
Medicine and ecology

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No 4 (2022)
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8-9 251

The article presents the results of a study of the genotoxic effect of atmospheric air on the apical meristem of woody plants growing in a large industrial center. It was found that atmospheric pollution increases the frequency of micronucleus formation in the meristem cells of black poplar and dwarf elm.

10-18 351

Parkinson’s disease is a progressive, clinically variable neurodegenerative disease, and its prevalence is projected to double over the next 20 years. Practice shows that the diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease is based on clinical manifestations, and the key symptoms are bradykinesia, rigidity and tremor. In addition to motor defects, Parkinson’s disease is also associated with non-motor symptoms, including autonomic dysfunction, depression, anxiety and hallucinations, which can make it difficult to initially diagnose Parkinson’s disease. Therapy for motor defect includes levodopa/carbidopa-based drugs, monoamine oxidase-B inhibitors and dopamine agonists. However, prolonged use and higher doses of levodopa have not demonstrated the ability to slow the progression of the disease, leading over time to dyskinesia and fluctuations in motor symptoms. In this connection, neurosurgical methods of treatment are used in world practice for those who do not achieve adequate control during levodopa therapy. Despite the fact that in Parkinson’s disease, the help of a neurologist is fundamental, a general practitioner is often the first link for patients with early symptoms who need treatment and specialist advice.
The purpose of the study: analysis of clinical cases of Parkinson’s disease in the Karaganda region and drawing up a routing plan.
Materials and methods: a retrospective analysis of outpatient and inpatient records with a verified diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease according to age, gender, clinical stages according to the modified Hyun–Yar scale, the choice of therapy and the identified complications was carried out. An algorithm of actions at the outpatient level is provided, contributing to an effective interdisciplinary approach between a general practitioner, a neurologist and an office of extrapyramidal disorders.
Results. The average age of patients with the incidence of Parkinson’s disease in the Karaganda region was 66.5±9.02. The frequency of occurrence in women (n=138, 62.4%) prevails 1.6 times more than in men (n=83 37.5%). In the structure of morbidity, the most common age group among women was the age from 60 to 69 years (n=66), for men equally from 60 to 79 years (n=54). Alternative methods of neurosurgical treatment have been identified that can be considered in individual patients with PD to improve motor symptoms. The average duration of the disease was 7.3±2.3 (range 49-71 years) when selecting patients for surgical treatment according to international indications for deep brain stimulation.
Conclusion. In this scientific study, a retrospective analysis of gender, age data, clinical stages according to the modified Hen-Yar scale, the choice of therapy and identified complications with an established diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease in the Karaganda region and a comparative characteristic with the available world statistics was carried out, discrepancies in indicators were identified, and the most likely cause of their discrepancy was identified, the main methods of treatment used in international practice were described, followed by comparison in practice in Kazakhstan and the Karaganda region.

19-22 549

In modern conditions, a person’s professional activity is accompanied by the influence of various unfavorable factors that cause negative emotions and significant neuropsychological stress. The work of a nurse is no exception. In connection with the high psycho-emotional and physical stress in the work of a nurse, it is worth noting the increase in the level of stress among medical workers, which leads to a deterioration in health and work activity.
Significant work is performed by nurses in operating rooms. In various operating rooms, anesthetic, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures are carried out, which can be both planned and emergency. The operating nurse must be able to apply theoretical skills in practice. In addition, in the operating room, the nurse must apply the skills of interdisciplinary practices and teamwork. The operating room medical staff is also working to improve patient care practices.
Due to the fact that nursing is present at all stages of the patient’s surgical treatment, it can be argued that the nurse is a change agent to transform the healthcare system for the better.
Chronic stress experienced by nurses can increase the risk of depression. In the work of a nurse, the mode of emotional security is important. The work associated with caring for sick people requires special responsibility, great physical and emotional stress. Psychological risk factors in the work of an operating room nurse can lead to various types of psycho-emotional disorders.


23-28 248

Objective: Evaluation of the dynamics and level of sCD14-ST in blood serum in the development of SIRS, infectious and inflammatory complications, organ dysfunction and mortality in patients operated on for colorectal cancer (CRC), as well as for acute bowel obstruction (ABO) of tumor and non-tumor genesis.
Materials and methods: The study involved 120 patients: group 1 - 50 patients with CRC without ABO; group 2 - 40 patients with tumor ABO; group 3 - 30 patients with non-tumor ABO. sCD14-ST was determined in blood serum by enzyme immunoassay one hour before surgery and 72 hours after it.
Results and discussion: In patients with CRC, the level of sCD14-ST on the 3rd day after surgery was 2.4 times higher in deceased patients (Z= -2.630, p=0.009), and in patients with organ dysfunctions, an increase in the level of sCD14-ST by 30% in dynamics was observed, while in patients without them sCD14-ST decreased by 18% (Z=-2.468, p=0.014). If the value of sCD14-ST on day 3 after surgery is >520 pg/mL, the risk of death is 12.3 times higher (OR 12.3, CI 2.34-64.20). With an increase in the level of sCD14-ST in dynamics from the baseline or its decrease by no more than 8.8 pg/mL, the risk of organ dysfunctions is 6.5 times higher than with its greater decrease (OR 6.5, CI 1.66-25, 83).
Conclusion: Significantly worse outcomes and prognosis were observed in CRC patients with higher levels of sCD14-ST on day 3 after surgery.


