
Medicine and ecology

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No 1 (2022)
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5-16 346

The purpose of our work was to analyze and summarize the literature data on the types of etiological factors, prevalence, diagnostic criteria and methods of therapy of polyneuropathies. To do this, we analyzed systematic reviews, clinical, randomized studies of scientific medical databases: PubMed, Cochrane, reviews of medical journals over the past 10 years. There were data on a more frequent occurrence of polyneuropathy among males, as well as an increase in the risk of developing peripheral polyneuropathy with age. The most common endocrinological disease that causes polyneuropathy is diabetes mellitus, while the presence of metabolic syndrome, metformin intake worsens its course. Other causes of the development of polyneuropathy are systemic connective tissue diseases (such as systemic lupus erythematosus, vasculitis, Sjogren’s disease, rheumatoid arthritis, Behcet’s disease), CKD, COPD, deficiency of the internal factor Castle, which occurs with gastritis, subtotal gastric resection, celiac disease, inflammatory bowel diseases, betathalassemia, myeloma, lymphoblastic leukemia. We have not found reliable data indicating a link between cardiovascular pathology and the development of polyneuropathy, but the fact that they worsen their prognosis remains indisputable. Among infectious diseases, hepatitis C virus, coronavirus infection are the most aggressive against the peripheral nervous system, followed by Campylobacter jejuni, influenza A and B virus, hepatitis A, B virus, etc. Drug-induced polyneuropathy can be caused by platinum preparations, anti-tuberculosis drugs. In addition, hereditary peripheral neuropathies should be distinguished, the frequency of occurrence of which is 1:2500. Alcohol abuse causes polyneuropathy in 90% of cases, while there is a correlation between the duration of alcohol abuse and the development of polyneuropathy.
The prevalence of polyneuropathies has not been studied enough, but there is evidence that this disease is very common among residents of Malaysia, Albania, Ecuador, Spain, India, Italy, USA, Finland, Australia, Germany.
To diagnose polyneuropathy, it is mandatory to conduct a thorough neurological examination (the most sensitive sign is a violation of the reflexes of the ankle joint), electrophysiological data (sural amplitudes SNAP (sensory nerve action potential) and peroneal CMAP (com pound muscle action potential) are considered the most sensitive and reliable for detecting distal symmetrical polyneuropathy), blood serum and cerebrospinal fluid studies.
The tactics of treatment of polyneuropathy depends on the etiological factor and includes non-drug and drug therapies.


17-20 235

The article presents the results of a study to assess the impact of socio-economic factors on life expectancy. Demographic and socio-economic indicators were considered as determinants: fertility, mortality, infant mortality, natural increase, provision of hospitals and hospital beds, employment, average monthly salary and GDP per capita. The study is based on statistical data for the period from 2011 to 2019. Analysis of our work shows that in order to increase life expectancy, it is necessary to further improve the healthcare system, develop state policies aimed at improving the health of the population.

21-24 195

The article deals with the problem of proper nutrition among young people, as well as the assessment of the state of health associated with the food preferences of students of Technical and Vocational Education. A survey and taking physiological parameters (Body Mass Indicator, Heart Rate and Blood Pressure) showed the presence of health problems associated with the constant use of fast food.

25-29 260

The article discusses the features of occupational stress of medical workers during the COVID-19 pandemic. The conducted review showed that the COVID-19 pandemic, having many negative consequences for society, not only negatively affected the physical, mental health and stability of the population, but also led to the development of professional stress of a new format, turning the state of chronic stress into a unique test for all medical professionals, and measures to prevent it were also considered.

30-33 531

Diabetes mellitus is a heterogeneous group of metabolic (metabolic) diseases characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, which is the result of impaired insulin secretion, the action of insulin or both of these factors. Ie, the body is unable to utilize glucose (the main source of energy), an increase in the concentration of glucose in the blood leads to damage to blood vessels, as well as other organs.
Diabetes statistics show the scale of a steadily growing disease that has turned into a non-infectious pandemic of the XXI century. According to WHO statistics, about 6% of the world’s population suffers from diabetes mellitus (DM), according to calculations, by 2030 diabetes mellitus will become the 7th cause of death, these indicators are relevant for the Republic of Kazakhstan.

