
Medicine and ecology

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No 3 (2019)


5-16 204
Pulmonary arterial hypertension in children is considered to be a complex and multifactorial disease, the survival of which depends on timely diagnosis at an early stage of the disease. Pathological changes in pulmonary arterial hypertension are characterized by endothelial hyperplasia, media hypertrophy, adventitious proliferation, obliteration of small arteries, and vasculitis, which leads to rapid death. The exact mechanisms responsible for the pathogenesis of pulmonary hypertension have not yet been elucidated, but the identified endothelial dysfunction is the main initiator of the development of pulmonary hypertension. The cause of this dysfunction is associated with disorders of the serotonergic system. The aim of the work was to study the results of scientific research in different countries of the world on the role of serotonin and its carrier in the pathogenesis of pulmonary arterial hypertension and the possibility of its use in predicting pulmonary arterial hypertension in young children. The results of the study of available scientific literature have shown that a strategy allowing the possibility of early diagnosis of this pathology in children at the present stage does not exist. The study of the role of the serotonergic system is encouraging and promising in addressing this issue.
17-24 295
The article analyzes literary sources addressing the aging process, changes in cell structure, metabolic and biochemical functions, existing aging theories regarding aging as a genetically controlled event. Factors affecting life expectancy are genetics, the environment, and the result of aging is increased susceptibility to disease, cumulative oxidative damage to biomolecules (DNA, RNA, proteins, lipids, etc.). The problem of aging is the study of genetic pathologies leading to accelerated aging, such as Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome, Werner syndrome and Down syndrome. The study of the mechanisms underlying normal and pathological aging, will allow to use in modern studies in the study of genetic pathologies leading to accelerated aging. Preventing diseases and increasing life expectancy should be for every individual a credo in life - that is, common rules in life, such as playing sports, defeating stress, eating quality foods and drinking water, preventing the emergence and development of diseases.
24-29 221
In recent years, Acinetobacter baumannii is one of the most important nosocomial pathogens all over the world . A. baumannii is known for its ability to survive in hospitals for a long period, is prone to the development of multiple antibiotic resistance, and its role in the development of serious infections in critical patients is also undeniable. The article describes the main virulence factors of A. baumannii - pili, lipopolysaccharides, outer membrane vesicles, lipases, biofilms, endotoxin, capsular polysaccharide, secretion system. The described virulence factors and the accumulated resistance mechanisms form a serious nosocomial pathogen.


30-39 219
Mortality due to respiratory diseases occupies a significant portion of the total of mortality cases, although not the leading one but takes a significant place, with an increase in the level of such cases. Purpose: analysis of medical and social losses due to respiratory diseases in the Karaganda region. Materials and methods: a retrospective analysis (2008 - 2017) of mortality rates from respiratory diseases (in particular for pneumonia and chronic pulmonary diseases) was obtained from the Karaganda branch of the Department of Statistics, including a comparison to the data of the Republic of Kazakhstan, as well as the integral indicator of loss of years from premature mortality of the able-bodied population with a calculation of the share of losses from the gross domestic product in the region. Results and conclusions: the analyzes of mortality from pneumonia in the region revealed a relatively stable trend which indicated a level thath was higher by 1.4 the average of the republican level, mortality due chronic pulmonary diseases has increased more than twofold. The precentage of mortality from respiratory diseases, pneumonia has accounted for 49.9% of the total population, 63.4% for the working-age population, and 82.8% for children under the age of one. Due to pneumonia, the urban population is significantly higher than that of the rural population, and because of chronic pulmonary diseases, the opposite situation was observed. The mortality rates from pneumonia and chronic pulmonary diseases were linearly dependent to age. The mortality of able-bodied men exceeded those of women. Medical and social losses from pneumonia accounted for 0.38% of the region's gross domestic product, and 0.21% due to chronic pulmonary diseases. Increased losses can be associated with environmental, occupational and behavioral risks.
40-44 257
The research of value judgment of health is conducted by a questioning method. 1527 pupils of schools and gymnasiums of Karaganda participated in questioning. Developed screening questionnaire includes 6 sections with questions of complaints of children from nervous, cardiovascular, digestive, urinary systems, ENT organs and allergic manifestations. Results of questioning showed that most of respondents have problems from nervous system and digestive tract. From 14 years the number of teenagers with complaints to cardiovascular and urinary systems increases. Unfortunate trends in the state of health are more expressed among girls. The obtained data deserve the closest attention of doctors and confirm priority of preventive and improving programs for strengthening of health of younger generation.
45-49 212
Aim of research: is the analysis of patterns of consumption of new psychoactive substances. Materials and methods: a cross-sectional study was conducted among 589 adult patients with experience in the consumption of new psychoactive substances. The scope of the study is drug treatment hospitals of 14 regional centers and two cities of republican significance. Research methods were sociological, clinical, psychopathological and statistical. Results and discussion: The mean age of individuals with experience in NPS consumption was 30.73 years (95% CI: 30.22; 31.3). Men constituted the absolute majority - 512 patients (90.3%). Consumption of synthetic cannabinoids prevailed - 400 cases (67.91%), 289 people (49.07%) indicated samples of synthetic cathinones. The combined intake of cathinones and cannabinoids was demonstrated by 128 people (21.73%). Catinones differed in a variety of routes of administration, including parenteral. More than half of the patients were diagnosed with new psychoactive substances dependence syndrome, including combination with opioids and cannabis. The consumption of synthetic cannabinoids, as well as the combination of several new psychoactive substances, was associated with an increased risk of developing psychotic complications. Conclusions : it is emphasized the need for a systematic assessment of patterns of new psychoactive substances consumption as a key epidemiological indicator, including among those who do not seek inpatient drug treatment.


