
Medicine and ecology

Advanced search
No 2 (2021)


6-18 351

The article provides an overview of modern preventive screening examinations intended for a wide range of people for a more holistic understanding of their use in the practice of a primary care physician. At the moment, screening research programs offered by the National Health Services of various countries including Kazakhstan are available to the population. Timely and regular conduct of this type of examination allows citizens to detect the disease at an early stage, before the onset of symptoms; start treatment, maintain and increase life expectancy. In the process of developing of screening, a scientific and evidence-based approach is used: the severity of the detected disease is analyzed in terms of mortality and disability, sensitivity, specificity, cost, simplicity, safety, acceptability of the test for the doctor and the patient, and the cost-effectiveness of the prevention and treatment of the disease as a whole for the health system are all taken into account. A general practitioner should be able not only to correctly inform the population about the principles and timing of screening tests, but also to confidently manage the results of the examination and conduct interventions in time.

19-32 848

Currently, cerebral palsy remains practically incurable; however, rehabilitation and treatment of patients can improve their condition and quality of life. The current treatment protocol of cerebral palsy does not reflect the recommendations of the most modern studies; the proposed therapies have a low level of evidence base (level C). The aim of the study was to evaluate and study the most effective methods of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy. Methods: this literature review searches performed using PubMed, Cochrain Library and Google Scholar databases. Inclusion criteria were published studies on therapy and rehabilitation for children 0-16 years old with cerebral palsy or at risk of cerebral palsy. Type of studies: systematic reviews, RCTs and meta-analyzes; studies that have a conclusion on the system of classification, assessment, development and examination of GRADE recommendations. The keywords cerebral palsy, rehabilitation and treatment were used. Results: 7 506 results were found, of which only 12 matched our search strategy. Having studied the available literature on the therapy and rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy and comparing the results of studies using the GRADE system, we divided the studied methods of treatment into 3 groups according to the level of effectiveness: low, medium and high. According to the GRADE system, each article was awarded points from 1 to 4, where 1 point means very low effectiveness of the intervention, 2 points mean low, 3 points - average and 4 points - high effectiveness. Conclusions, it was recommended using therapies with a high level of evidence of effectiveness, to use complex therapy for cerebral palsy, since none of the types of interventions has shown greater efficiency than the use of an integrated approach to the treatment of cerebral palsy. Each patient should be assigned an individual treatment and rehabilitation plan, taking into account the form of cerebral palsy, the stage of the disease, the presence of complications, age and the presence of a response to the interventions.


33-39 221
Purpose of the study: analysis of infant mortality rates in the Karaganda region for 2020 in comparison with 2019 and average republican data. We analyzed the Babis matrix, which contains information on stillborn and dead children under the age of 1 year (including those born at a gestational age of 22 weeks or more) in the Karaganda region and in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2019-2020. The analysis of the conducted studies showed that infant mortality in both the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Karaganda region, after a dynamic decline in recent years, increased in 2019, with further stabilization of this indicator in 2020, while the indicator for the Karaganda region exceeds the national average data
40-48 220

Purpose: to analyze the suicidal activity of the population, changes in the prevalence of suicide methods, to analyze the dynamics, structure and social characteristics of suicides in the Karaganda region. Materials and methods: analysis of mortality rates due to suicide in the Karaganda region. Results and discussion: Monitoring data made it possible to identify the dynamics of a decrease in suicide rates in the period from 2016 to 2020. There were significant differences in the frequency, tendencies and methods of suicide. Typical differences were established between men and women (prevalence of attempts among women and completed suicide among men). Suicide patterns indicate that men use more aggressive methods of self-harm. An increase in suicides was noted among men of working age. The number of suicides due to gunshot injuries, poisoning, jumping from a height and drowning has decreased, but the number of cases of hanging of both men and women has increased. Conclusion: the suicidal behavior of the population living in this territory changes depending on changes in internal and external factors acting on a regional scale. Effective measures to reduce the level of suicides in the Karaganda region require the introduction of special preventive programs covering different age groups of the population. Findings: the number of suicides in the territory of the Karaganda region is generally decreasing. The determining factors when choosing a method of suicide for a man and a woman are the availability, popularity and social acceptability of the method. Consideration should be given to preventive measures to limit the availability of lethal methods of suicide.