34-38 247

The article studied the features of the course of lung cancer in patients who were hospitalized for the period 2011- 2021. It has been established that men are affected by lung cancer 3.5 times more often than women, people over 50 living in the city are more sick. Peripheral stage III cancer is more common among patients, which is detected by fluorography, 51% of metastases are observed in the middle lymph nodes, the main risk factors were smoking and chronic diseases of the respiratory system 44.88% and 33.31%, respectively. Chronic respiratory diseases were the most commonly reported chronic acute respiratory viral infections and chronic bronchitis in 11.22% and 10.24% respectively. The main types of treatment for patients were chemotherapy (48%) and surgery (43%). The minimum number of patients’ stay in the hospital was 1 bed-days, the maximum number was 51 days. On average, patients were hospitalized for 7-9 days.


39-44 315

The relevance of the problem of kidney damage in children with obesity, diabetes mellitus , metabolic syndrome is due to the increased frequency of nephropathy associated with metabolic disorders, the tendency to their progressive course and the need to optimize early diagnosis. The purpose of the study was to determine the clinic of kidney damage in children with endocrine pathologies.
In the complex medical information system DamuMed, an analysis of primary medical documentation and a clinicalparaclinical examination of children suffering from endocrine pathologies were carried out: type 1 diabetes, obesity, the period 2018-2021 from 3 to 17 years. Patients were divided into the following groups: children without signs of kidney damage (62 children) and children with signs of kidney damage (75 children).When studying urinary system infections in children with Type 1 diabetes mellitus, bacteriuria in the main group was 32±2.47%, compared to the control group – 19±4.45%, p≤0.01 more often.
We tested 75 children aged 3 to 18 years with Type 1 diabetes for microalbuminuria. Microalbuminuria was detected in 34 children, which was 51.6%. In 93% (n = 27) of obese children, complications were detected: arterial hypertension (80%, N = 24) and dyslipidemia (27%, N = 8), which are predictors of kidney damage. The risk of developing and exacerbating kidney damage in children increases with the degree of obesity (with an increase in body mass index).

45-47 332

The article discusses the issues of the implementation of the work of nursing staff, solutions and therapeutic measures for patients with rheumatoid arthritis, provides information on the component level of relatives for the care of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.


48-56 251

The purpose of the thesis: To develop a computer model of an automated drug delivery injector for intoxication with organophosphorus compounds.
Research methods:
1. Analysis of literature sources on the effect of organophosphorus compounds on the human body.
2. Comparison of computer programs for the development of an injector model.
3. Computer simulation of the drug delivery injector and its mechanism of action.
4. Forecasting the cost of the developed injector.
1. A literary review of the action of organophosphorus compounds and an analysis of the available concepts of the injector are carried out.
2. To solve the task, the 3Ds MAX computer program has proven itself positively.
3. A computer model and mechanism of operation of an automated drug delivery injector for intoxication with organophosphorus compounds have been developed.
4. Economic calculations of the cost of manufacturing the developed injector have been carried out.
Conclusion: the developed model of an automated injector will allow medical workers to administer drugs in a timely manner to prevent further development of the patient’s pathological condition.
Findings: the creation of an operating model of an automated injector based on the developed computer model implies the need to find a source of its financing.


57-60 516

This study examined the role of nursing care in the monitoring and rehabilitation of patients with cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in the context of reforming a new model of nursing healthcare.The impact of the nursing process on patients’ awareness of their condition.

61-65 228

The article discusses the reasons for the dismissal of nurses of the Institute of Forensic Expertise, a study was carried out to identify the factors of influence contributing to high staff turnover, the role of a nurse in the forensic medical service, taking into account the specific working conditions, is outlined. The modern aspects of the training of nurses of the Institute of Forensic Expertise have been studied. A proposal was made to create a program for the training of nurses and recommendations were given taking into account the specifics of the work.


66-72 437

The article discusses various factors that influence the academic performance of students of the MUC. The students’ need for education is determined by their level of academic performance, which depends on many factors of the sociopsychological order. On the basis of a logical and abstract analysis of educational activity, the indicators selected by students that affect the student’s academic performance; a correlation and regression model is constructed. This paper presents the results of a survey aimed at studying external and internal factors affecting the quality of education, as well as their analysis and conclusion. 90 students from different faculties took part in the intelligence study.

