research (34%), inaccessibility of educational programs (28%), lack of personal interest (27%), non-compliance of clinical base infrastructure (23%), difficulties in patient recruitment (20%), and the risk of losing professional autonomy (13%).
Conclusions: The survey results show an unsatisfactory level of existing research potential of healthcare professionals in the organization and conduct of clinical research. the findings reveal a significant gap in the research potential of healthcare professionals in Kazakhstan. There is a lack of understanding of clinical research concepts, international standards, and local legislative requirements. The main obstacles are inadequate time for research, insufficient knowledge and experience, limited access to training, and low interest among professionals.


129-137 110

Introduction. Undergraduate medical curricula often fail to balance learning opportunities and integrate the study of basic and clinical sciences, allowing students to link theory and practice. The high educational potential of the experimental teaching method is due not only to its practical orientation but also to the possibility of reflection - critical analysis and synthesis of knowledge in the learning process.
Aim of the study. Evaluate the possibility of introducing experiential learning in the study of pathology to improve the efficiency of students' perception of understanding the subject and subsequent application in clinical practice.
Materials and methods. The study sample (n=362) consisted of 3rd year students of NAO «Karaganda Medical University», studying in the disciplines: «General pathology» and «Pathology of organs and systems» in the 2022-2023 academic year. The sample included 48.9% male and 51.1% female students aged 19 to 22. Respondents were divided into a main group (n=96) using an experimental training method and a control group (n=266) using a traditional training format. A specially designed questionnaire was used to study student satisfaction with training. Descriptive statistics methods were used to describe the assessments of students in the study groups. Thematic analysis was used to examine the data collected using open-ended questions.
Results. The possibility of interaction and discussion with the teacher during the joint viewing of micropreparations of the studied cases was rated as «excellent» by 95.8% and 97.9% of students. With regard to the main characteristics of medical education in the study of pathology, four broad topics are verified, such as fundamental medical education, interaction with the teacher in obtaining medical education, teaching materials in medical education, and assessment in the field of medical education. The study used methods of descriptive statistics. Thematic analysis was used to process data collected using open-ended questions.
Discussion. The high level of acceptance of interactive groups in the study of pathology and the general satisfaction of students reflect the desire and need for active teaching methodologies in modern medical education.
Conclusion. Based on the findings, the practical teaching of pathology can be improved by revisiting the content and teaching strategies.

138-144 85

Aim of the study. Assessing the effectiveness of introducing the innovative educational methodology TPCBL into the educational process by comparing qualitative indicators of student performance.
Materials and methods. The effectiveness of introducing the innovative methodology TPCBL (theory, practice and clinic based learning), based on the trinity of theory, practice and clinic, when conducting classes at a medical university was studied. A lesson was conducted using the TPCBL methodology at the Astana Medical University NJSC from September to December 2023. The departments of normal physiology and internal medicine with a course in geriatrics participated. The experimental group consisted of 3rd year students in the educational program “General Medicine” in the amount of 679 people (66 groups) (166 students with Russian language of instruction, 513 students with Kazakh language of instruction). The clinical case of “Sabir Ramzai” was studied.
Results and discussion. In general, in the Department of Internal Medicine with a course in geriatrics, the quality indicator of academic performance was before implementation (2022-2023 academic year) - 94%, after implementation (2023-2024 academic year) - 96.5%. That is, it increased by 2.5%. Compared to the 2022-2023 academic year, 3rd year students in the specialty “General Medicine” had a success rate before implementation (2022-2023 academic year) - 91.1%, after implementation (2023-2024 academic year) - 96.4%, that is, increased by 5.3%.
Conclusions. An integrated, systematic approach to studying the material helps students consolidate theoretical knowledge, identify practical significance and better assimilate new material.

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