
Medicine and ecology

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No 2 (2019)


5-11 299
During the period of study, under the influence of factors such as poor nutrition, frequent stresses, material and living conditions of life and work that do not match the standards, physical inactivity, smoking, alcohol, drug use, and psychoemotional tension, weaken the health. Most students are in a condition of pre-disease, which puts them at risk group. Therefore, pre-nosological diagnostics should occupy an important place in the practice of doctors and apply to those students whom doctors consider practically healthy, but in fact they may be in the borderline between health and illness. The ability to diagnose these conditions, prevent and eliminate is the most important task of medical science and practical health care. Since the success of rehabilitation and recovery after an illness of students depends largely on the organizational forms of work, methods of medical rehabilitation, the level and quality of specialists' training, engaged in therapeutic and preventive activities among young people. All this requires the adoption of urgent effective measures and rules to create conditions for the transition to a healthy lifestyle of each student. For the development and implementation of which the joint essential efforts of the state bodies, the joint essential efforts of all the teaching staff of the universities and the students themselves are necessary.
12-18 263
The authors reviewed both domestic and foreign literature, which fully reflects modern value orientations of medical students in Kazakhstan, presents the main priorities of modern youth, which represents a motivating factor explaining a certain direction, worldview and social activity. That is why in medical universities today is one of the main tasks - it is training future doctors socially mobile in accordance with the requirements of practical public health, taking into account the processes occurring in the field of public health.
19-24 243
Abdominal compartment syndrome is a potentially lethal condition caused by any event that produces intraabdominal hypertension. The history, pathophysiology, rational intraabdominal pressure monitoring, clinical presentation, and management of this complication is outlined in this rewiew. Estimation of intra-abdominal pressure by urinary bladder pressure measurement is as «gold standard» in IAP monitoring. Intensive care and surgical management consists of urgent decompressive laparotomy.
25-29 193
The article analyzes the current state and main trends of improving the process of foreign language training of medical students. The pros and cons of solving this issue on the basis of the use of modern case-technologies team-based learning, case-based learning in the classroom for computer science with English language teaching were justified. What is an effective way to implement information and communication competence in foreign language training.


30-35 222
The review article describes the main problems of child immunization in modern conditions. The authors conducted a review of both domestic and foreign literature, which fully reflects the statistical data on immunization of children in Kazakhstan, presents the main problems faced by medical organizations during the routine immunization of children. It is known that the prevalence of parental refusals to vaccinate children tends to grow from year to year and its indicators remain high, so the relevance of this article is beyond doubt.


36-40 181
The article presents the results of the study of the effect of intra-abdominal hypertension on the level of highly specific biomarker of gram-negative microflora translocation through the damaged intestinal wall of presepsin in patients with acute surgical pathology of the abdominal cavity. According to the study, an increase in the level of intra-abdominal pressure in patients with acute abdominal pathology leads to an increase in the level of presepsin, causing the development of a preseptic condition that ends with the development of the systemic inflammatory response syndrome, which significantly worsens the severity, course and prognosis of the underlying disease in this category of patients. Early diagnosis of this condition, therefore, early initiation of therapy is crucial in patient survival.
41-43 265
In order to evaluate the efficacy of juvenile uterine bleeding we have worked with 98 girls' illness history between 2012 to 2018. The results of the research showed that the efficacy of hormonal haemostosis in the treatment of juvenile uterine hemorrhage is high and the number of subsequent prescriptions after hormonal hemostasis is higher than that of hormonal haemostasis. Also, it has been found that surgical homoryte has not been used in the treatment of juvenile uterine bleeding. The study compared the efficacy of the symptomatic treatment of juvenile uterine bleeding and the effectiveness of hormonal treatment.
44-53 211
The purpose: introduction of low-dose techniques in digital X-ray diagnostics. Materials and methods: work carried out in the City Mariinsky hospital on 3 digital X-ray machines companies «Electron» (Russia). We use technology Digital X-ray diagnostics, modification which makes them low-doze. These were pulsed fluoroscopy with digital radiography for contrast studies of the stomach; Digital contrast barium enema for colon cancer research; digital chest X-ray with «virtual raster»; digital chest X-ray tough shooting mode. The study included 420 people. For the analysis of doses received by patients as a result of the screening of stomach and colon, were taken from 2 groups of 30 people surveyed according to the procedures developed and 2 control groups of 30 persons, in which the study was conducted by doctors-radiologists of the hospital, not performing accurately implemented the methodology, complementing her own unfounded techniques. Make digital radiography chest without raster 50 people, and digital chest X-ray by shooting rigid beams at a voltage of 120kV - 100 people. We analyzed the dose control patients (50 people), which was carried out with X-rays chest raster and digital chest X-ray (100 people) was performed at a voltage of 100kV. Computer processing X-ray images included software features automated workstation (AWS), a physician, developed by the «Elektron». Results: developed innovative methods of x-ray examination of the stomach and the large intestine was more than 2 times of a low-dose, by reducing the number of images and fluoroscopy frames. Radiography OGK without raster and by hard shooting is possible to significantly reduce the radiation dose to the patient. Conclusions: 1) continuous fluoroscopy as by high-technique, should be excluded from the practice of diagnostic studies. The rate pulsed fluoroscopy is selected depending on the purpose of the study; 2) the proposed innovative methods CR study of the stomach and colon, allowing patients to reduce the dose of 2.5 and 4 times, respectively; 3) digital Radiography chest raster without patient exposure is reduced by 3.5 times; 4) in order to reduce patient dose digital chest X-ray screening recommended tough shooting mode; 5) in order to reduce the number of repeat shots and improve the accuracy of the digital radiography is necessary to use the entire arsenal of digital post-processing provided in AWS radiologist.


