
Medicine and ecology

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No 3 (2018)


5-10 235
A literature review on current trends in the treatment of cervical cancer is presented. In locally advanced tumor process, a combined approach is applied, including radiation and chemotherapy. The literature suggests the feasibility of co-administering radiotherapy and chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced cervical cancer.
11-16 232
The incidence of colorectal cancers is constantly growing and reflects global trends. Prophylactic of pathology includes screening and non-invasive episodes of diagnosis, prognosis of neoplastic disease, stages and pathologies. A review has been provided of the diagnosis of colorectal cancer. The programs of national screening are based on techniques and evidence-based healthcare practices. The review shows recent information on serum biomarkers in screening, diagnosis, prognosis, diagnostic value of classical serum markers (CEA, CA 19-9, CA 72-4), and novel they (cyclooxygenase, k53, Fas, TIMP-1, MDR-9, IL8, IL6, TGFB1, TIMP2 and IGF2). The review told about the problems of the selection of serum markers and the limitations of their use.
17-25 193
The article discusses the positive aspects of using ferrotherapy in pregnant women with preeclampsia, as well as unexplored issues of the negative effects of iron preparations as one of the factors in the development of preeclampsia, the pathogenetic relationship between saturation of the body with iron and the development of a cascade of preeclampsia events. Most studies are devoted to the benefits of iron in pregnant women, while there are a number of pathological conditions associated with excess iron, such as the development of an infection of the urogenital system, especially in pregnant women with chronic pyelonephritis, excessive formation of free radicals in conditions of hyperoxygenation and, as a result, the formation of oxidative stress. In the present article, in the course of studying the literary data, the facts of the existence of so-called physiological anemia as a compensatory-adaptive mechanism for protecting the body of a pregnant woman, primarily from the development of preeclampsia, as well as infectious and inflammatory processes, are revealed. It is believed that anemia in pregnant women, along with other pathological conditions, is a life-threatening disease that requires an immediate response and appropriate treatment. This opinion is spread both in the CIS countries and abroad. Many authors have noted the direct connection of iron deficiency with the development of preterm labor, intrauterine growth retardation, stillbirth, gestosis and other diseases. However, the problem of iron deficiency requires consideration from all sides.


26-31 215
Evaluation of living conditions in Karaganda today is impossible without monitoring of fine dust, nitrogen oxides, sulfur and carbon, due to the high emission of solid and gaseous polluting substances in atmospheric air. Ecological-hygienic assessment of atmospheric air pollution of Karaganda for 2012, 2014-2017 was held on materials annual Information bulletins on the state of environment of Kazakhstan, bulletins «On the state of atmospheric air in the Karaganda region». An overall assessment of pollution of atmospheric air on the territory of Karaganda city was high, especially in 2015 and 2016, and corresponded to the level of «stressed». According to the analysis of pollution of atmospheric air and precipitation obtained that the thermal power plant in Karaganda and the mining industry (mines, concentrators, metallurgical production of JSC «Arcelor Mittal») are the emission into the atmosphere of significant amounts of pollutants, particulates and heavy metals. The total number of ingredients in the city atmosphere exceeds ten, many of which are first and second class of hazard. The main pollutants were sulfur dioxide, carbon oxides and nitrogen dioxide.
32-38 211
Features of working conditions for those working in energy production are impossible today without assessing occupational health risks. According to retrospective data, the most significant occupational risks were high levels EMF on Open Distribution Facility (ODF) 500 kV and 220 kV, increased noise levels, heavy and hard work.
39-41 189
The purpose of the research was studying of a condition of a vegetative homeostasis at the persons living in conditions of influence of adverse factors of the environment. Complex assessment of variability of a warm rhythm at the persons living in conditions of influence of adverse factors of the environment is carried out in Maiskiy settlement in Pavlodar region. Indicators of static, spectral analyses, a variation pulsometriya and an indicator of activity of regulatory systems are studied. By results of a research of variability of a warm rhythm, it has been established prevalence of a parasympathetic link of regulation, psychoemotional tension, expressed tension of regulatory systems. Increase in activity of sympathetic (AMo) and parasympathetic departments of the autonomic nervous system (Mo, HF) was followed by increase in the index of a stress (SI) that defined prevalence of activity of the central mechanisms of regulation over autonomous. Among the examined persons it is established: the expressed tension of vegetative regulatory systems (PARS), increase a stress index (SI), high-frequency respiratory waves (HF, ms2) and decrease in slow waves (VLF).
42-44 190
The purpose of the work is to study the influence of social and hygienic factors on the health of the population living in the zone of ecological distress. The city of Aralsk, Kyzylorda oblast, was chosen as the studied region of the ecological disaster zone. The results of the studies have shown that living conditions in an environmentally unfriendly environment affect the mental health of the population. A significant proportion of the population in the Aral Sea region did not manage to adequately adapt to the current socio-economic conditions, but it turned out that the majority of the population is optimistic about all aspects of their future life. In order to identify feelings of anxiety and anxiety depending on the habitat, the Spielberg - Khanin questionnaire was used, the use of which showed that the high level personal anxiety score was 40, the average degree was 46, and the low level reactive anxiety was 37 points.
45-49 224
The article presents data of a 3-year monitoring of the prevalence of the main behavioral risk factors for cardiovascular diseases among rural residents of the Karaganda region. The main document for monitoring cardiovascular diseases and their development are epidemiological studies organized on a systematic basis in the framework of the implementation of both state and regional prevention programs. Monitoring of risk factors leading to the development of cardiovascular diseases allows you to correctly define goals and objectives, as well as evaluate the results of preventive measures. The results of regional monitoring systems of major risks that should be integrated into a single republican database, which allows for the assessment and long-term prediction of the effectiveness of prevention programs for cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors in the Republic of Kazakhstan