73-77 218

Introduction. E-learning is an integral part of the educational process, since by its nature it is very dynamic and rich in advanced possibilities for optimizing the educational process.
The purpose of this study was to study students’ satisfaction with electronic educational resources and the intensity of their use.
Materials and methods. The study was conducted at the Department of Pathology of the Non-profit Joint-Stock Company “Medical University of Karaganda” by anonymous questionnaire. 52 people participated in the survey, 3rd year students of the specialty “General Medicine”.
Results and discussion. The study showed that students are aware of the available electronic resources of the university, actively use them, technical problems of access to electronic resources have a small number of respondents.
The satisfaction of the majority of students with interactive methods and learning tools, their understanding of the role of these methods, and a positive attitude to communication services were also determined. For the most part, students positively evaluate the interactive 3D Pathology program with some rejection of the automatic assessment system and technical shortcomings of the software; there is also an increase in interest in the discipline being taught when introducing this program into the educational process, when assessing the shortcomings of using electronic resources and training systems (especially in the context of the COVID 19 pandemic with forced on-line training), almost all respondents note the need and importance of direct personal contact and meetings with the teacher for a better understanding of the material being studied and the formation of communicative skills.
Conclusions. Thus, the results of the study show that students are mostly satisfied with interactive methods and electronic learning tools, understand the role of these methods in learning, and have a positive attitude to communication services.


78-84 374

The article presents a clinical case of toxic epidermal necrosis (Lyell’s syndrome) that occurred in a child with a diagnosis of lacunar tonsillitis, toxic-allergic rash, after treatment with zitmak and paracetamol. This clinical observation caused diagnostic difficulties in the initial period of the disease, diagnostic search (scarlet fever, yersiniosis). Subsequently, it manifested itself as a severe variant of toxic epidermolysis, with progressive severe systemic disorders and had an unfavorable outcome.

85-86 1046

Agenesis of the gallbladder – the complete absence of a gallbladder, is a very rare anomaly. The low occurrence of agenesis of the gallbladder is confirmed by pathoanatomic studies, the frequency, according to autopsy data, is 0.03- 0.09%. Gallbladder agenesis manifests itself in different ways: in 50% of patients, symptoms mimic biliary colic, and in 35% they are detected accidentally during surgery or autopsy, and another 15% may have fatal fetal abnormalities. It was noted that in most cases agenesis was combined with other malformations of the biliary tract; in women, the anomaly occurs 2 times more often. A rare clinical case of gallbladder agenesis diagnosed during surgery from our practice is presented.

87-94 331

This article discusses a clinical case of a difficult diagnosis of renal abscess in type 1 diabetes mellitus with acute kidney injury. Difficulties in diagnosis were due to the absence of typical echographic signs of an abscess, the presence of acute kidney injury, which limited computer diagnostics with contrasting, a decrease in clinical and laboratory indicators of the inflammatory process activity in the kidney against the background of antibiotic therapy, which delayed a quick diagnosis.
The development of acute kidney damage was facilitated by the deterioration of the glomerular apparatus function of kidney, due to the presence of a purulent focus in the parenchyma, diabetic nephropathy, and a sharp decompensation of diabetes mellitus with an increase in sensitivity of renal parenchyma to damaging factors. The conclusion was made about the need for a thorough examination of patients with diabetes mellitus with urinary tract infection and an active search for a suppurative process in the kidney in the presence of prolonged subfebrile condition.

95-97 267

Ovarian cystoma is a benign tumor that develops from epithelial tissues and has proliferative growth. With a significant size, it can compress neighboring organs and even grow into them and destroy them. According to statistics, pathology is typical for women mainly between the ages of 30 and 60 years. The treatment of cystoma is exclusively surgical, which is associated with the need to remove the tumor due to the risk of malignancy (malignancy). The article presents a clinical case demonstrating the development of possible complications in unverified ovarian cystomas.

98-101 227

Among the large range of diseases requiring the involvement of a pediatric cardiologist, the main place is occupied by congenital heart pathology. The high prevalence of congenital heart defects (CHD) among all malformations, complex pathogenetic links in the formation of pulmonary hypertension (PH) are an important task for specialists in pediatric cardiology. A description of a clinical case that demonstrates the features of the development of LH in a boy with complex CHD is presented. The article presents anamnesis, dynamics of clinical symptoms of the disease, echocardiographic (EchoCG) indicators and computed tomography indicators, shows the effectiveness of postoperative intervention, positive clinical, EchoCG dynamics. The case shows the need to strengthen continuity between specialists in cardiology, cardiac surgery, pediatric and other profiles for timely diagnosis, correction, and effective dispensary monitoring of children with CHD.

102-107 295

Protein C deficiency is a rare but life-threatening bleeding disorder that may present in the nearest neonatal period. This article presents the case of a newborn girl with acute and progressive neonatal fulminant purpura, thrombosis, DICsyndrome, intracranial hemorrhage, which developed within 4 days after birth as a manifestation of protein С deficiency. Protein С activity was below 5%. Treatment includes correction of coagulopathy, intensive wound care including negative pressure dressings and skin grafting, and supportive care for central nervous system problems. Long-term follow-up consists of lifelong anticoagulant therapy to avoid recurrence of these complications.

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)