49-52 290
The presented article considers the medical and social analysis of the state of health of students of the Nonprofit Joint-stock Company «Karaganda medical university», provides the main recommendations for students. The article reflects the results of the analysis of the main risk factors among students based on their medical activity, daily nutrition, the structure of a healthy lifestyle.
53-55 266

Iron deficiency anemia (IDA) - anemia that develops due to a lack of iron in the blood serum, bone marrow, depot. One of the most pressing problems associated with the frequent spread in the population and the flow in a latent form. The article uses domestic and foreign literature data, presents the results of our own research on the prevalence of risk factors and symptoms of iron deficiency anemia in residents of Semey. Purpose, to study the prevalence of risk factors and clinical manifestations of iron deficiency anemia among residents of Semey.

56-60 300
The article presents the results of the analysis of Fluor-detained for 2018-2019-2020. During this period, there is a slight increase in fluorinated individuals with the marker «residual lung changes», «focal shadows and lung cancer», and a slight decrease with the marker «other lung diseases». «FG detained persons» among high-risk groups had a significant increase in persons with residual changes in the lungs, diabetes mellitus, over 65 years of age and who were not included in the fluorography plan.


61-67 216
We aimed to study bacterial structure and antibiotic susceptibility of main pathogens of outpatients' respiretory tract. Materials and methods, a prospective microbiological study of bacterial landscape and antibiotic susceptibility of strains isolated from 202 outpatients' respiratory tract based on Microbiology Laboratory of National Scientific Medical Research Center during September 2019 to October 2020. Identification of isolates were performed by Vitek-2 automated system. Results and discussion: during study period, 245 clinical samples were included, 282 strains were isolated; of them and the most frequently isolated microorganisms from throat swabs and sputum was Streptococcus mitis (51.7% and 33.6%), from nasal and ear swabs - Staphylococcus aureus (32.5% and 31.3% respectively). Conclusion, based on our results the most frequently pathogens of outpatients' respiratory tract were St mitis with high level of susceptibility to ceftriaxone (100%), co-trimoxazole (87.7%) and S. aureus with susceptibility to gentamicin and levofloxacin (100%) and co-trimoxazole (96.2%).
68-74 194
The article analyzes the results of combined treatment of 366 patients with cancer of the middle thoracic and lower thoracic esophagus. Patients with T3N0M0 (59.6%) and T4aN0M0, T3N1M0 (16.9%) prevailed among the patients. Regional metastases were detected in 25.7% of cases. Taking into account the extent of the process, the following were performed: surgical treatment (45.4%), radical radiation therapy (41.5%), combined treatment (13.1%). Analysis of long-term results showed that overall survival, depending on the method of treatment, was 26.5% with surgical treatment, and 17.6% with combined treatment. Multivariate analysis of long-term results was high enough for surgical treatment (p <0.05).
75-79 233
In recent years, as part of the pandemics of chronic diseases, the world community has faced a serious medical and socio-economic problem in the form of diabetes mellitus and its direct impact on the deterioration of kidney function. This condition not only reduces the quality of patients' life, but also leads to their disability. In this paper, the socio-medical risk factors that lead to the development of diabetic nephropathy and the frequency of its occurrence in patients with diabetes mellitus, as well as cause-and-effect relationships between the development of diabetic nephropathy in patients with and without various accompanying pathologies were considered.
80-84 226
Among the cancer diagnoses that men make, the most common is prostate cancer. Although it often has a latent course, prostate cancer remains the third leading cause of cancer death in men. The main risk factors are age and family predisposition. The diagnosis is confirmed by prostate biopsy in patients with abnormalities in the level of prostate-specific antigen and finger rectal examination. This article discusses the epidemiological data of prostate cancer in Semey: by age, stage, and nationality. Over the past decade, the incidence rate has increased due to the widespread use of antigen tests, often specific to the prostate, although the mortality rate from prostate cancer has remained relatively stable during this time period. Objective: to study the epidemiological indicators of prostate cancer(PC) in patients registered in the regional oncology dispensary of Semey in the period from 2015 to 2020. Materials and methods: the design of this study was horizontal and retrospective. To achieve this goal, we analyzed the official medical records of patients with prostate cancer in the regional oncology dispensary in Semey, East Kazakhstan region. To the study methods, we copied the data of all registered cases of prostate cancer for the period from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2020. We have studied the age-sex, ethnic and morphological features of prostate cancer. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using the Excel 2010 program, the data obtained was shown in the form of diagrams. Results: during the study period (2015-2020), according to the Semey Cancer and Nuclear Medical Center, 385 cases of prostate cancer were registered, including 44 cases with a fatal outcome. According to the ethnic composition, the Kazakhs in the overall average score were 75.09%, Russians-25.5%, representatives of other nationalities-19.3%. Most patients are under observation at stage 1-2. Patients with stage 3, the frequency of occurrence is on the 3rd place. Conclusion-, the increase in the level of prostate cancer over the past (2015-2020) years is observed not only in Semey, but also at the global level. The main reasons are the change in the lifestyle of men, the mass move to the city, smoking and the introduction of large-scale screening measures. PSA screening-led to multiple cancer detection in the initial 1-2 stages. The same reason should be considered as one of the main issues of reviewing measures for the treatment of prostate cancer.


