
Medicine and ecology

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No 2 (2020)


8-14 210
The objective of the article was to introduce the problem of thyroid pathology, which remains relevant due to the high prevalence. Pathology of the thyroid gland is manifested by dysfunction (hypo-, hyper-, euthyroid) of thyroid hormones, in which there are marked changes in the metabolism of the basal metabolism, dysfunction of the oxidative state of the organism.
15-20 217
A literature review on the epidemiology of colorectal cancer was conducted In the presented article. The trends of colorectal cancer morbidity and mortality, the dependence of morbidity and mortality on ethnicity, age, and place of residence of the patient are presented. An increase in the incidence of colorectal cancer and a tendency to a decrease in mortality from it in the world and Kazakhstan are shown.
21-33 216
Preeclampsia is a dangerous hypertensive disorder that occurs during pregnancy, leading to maternal and perinatal mortality. Currently, there are many methods for predicting the development of preeclampsia in the early stages of gestation, which allows to determine the tactics of pregnancy management, the need for preventive measures. One of the most sensitive and specific markers of predicting preeclampsia are maternal serum factors, including PAP-A, PIGF, sFlt-1, sFlt-1/PIGF ratio. Many studies confirmed a high diagnostic value, especially when you are complex definition. In recent years, also investigated the informative definition of polymorphism of some genes, including ADD1, AGT, AGTR, AGTR2, CYP11B2, GNB3, NOS3. This review examines the latest data on these preeclampsia markers


34-40 213
Preterm birth is the most common direct cause of death in newborns. The aim of the study was to analyze the survival of premature babies in the Karaganda region over a 10-year period of transition of the criteria for live birth by WHO. The analysis shows the available reserves, which can contribute to further improvement of the main indicators characterizing the quality of medical services in the childhood and obstetric system The article presents a clinical case of successful nursing of a newborn with extremely low body weight.
41-45 245
A comprehensive assessment of working conditions and the development of a professional risk management system in order to prevent adverse effects on the health of the working population of the Republic of Kazakhstan are the purpose of the work. Workers of mining industry of Central Kazakhstan of «Kazakhmys» corporation were the object of research. The working conditions and health of workers were the subject of research. In the main workshops and areas, the indicators of physical factors did not meet the standards showed the results of hygienic studies. Dust concentration at workplaces exceeded maximum permissible concentrations from 1.2 to 4.5 times, lead content exceeded 2.2 times. Unfavourable working conditions, heavy physical work, violation of the labour and rest regime, incomplete coverage and poor quality of preventive medical examinations, elimination of medical units and preventive facilities, sharp reduction of sanitary and resort services.
46-51 221
Objective: of the work was to study the structure and the specific gravity of concomitant pathology in patients with occupational diseases to understand future risks in the prognosis of a disease. Materials and methods: a retrospective analysis of medical documents of 488 patients with occupational pathology with concomitant diseases was carried out, of which 174 patients of a therapeutic profile and 314 patients of a neurological profile. Results and discussions: co-morbidity among patients with occupational pathology occurs in 100% of the examined. The most common concomitant pathology in patients of a therapeutic profile was arterial hypertension - 38% of cases observed in dust diseases of lungs. Among patients with a neurological profile, as well as patients with a therapeutic profile, the most common of the concomitant diseases was arterial hypertension - 38% of cases observed with vibrational disease, chronic radiculopathy, and sensorinerual diminished hearing. The proportion of a combination of two or more concomitant diseases was 27% in therapeutic patients and 28% in patients with a neurological profile. The structure of concomitant nosologies in patients may indicate a probable unfavorable prognosis of the disease, a decrease in the quality of life, limitation of the treatment and rehabilitation process due to the possible interaction of diseases, age, and drug pathomorphism, which requires further research.


52-56 241
We surveyed 98 children with viral hepatitis A, aged from 2 to 18 years inclusive, according to the evaluation of the study of the clinical efficacy and safety of the drug Enterosgel. The studies were conducted in 2018 on the basis of the Regional Infectious Diseases Hospital in the town Karaganda. Studies have shown the use of the drug «enterosgel» revealed its high efficacy, which led to a decrease in toxicity, jaundice duration, a decrease in ALAT activity and a reduction in hospital days.
57-66 194
Perforation of the stomach in newborns is a very rare, life-threatening surgical disease. The aim of the study was to study the incidence, risk factors, and outcomes of newborns with perforations of the stomach. The paper presents the results of treatment of 13 newborns with perforation of the stomach, without signs of intestinal damage, who were in the surgery and resuscitation department of the «Regional Children's Clinical Hospital» in Karaganda over the past 10 years. In patients with gastric perforation, the outcome of the disease was directly dependent on the time of diagnosis, timely surgical treatment of newborns at the place of birth, and the prognosis was determined mainly by the preoperative condition of the child and associated diseases.Over the past 5 years, outcomes have improved significantly, mortality has decreased from 90% to 50%, mainly due to increased survival of full-term newborns.
67-71 211
Despite the existing screening programs for colorectal cancer, new markers are still being developed, including serum biomarker panels for early diagnosis, and in patients with a verified disease, panels for assessing the prognosis and probability of metastasis. Biomarker research has remained in demand in the field of Oncology for decades, but the number of recommended, clinically significant serum markers has not increased. Objective - to study the role of serum biomarkers of colorectal adenocarcinomas of different degrees of differentiation in patients of the Kazakh population. For the study, it was used an immunofluorescence method through XMap technology, which included simultaneous determination of AFP, CA 125, CA 15-3, CA 19-9, CEA, CYFRA 21-1, HE4, and osteopontin. As a result, AFP, CA 125, and CA15-3 did not show differences related to tumor tissue differentiation.The CEA in our study confirmed dependence on the degree of differentiation, but did not respond in the case of highly differentiated adenocarcinoma.The level of CA 19-9 was higher only in the groups of moderate and low-grade adenocarcinomas. Consideration of all confounding factors will allow us to better understand the biology of cancer biomarkers and improve their interpretation and indications for use.
72-77 192
The advantages of mini-invasive adhesiolysis are obvious : less traumatic access, due to the absence of a large, in fact, through, wound of the abdominal wall, and the inevitable extensive contact with the pariental and visceral leaves of the peritoneum, which occurs when they are palpated.As a result, there is a much smaller number of adhesions than after laparotomy.The undoubted advantages include early recovery of bowel function (within 1 day after surgery), early rehabilitation of patients and reducing the duration of their stay in the hospital. A less pronounced pain syndrome after laparoscopic surgery makes it possible to activate patients earlier, which, in turn, contributes to the prevention of pulmonary complications(pneumonia, hypoventilation, discovision atelectasis, etc. ). After minimally invasive operations, the frequency of suppuration of the postoperative wound, eventration, and complications such as ligature fistulas, postoperative hernia, and others characteristic of laparotomy are reduced. However, despite the obvious advantages of using endovideosurgery, some surgical hospitals do not welcome the use of the laparoscopic method. The effectiveness of laparoscopy depends on the stage of intestinal obstruction, the severity of the adhesive process in the abdominal cavity after previously undergone surgery, and the severity of concomitant diseases.