54-56 202
The purpose of the article is to select new forms and teaching methods that will give the necessary knowledge, as well as help the student to continually grow professionally and self-educate, these new forms of organization of the educational process should eliminate existing shortcomings of traditional education. From this point of view, the training of highly qualified specialists depends on the continuity of education and a balanced combination of fundamental and vocational education.
57-59 231
The article is devoted to the organization of training by means of distance educational technologies in the university. Distance learning provides a flexible combination of independent cognitive activity of student with various sources of information, prompt and systematic interaction with teachers.


60-67 225
Guidelines for the implementation of independent work of students in the form of a pharmaceutical formular for pharmacotherapy of a certain disease in accordance with the clinical diagnosis, and in the form of clinical and pharmacological examination of drug therapy, for the development of clinical skills of students, such as the rational choice of effective drugs, their dosage regimens and methods of administration, were developed and introduced into the educational process at the department of clinical pharmacology and evidence-based medicine of Karaganda medical university.
68-71 254
The article included the methodological foundations of systematic trends common today in the humanities sciences. The forms and methods of teaching social and humanities sciences are considered within the framework of the project «New humanitarian knowledge. 100 new textbooks in the Kazakh language» under the program «Rukhani zhangyru» in KMU. The main factors in personal education are educational work in the family and in educational institutions, because the organization of this processes based on the formation of spiritual consciousness. In this article we sought to show the theoretical and practical aspects of the learning process. The article also discusses the scientific and pedagogical foundations of the formation of spiritual consciousness in young people. The article discusses the content and methodology of the educational process, focused on consciousness, the national spirit, relationships with society and behavior of the young generation.
72-74 231
This scientific article is devoted to the study of the effectiveness of new, modern self-education methods, which is popular in the field of medical education. The article examines both sides of the effectiveness of using the Moodle platform as a method of distance learning through the students' eyes. And there are also ways to improve the quality of Moodle platform, already used by the university.
75-79 239
Experience of introduction and assessment of efficiency of a method of a business game when holding practical occupation at students 2 courses of specialty "Public Health Care" on discipline "The general hygiene" is shown in article. The scenario of a business game which contains rules of its carrying out, the description of roles, instructing for each participant, the timing and equipment is in detail painted. The scenario of a business game containing rules of its carrying out, the description of roles, instructing for each participant, the timing and equipment is in detail painted. The scenario of a business game is based on use of situational tasks where the initial game situation is described. The method of questioning carried out feedback with students. The analysis of results of questioning showed that the vast majority of students are satisfied with supply of material on occupation, having highly appreciated the developed and implemented scenario of a business game. From the point of view of pedagogical staff of department the done work allowed to get positive pedagogical experience and makes a certain contribution to practice of use of active methods of training.
80-82 196
The article discusses the main tasks, problems and interdisciplinary communication of biophysics, formulated the basic principles of teaching the subject. Interdisciplinary interaction is one of the important processes of the formation of a competence-based approach in teaching students. When studying the module «Biology and biophysics» students are not limited to studying a single discipline. To achieve the goals and objectives in the educational process, it is necessary to revise the thematic plan of disciplines and teaching methods for successful interaction in teaching students. In the course of organizing and teaching the module, common themes and approaches have been developed for jointly studying the laws of development and functioning of the human body from the standpoint of biology and biophysics.


83-89 339
In this article we describe clinical case of 66-year patient with myelodysplastic syndrome, which had developed the Sweet's syndrome. In literature were described various associations of Sweet syndrome in patients with myelodysplastic syndrome, which could develop before or simultaneously with disease. In this clinical case, the patient's disease debuted with Sweet's syndrome. Treatment of Sweet's syndrome with glucocorticosteroids led to regression of manifestations. Diagnosis and treatment of Sweet syndrome in myelodysplastic syndrome has some difficulties, because of using glucocorticosteroids is associated with a high risk of infectious complications due to impaired neutrophil function, as described in our clinical case.
90-93 195
Idiopathic hypereosinophilic syndrome in practice is defined as prolonged eosinophilia without an established cause and with presence of dysfunction of the organs and systems. In the pathological process, the heart, the central and peripheral nervous system, the lungs and the skin are most often involved. In the presented observation of eosinophilic lesions of the gastrointestinal tract with a lethal outcome, the clinical picture was characterized by typical symptoms of acute appendicitis. After appendectomy, pronounced eosinophilia in the peripheral blood was observed with attachment of neurological disorders and development of multiple organ failure. Histological examination showed pronounced eosinophilic infiltration in the appendix mesentery tissue and small intestine with obliterating angiopathia and chronic ischemia of the intestinal wall. Thus, we believe that in this case there was a latent flow of hypereosinophilic syndrome with a predominant lesion of the gastrointestinal tract.

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)