85-87 202
The authors of the presented article address the problem of transcellular transport proteins used in medical practice. Passive transport-facilitated diffusion is mediated by permeating membrane proteins with specific characteristics. In the process of transmembrane transport, permeating molecules bind to an active site of the transporter on one side of the membrane. In this way a permeant-transporter complex is formed that crosses the bilayer, dissociating themselves on the other side of the membrane, with the purpose to release the molecule transported. Facilitated diffusion occurs depending on concentration transported molecule according to kinetics similar to the Michaelis-Menten relationship for enzymatic reactions with a single substrate. This implies that the rate of transport reaches a maximum value when it becomes independent of substrate concentration.


88-93 248
This article presents the issues of applying the basic principles of the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health (ICF) in rehabilitation. The role of the ICF is described in detail from the standpoint of an individual approach to rehabilitation issues, taking into account the level of functioning of rehabilitants. When introducing ICF, the focus of the specialist's attention is shifted to functioning rather than function, which is manifested by a better perception of the concepts of activity (activity and participation) and context factors (personal and environmental factors).


94-96 209
The article deals with the issues of teaching Russian syntactic constructions of condition and concession to students of Kazakh language groups. The system of exercises for the development of oral and written speech of students, stylistically justified choice of syntactic variants taking into account the situation of their use is offered. Exercises are made taking into account professional orientation and correspond to the speech topics of the program.
97-102 243
The article presents the results of a survey of students of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics on the principles of diagnostic procedures (radiation research methods) from the point of view of bioethics and deontology. The article reflects the relevance of teaching the basics and principles of medical ethics for students due to the patient's ignorance about certain types of diagnostic manipulations, the patient's susceptibility to stress factors from performing unknown and uncomfortable diagnostic procedures.
103-106 191
Distance education in medicine is becoming a reality. The article presents the results of the impact of distance learning on the quality of education in medicine based on the analysis of questionnaires of 3rd year students in the specialty «General Medicine». The author concludes that distance learning is necessary for teaching theoretical material. If the problems are solved, distance learning will become on par with traditional education in the future. And most importantly, this teaching format does not affect the quality of education; the change in the quality of education is associated with a conscious approach to teaching students.

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)