78-81 207
It has long been known that essential oils have antibacterial, antiseptic and antiviral properties. Natural essential oils promotes air disinfection and prevents the spread of respiratory infections. Objective: to develop of a database of ethereal oil plants and essential oils of Kazakhstan. Materials and methods: the database of the essential oil plants and essential oils growing in Kazakhstan has been developed by tools for creating the database of the Microsoft Access program. Results and discussions: according to the results, the created computer database contains a list of essential oils, which consists of several types. All fields of the table are displayed in the main form of the database, which provides the ability to quickly enter and edit data, and also provides their output in a user-friendly view. Conclusion: the created database allows you to easily navigate the huge variety of the proposed types of essential oils. Also, the database has the ability to constantly update and add new information for all forms.


82-84 158
In this article are represented results of using interactive software «3D Pathology» (Somnium, Republic of Kazakhstan) in the teaching of the 3rd course students on specialty «General medicine» on the discipline POS 3205 -Pathology of organs and systems at the Department of Pathology of NCJSC « Karaganda medical university». The «3D Pathology» software in the educational process allows effectively organize the training time, reducea time to search sources of visualization of theoretical material, realistically represents models of pathological processes, build students' competencies, reliably evaluate knowledge, complement various teaching methods, and reduces contact psychological burden on a student as well and on a teacher.
85-88 186
The article discusses the experience of using visual teaching methods (in particular, photo and video materials) when considering environmental issues in the study of the discipline «Modern history of Kazakhstan» in a medical university. Examples of assignments on environmental issues that are offered to students in various types of classes are given: lectures, practical classes and independent work of students with a teacher. Conclusions are made about the importance of applying visual, active teaching methods when considering environmental issues.
89-94 188
The paper reveals the features of students of the Higher Medical School, their modern perception of information as representatives of a new digital generation. The importance of using distance learning technology in the university's educational process as an additional way of mastering the information is substantiated. The prevalence of students' visual perception of information is confirmed. The electronic platform Moodle, with an online course developed by our teachers, is characterized by reliability and ease of use. The experience of the use of distance learning technologies is analyzed at the Department of Oncology of the Medical University of Karaganda. The existing difficulties of using distance learning technologies in higher education are detailed.


95-103 239
This article presents the results of a literature review of both domestic and foreign sources with a depth of 10 years. The main positive and negative aspects of satisfaction with the professional activities of nurses, as well as factors of their motivation to work. There is considerable dissatisfaction with the profession of nursing staff. It is due to insufficient (according to the respondents) level of remuneration (as well as the degree of «transparency» of incentive payments), not always respectful relationships with doctors, the lack in all cases of opportunities for self-realization in the profession, professional and career growth. This determines the intention of some respondents to change professions, which exacerbates the potentially existing problem of shortage of middle-level personnel. To solve the identified problems, a targeted personnel policy is necessary, including the development of mentoring for young professionals, continuous improvement of job descriptions, the development of transparency and information openness, measures to form team cohesion.
104-110 211
The results of a survey are presented, the purpose of which is to determine the commitment of nursing professionals to ensure a safe hospital environment. 219 respondents took part in the survey. The age of the participants ranged from 18 to 59 years, with an average value of 36.1±11.9 years. Responsibility for ensuring a safe environment is given to respondents to a greater extent by nursing staff. It should also be noted that 88.1% of respondents consider continuous professional development in the field of patient safety to be mandatory. Medical organizations should pay attention not only to patient safety, but also to improving the safety of medical personnel


111-115 236
The authors of the article cite their own clinical observation of a rare pathology - spontaneous rupture of the kidney. Based on a comprehensive examination, the authors were able to establish a diagnosis of spontaneous kidney rupture and choose a rational treatment tactic. The authors conclude that for the correct and timely diagnosis of spontaneous rupture of a kidney or disease that caused it, the use of modern research methods is required. First of all, screening methods are prescribed - ultrasound diagnostics, which allows you to quickly and with confidence make a diagnosis of spontaneous rupture of the kidney and conduct rational treatment tactics. Using magnetic resonance imaging, you can determine the age of hemorrhage, identify areas of fresh hemorrhage against the background of bleeding into the perinephral tissue, which can determine the indications for emergency surgery.

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)