57-59 222
Aim. Assess the possibility of NGAL in the urine in predicting kidney injury in children with acute intestinal infection. Materials and methods. The study involved 94 children with acute intestinal infection. The age of children up to 3 years. For the study of renal function along with clinical tests measured NGAL. Results. It was revealed that in children with acute intestinal infections the higher the degree of excoxicosis, the higher the levels of NGAL in urine in children. Conclusions. The determination of the concentration of NGAL in comparison with serum creatinine, may reveal early impairment of renal function in children.
60-64 229
Pathogenesis of the connection infection, intoxication and cancer is the interesting and actual problem for research. The aim of the study was to investigate the level of cancer biomarkers in HIV-infected patients with a background of narcotic drugs parenteral forms use and in HIV-infected patients without aggravating background. The authors analyzed the serum from 30 HIV-positive injecting drug users, 30 HIV-positive patients without drug addiction. The control group consisted of 30 healthy people, negative in screening for HIV-infection, and the comparison group consisted of 23 patients with drug dependence. The authors used xMap method on Bioplex 3D with set Cancer Biomarcers panel: sHER/2, sEGFR, sIL-6Ra, FGF, sVEGFR-2, PECAM1, PDGF AB/BB, G-SCF, sTIE2, SCF, sVEGFR -1, osteopantin. The authors of the article revealed the increased levels of sHER/2, sEGRf, sIL-6RA, sVEGfr2, PECAM1, sTIE2 in all HIV-infected patients. SCF and FGF markers were increased only in injecting drug users (HIV+/HIV-). The drug addicts with HIV had the increased level of inflammatory markers sIL-6RA, PECAM 1, osteopantin and the level of HER-2. Thus, the study of carcinogenesis biomarkers has its own peculiarities in HIV-positive patients, including with complications of drug addiction.
65-68 230
The article describes the experience of conducting anesthesia with laparoscopic cholecystectomy in the conditions of the Medical Center of KSMU from January 2017 to the present. The optimal choice of anesthesia components used by the anesthesiologist during this operation is described, which ensures the stability of the condition and the safety of the patients' health during the perioperative period. The author of the article concludes that combined multicomponent anesthesia using propofol and fentanyl for induction into anesthesia; isoflurane, fentanyl and esmerone as components of primary anesthesia; Ketorolac for proactive analgesia provides rapid re-adaptation of patients in the post-anesthesia period and can be successfully used in outpatient practice for laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Carrying out laparoscopic cholecystectomy on an outpatient basis requires careful selection of patients for surgery, mandatory prevention and treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting syndrome, and pain syndrome.
69-71 198
The aim of the study was to study the system of platelet and coagulation hemostasis in patients with diabetes mellitus in association with coronary heart disease. In diabetes mellitus type 2, associated with coronary heart disease, a high degree of thrombosis and the risk of developing complications of the disease have been identified. The interrelation of changes in vascular platelet and coagulation hemostasis with the degree of carbohydrate metabolism decompensation was revealed.


72-75 179
It is known that the most important factor in the health and quality of life of the working population are the conditions and nature of work. According to the International Labor Organization, one person or 5,000 a day dies every 15 seconds as a result of industrial accidents and occupational diseases in the world. Every year, almost 200 million accidents are registered at work, of which 350 thousand are fatal, therefore the right to decent working conditions is considered today as a basic human right. Thus, the relevance of the presented research is determined by the low quality indicators of the health of the working population as a whole, including life expectancy and mortality at working age, the inability to use the indicators of occupational morbidity and industrial injuries as the only criteria of occupational health risk for the working population real resources and mechanisms that can be used to improve sheniya health of the working population.


76-79 204
The article highlights modern teaching methods based on the example of self-study under the teacher's guidance using technology of research-based learning (RBL) for senior students of KSMU. Authors note that active teaching methods in classes with senior students of the medical university awakens interest in scientific research with evidence base, stimulates skills in working with scientific literature, promotes development of critical thinking.
80-90 301
The article describes the experience of introducing elements of research based learning in the educational process at the department of physiology. The research based learning in the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 academic years covered 100% of the 2nd year students of the specialty «General medicine». Research based learning instills the skills of independent work, helps to improve student performance, motivates students to research activities.

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)