29-31 236

Feeding female rats fast food (fast food) caused physiological disturbances, as well as changes in blood composition. During the experiment, restless behavior of rats, a constant feeling of hunger, and a violation of concentration were observed.
During recovery, the rats remained calm but restless. During the experiment in the 1st group (experimental) there was an increase in platelets and hemoglobin. With general poisoning, the number of platelets increases with severe stress, because the body tries to compensate for the losses as much as possible. At the end of the experiment, loss of appetite was observed, which can be considered as a sign of high hemoglobin.

32-34 232

The article describes properties of gamma radiation and its effects on the body. Gamma rays are short electromagnetic waves that can penetrate very deep level. Ionization of cells leads to disruption of chemical processes and chemical bonds. Therefore, under the influence of radiation, irreversible changes and deformations occur in the human body. The interaction of gamma radiation with body cells can also cause genetic abnormalities.


35-38 1347

The role of a nurse in the implementation of the first stage of the nursing process in diseases of the respiratory system is one of the main and integral concepts of modern models of nursing. By 2030, WHO predicts that COPD will become the third leading cause of death in the world. The purpose of the study is to identify common problems in the first stage of the nursing process in diseases of the respiratory system when studying the features of the work of a nurse. This study was conducted using a survey of patients in assessing the quality of the first stage of the nursing process, as well as monitoring nurses during the organization of the first stage of the nursing process. The analysis of the effectiveness of the activity of a nursing specialist to identify problems in the organization of the first stage of the nursing process made it possible to identify defects in the preparation of official data, passport part, medical history, epidemiological and allergic history.

39-41 344

The appearance of COVID-19 in the world has created problems for specialists of various profiles not only in terms of rapid diagnosis and treatment, but also in providing quality medical care, including rehabilitation measures during and after the coronavirus infection. In this regard, the article is presented to propose new technologies based on evidencebased medicine in order for the nursing process to determine the mental state and depression of patients with post-covid syndrome.

42-45 231

The article considers “Improving the activities of medical organizations providing high-tech medical care to the population” is devoted to the work of high-tech medical care to the population in the Karaganda region. High-tech medical care is a very expensive, but highly effective type of medical care, leading to a significant and lasting improvement in the health status, quality of life of patients and is a very popular type of medical care for the population. HTMP allows to optimize the quality of diagnostics and treatment, to increase their effectiveness. The place of the research work was the city hospitals No. 1,2,3 of the city of Karaganda, as well as the medical record form No. 30 for 2016-2020. The medical organization providing HTMC (high-tech medical care) considers the referral for treatment along with the patient’s documents on the portal within two working days from the date of receipt and determines the date of hospitalization to the hospital. The healthcare organization at the patient’s approved place of residence checks the date of admission for treatment in the referral indicated by the healthcare organization on the portal and informs the patient about the date of admission to the hospital within one working day.


46-49 278

The article discusses methods for improving the quality of medical education with the widespread use of modern educational technologies. One of these methods is the method of writing a scientific article. Research work on writing scientific articles was carried out among students.
Materials and research methods. The respondents were given a lecture on the topic “Antifungal and antiviral agents”. All students in the group took part in the lecture. The topic was chosen in accordance with the work program and the approved thematic plan of practical classes. Thus, the students were first provided with additional information for the study, and then a test control was carried out. The results were evaluated in comparison with control groups.
The results of the study showed that by writing a scientific work, students consolidated their knowledge in theoretical and practical areas and improved their clinical thinking by conducting a comprehensive study.

50-54 223

The article discusses the use of psychological training in the process of organizing the educational process in Medical university, the education system in higher education, as well as changes in the nature and functions of vocational education in modern times. Methods of active learning are described. The concept of training, psychological training is revealed, various approaches to understanding the training form of conducting classes are substantiated. The psychological and pedagogical experience of using the training form of conducting classes in higher school is analyzed. The diagnostic, preventive, transformative, corrective functions of psychological training, the peculiarities of their influence on group work are considered. The advantages and limitations of training work are highlighted, as well as the opportunity to use the strengths of group work in the use of psychological training for students. The formative, developing, and educational training programs are revealed, on the basis of which a questionnaire is created to find out the most relevant programs in the higher education system. The introduction of a training form of the organization of the learning process in higher education is justified on the basis of a questionnaire conducted with students of the second year of study at the Medical university. The main structural components of the training organization of practical classes with students are highlighted. The results are presented in the percentage ratio of students’ choice of the most effective and relevant training areas of work. The necessity of mandatory use of active and interactive forms and methods of teaching is substantiated, thanks to which, there is an actualization and effective appropriation of knowledge, their inclusion in the system of individual student experience. In particular, educational trainings aimed at developing self-regulation skills, communicative trainings, training approaches that stimulate personal growth.Educational trainings are the most preferable according to the results of the student survey.