50-53 201
Objective: to study the characteristics and effectiveness of drug sedation in patients of the intensive care unit. Materials and methods: the study used clinical and laboratory data from 100 patients who are being treated in the intensive care unit. Patient data were divided into 3 groups, depending on the type of drug sedation used. Assessment of the depth of drug sedation was carried out on the Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale (RASS) scale. Assessment of side effects of the drugs was carried out according to clinical and laboratory data. The changes in the cardiovascular system, the dynamics of ALT, AST, total bilirubin and creatinine levels were taken into account. Results and discussion: according to a behavioral study, 99 (99%) patients managed to achieve the desired result. Regardless of the drug used, in all three groups, sedation levels were on average equal. When assessing the frequency and nature of side effects from the cardiovascular system, 11 patients (11%) developed clinically significant arterial hypotension. When assessing the dynamics of laboratory parameters, no significant changes were observed. Conclusions: based on the results of the study, it was found that the use of dexmedetomidine, propofol, sodium thiopental preparations for drug sedation in patients is an important component of intensive care. Dexmedetomidine may be considered the most effective drug. Arterial hypotension can be distinguished of the clinically significant side effects of the action of sedatives.
54-61 226
The effect of the biologically active additive astaxanthin+omega-3+omega-6+iodine on the composition of the body in working patients with metabolic syndrome was studied. Against the background of taking dietary supplements for 1 month, a significant decrease in the waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressure levels was revealed. The study allows us to recommend astaxanthin+omega-3+omega-6+iodine to reduce body weight in people with metabolic syndrome.
62-69 186
Objective: to estimate the level of the biomarker of endothelial dysfunction Endocan and to study its interrelation with the risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 developing. Materials and methods: the cross-sectional trial was conducted among 389 respondents in the East Kazakhstan region, all of them were at the age from 18 to 65. The risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 developing was assessed using the FINDRISK scale. The serum level of the Endocan biomarker was determined by multiplexing investigation an immunofluorescence method using XMap technology. Results and discussion: in assessment the risk of diabetes mellitus type 2, distinguished groups of patients with a low risk of developing diabetes mellitus type 2 included 310 (80%) participants, and a high group of risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 - 79 (20%). The level of the Endocan biomarker significantly prevailed in the group with high risk of the diabetes mellitus type 2 developing in comparison with the low group of risk. A positive direct correlation (r -0.51; р=0,000) was found, statistically significant, indicated the level of the Endocan marker is increasing with an increase the risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 developing. Conclusions: the results of the research identified groups of patients with different risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 developing, detected an increased level of the Endocan biomarker in the high group of risk of diabetes mellitus type 2, and established the interrelation between the increased level of this biomarker of endothelial dysfunction Endocan and the increased risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 developing.