55-59 301

When improving the special training of medical scientists, it is very important to radically change their humanitarian training, especially in all possible consequences of the results of research and practical activities, to increase in their minds the philosophical culture of thinking and personal moral responsibility. It is necessary to determine the significance of the science of philosophy for modern students - for future doctors studying modern medical sciences. In the presented work, we tried to prove the importance and significance of philosophical science for future doctors, since philosophy provides broad universal knowledge about the sociocultural reality surrounding us, helps a person to understand its place and role in the world. This article is written in order to determine the purpose, significance, impact and knowledge of the subject of philosophy for medical students. In the course of the definition, the experiments and studies carried out, the topics and works carried out in the subject of philosophy, as well as the thoughts of students related to a particular topic are shown. In general, in the course of writing the article, we tried to get answers to the questions of what role the subject of philosophy plays for medical students, whether it has its advantages in everyday personal and professional life, whether it has its pros and cons.

60-62 229

The article deals with the results of a survey of students in the discipline «Modern History of Kazakhstan», which was held regularly at the end of each semester in order to find out the satisfaction of students with the methods of teaching the discipline. The feedback questionnaire itself, proposed to colleagues in the department by the author of the article, is given, as well as the answers of students to the questions of this questionnaire are given and analyzed.

63-67 240

The article is devoted to the history of the formation of the Kazakh intelligentsia, headed by Bukeikhanov Alikhan Nurmukhamedovich, the process of formation of the public health system.
The author introduces the works of the Kazakh intelligensia, their thoughts and views and conducts an analysis reflecting the historical significance and relevance of the topic.

68-71 287

The article presents the experience of the Department of Morphology and Physiology (block histology) of the Karaganda Medical University in working in a remote format of the educational process during the development of the COVID-19 pandemic. The features of the lecture course, the use of various platforms for conducting practical classes, the methodological support of distance education, and the features of feedback from students were discussed. The positive and negative aspects of distance learning from the point of view of teachers are discussed.

72-74 241

The article discusses one of the effective forms of learning technologies - problem-situational learning using case studies - Case study. The advantages of this method are noted, recommendations for the development of case tasks are given. An example of the use of Case study in the study of the discipline Quality Control of medicines, as well as examples of cases, is given.

75-77 352

The article discusses the importance of using interactive teaching methods in teaching in medical schools. The article reflects the experience of applying the elements of problem-based learning at the Department of Morphology and Physiology of the Medical University of Karaganda. The authors focus on the need to apply elements of problem-based learning, which will allow students to find the limit of their understanding, build problematic questions, search for answers to problematic questions, as a result of which there is a constant updating of knowledge. Such training allows the student to achieve the expected result and understand what goal the students want to achieve.

78-81 206

In modern conditions, the training and education of competent, thinking doctors is directly related to modern teaching methods, with the use of interactive learning technologies in the educational process.
Modern teaching methods used at the Department of Surgical Diseases in the disciplines of Ophthalmology and otorhinolaryngology allow students to form core competencies, contribute to the formation of systematic thinking of a modern specialist ready for independent professional activity.

82-91 242

A modern higher school prepares a multilingual and multicultural personality using the pedagogical technology of Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL). Multilingual education is based on teaching in native and foreign languages. Languages become a means of comprehending the sphere of special knowledge, professional and socio-cultural competencies and give the individual additional chances to compete in the global market of specialists.
Objective. Practical verification of the effectiveness of using CLIL technology in the classes of specially oriented disciplines (SOD) in a foreign language at the university.
Materials and methods. Diagnostic (questionnaires, conversations with students and teachers); observational (observation, testing); cognitive-generalizing (theoretical analysis of psychological, methodological and linguomethodological literature); the process of introducing CLIL technology into the educational process.
Results and discussion. Methodological recommendations for conducting classes using CLIL technologies are given. Inference. Teachers need to be professional in the discipline they teach; have a good command of a foreign language as a means of communication in the process of conducting a lesson; know the principles of didactics.
Conclusions. Teaching of specially-oriented disciplines in a foreign language involves immersion of students in a foreign language didactic medium within which there is a gradual subject-language adaptation.


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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)