70-71 204
The article provides the information about the activities (the meeting of the interactive seminar «Zhangyru Zholy» devoted to the project «100 new persons of Kazakhstan», the University scientific and practical conference of young scientists «Ruhani zhangyru is the mechanism of modernization of youth scientific and social consciousness», the inter-university scientific and methodological seminar «Problems, experience and prospects in training of multilingual specialists») held by the department of foreign languages of NC JSC «Karaganda medical university» to implement the program «Ruhani Zhangyru», which raise awareness of students and teachers in the solution of pedagogical, educational and scientific problems.
72-75 304
The article shows the importance and relevance of the role of mentoring in the education of a medical specialist. The authors note the priority role of mentoring in the training of resident doctors. In modern society, the role of a mentor, transferring not only his own experience, but also traditions and the culture of the profession, in the training of young specialists, is very significant. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that in the modern field of education it is necessary to intensify the process of mentoring, which will achieve a high level of professional competence. The effective implementation of mentoring and the use of the experience of foreign countries to prepare a mobile, creative, competitive, highly qualified doctor is the key to success in the clinical work of a specialist.
76-84 186
The relevance of research: education in higher education refers to the category of mental labor with the stress of memory and attention, especially during periods of increased responsibility. Students during the test week, exam session, mid-term test points, modules significantly increase anxiety, intellectual and emotional stress. The student is required to acquire, process, critically evaluate information and apply it in practice. These skills are largely dependent on the student's intellectual level. Formation of a competitive specialist is realized through high physical and mental performance. All this determines the relevance and the need for the development of intelligence, which may be achieved by mastering the unconventional method of reading, which increases the speed of reading for second-year students of the Semey State Medical University. The aim: To study the effectiveness of the Complex program «Improving the intellectual level» B. А. Zhetpisbayev and G. A. Terlikbayeva in the development of intelligence in the process of teaching speed-reading for students of the 2nd course of Semey State Medical University. Materials and methods: the design is an experiment. There were 138 students of the 2nd course of general medicine in the experiment and 26 students of the dental faculty of Semey state medical university. To achieve this aim, the features of the traditional method of reading were analyzed and the Integrated Program «Improving the Intellectual Level» was proposed. B. A. Zhetpisbayev and G. A. Terlikbayeva (2016), consisting of 10 sections: during three months, students learned the Complex Program, conducted the questionnarie «How do you read?» for all students, before and after mastering the Integrated Program, the integral indicator of intelligence (IG), the speed of reading and the level of mechanical memory (Mm) was determined. It was conducted final MCQs in 3,5 months after full completing of Complex program about intelligence increasing: integral indicator of intelligence (IG) and reading speed was determined (V). The obtained digital data is subjected by statistical processing by Montsevichyute-Eringene's method. Results of the research: In 3 months after full development of the Integrated Program for Increasing Intellect, final testing was carried out in 15 days: the integral indicator of intelligence and the speed of reading was determined. The results of the total testing showed that the integral IG of IG among students of general medical and dental faculties increased significantly by 1.19 and 1.22 times, respectively. The reading speed increased both in the 2nd year students of the general medical and dental faculties by 3.41 and 7.5 times, respectively.
85-90 228
For two thousand years, mankind has formed, adapted various moral and ethical principles and rules in medicine. These rules were created in accordance with the development of society itself, in close connection with changes in religious, cultural, ethnic, socio-economic relations. In the current diversity of morality criteria in healing, there are four main coexisting models: - the Hippocratic model (the principle of «do no harm»), the Paracelsus model (the principle of «do good»), the deontological model (the principle of «respect for the rights and the dignity of the individual»). In modern medicine, the very principle of treatment goes beyond the limits of physical (body) health, the new model of medical ethics considers medicine in the context of human rights.


91-93 230
Presented clinical case is demonstrating the onset of pregnancy on the background of a previously undergone bariatric surgery - gastric bypass surgery performed for morbid obesity treatment. This clinical case confirms that bariatric surgery improves fertility of women of childbearing age, contributes to the onset of pregnancy. However, such interventions provoke the development of anemia, impaired digestion, the development of surgical pathology, in particular intestinal obstruction, which threatens the safe bearing of the child. Therefore, further study of the results of this issue is necessary to determine the optimal mode of pregnancy after bariatric surgery.

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)