
Medicine and ecology

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No 4 (2018)


8-17 192
The article presents data from a literature review of sources are devoted to the cardiovascular diseases' comorbidity research, anxiety and depressive disorders, as well as their impact on changes in the patients' quality of life. According to the literature, in most studies the key tools for assessing anxiety and depression are the GAD-7, HADS and the Beck scales, the Spielberger questionnaire, PHQ9 and Patient Health Questionnaire. For assessing the health-related quality of life in high cardiovascular risk patients is mainly used the non-specific questionnaire SF-36. The high medical and social significance of improving the cardiovascular pathology patients' quality of life dictates the need to study methods for comorbid conditions monitoring and the subsequent development of effective preventive measures.
18-26 234
This article is devoted to a review of current literature data concerning the main aspects of the antimycotic resistance of Candida fungi. The etiological structure of chronic candidiasis of the oral mucosa and the biofilm-forming activity of Candida fungi is covered. Resistance to antifungal drugs of Candida fungi is one of the urgent problems of modern medicine.
27-32 238
The authors of the article made a review of literary data on the use of the portfolio in medical education. Portfolio is used in the field of medical education as a tool for assessing students' abilities and a way to stimulate students to achieve final results in the educational process. This article describes the advantages and disadvantages of using an electronic portfolio, presents the methodology and strategic aspects of using a portfolio as an incentive for learning and a tool for assessing the knowledge and skills of students. The portfolio has a great potential, but its implementation in full in practice requires new pedagogical and educational approaches, as well as considerable time and effort from both teachers and students.
33-39 221
At certain age periods for the assessment of the biological age and morphofunctional state of the child's body, knowledge of the timing of the eruption of certain groups of teeth can be invaluable. Of great importance is the systematic study of the indicators of biological maturity among children at the population level, due to the diversity of the peoples of the region and climatic, geographical, socio-economic influences and environmental factors. Although there is a tendency to accelerate the change of teeth, the problems of lagging in teething remain significant, which is important in assessing the development of the child and public health.
40-49 189
This article is devoted to a review of current literature data on the main processes occurring in cases of microbiocenosis disorders in patients with chronic diseases of the oral mucosa. The studied conditions of the oral mucosa were accompanied by persistent violations of the local microflora in the form of associative dysbacteriosis. With this pathology, dominant microorganisms in the oral cavity are sown on E. coli and Candida fungi in monoculture and in associations with staphylococci. The issues of the occurrence of dysbiotic disorders of the oral mucosa and the ways of correction using the dynamics of observation in the process of treatment and microecological monitoring in this pathology by dentists are touched upon.


50-56 176
Results of the analysis of sexual development of 2301 healthy teenage girls from schools of Uralsk are presented. Sexual development was estimated on extent of development of secondary sexual characteristics: hair on a pubis and in axillary area, to development of mammary glands and time of emergence of menarche. The age of menarche was determined by results of status quo. Extent of sexual development was designated a formula in which specified stages of development of separate signs and age of approach of menarche. It is established that at girls mammary glands develop in the beginning, then hair in axillary hollows appear, pilosis on a pubis appears then, menarche develops later. Ethnic features in sexual development of girls haven't been revealed.
57-62 199
The effects of environmental pollutants in the Aral Sea area at the moment have led to an increase in the incidence of the hepatobiliary system. A one-time study of the adult population in the surveyed areas of the Aral Sea region (zones 1 and 2) showed that the pathologies of the hepatobiliary system are 2.09 and 1.56 times more often than in the control zone. When conducting statistical analysis between 3 zones, the zones are significantly different between them (p = 0.005 with x2 = 415.5) Chronic hepatitis and sludge syndrome prevails in the structure of the hepatobiliary system disease. Chronic hepatitis is most often found at the age of 40-49 years, in the control zone over the age of 60 years. Sludge syndrome develops at a younger age - 18-29 years. Perhaps the mechanism of development of chronic hepatitis in zones 1 and 2 has biliary stagnation
63-68 239
An analysis of the perinatal causes of an increase in infant mortality in the Kostanay region for 7 months of 2018 compared with 2017 based on the materials of the Republican headquarters for the adoption of urgent measures to reduce maternal and infant mortality. In Kazakhstan, in 2018 a decrease in the infant mortality rate was noted, but this figure is still 2-3 times higher than in developed countries of Europe, Asia and America. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that in order to further reduce the infant mortality rate and save each life, a constant comprehensive analysis of the indicators is necessary, taking into account the structure of infant losses. It requires the development of new strategic mechanisms for the use of modern medical technologies for therapeutic and rehabilitation measures aimed at correcting perinatal and congenital diseases; quality work and interaction of all health facilities accompanying the feto-infantile period and the first year of life, further strengthening and improving the quality of medical care, especially in primary health care, monitoring the implementation in practice of effective programs of WHO and UNICEF, in particular professional level of doctors and nurses and the skill of rational use of new perinatal technologies.
69-72 230
Objective: to analyze the need for orthodontic treatment according to the data of the DAI index of children in the city of Karaganda. Material and methods: to solve this goal, a dental examination of 400 children of 12 years old was conducted in schools in the city of Karaganda. To determine the need for orthodontic treatment, the Dental Aesthetic Index (DAI) recommended by WHO was calculated. Statistical processing of the data was carried out in the program SPSS ver. 20 for OS Windows. Results and discussion: Among the children surveyed, dentoalveolar anomalies was observed in 67% of children. In the structure of nosological forms, anomalies of the position of individual teeth in 39% of children and anomalies of occlusion prevailed, in 28%. Indicators of the dental aesthetic index showed that the overwhelming majority of the children surveyed (76%) were missing or had minor occlusion disorders that did not require orthodontic treatment. Explicit malocclusion was found in 12% of patients who needed selective treatment. According to the index values, every twelfth schoolchild (8%) had severe malocclusion; in this situation, the treatment is very desirable. Very severe violations occurred much less frequently, 4%; these scholars need complex treatment. Conclusion: Thus, the conducted study allowed to clarify and detail the level and structure of the occurrence of various forms of dentoalveolar anomalies in children of Karaganda and to study the level of need for their correction.
73-77 212
Results of the analysis of the body length of 6 068 almost healthy children and teenagers of the Western Kazakhstan are presented in article. Children have been distributed on age groups according to the principle accepted in anthropology - with an annual interval and also on ethnic sign. Measurement of body length was taken by the standard technique in the first half of day by means of the height meter (accuracy of measurement of 0.5 cm). As a result of a research it has been established, growth the jump at boys of the Kazakh nationality is revealed in 7 years with the maximum gain of 9 cm a year. The jump of growth is found in the Russian boys in 11 years at the maximum gain of 12.5 cm a year. At girls of the Kazakh nationality the pubertal jump of growth with the maximum gain of 7 cm a year is established in 11 years. At the Russian girls the pubertal jump of growth is registered in 6 years at the maximum gain of 10 cm a year. The research has shown that by 17 years of the young man become above girls. The Russian boys are higher boys of the Kazakh nationality up to 15 years, inclusive. The Russian girls are higher the contemporaries of the Kazakh nationality up to 12 years, and at 13-year age of body length of girls of the Kazakh nationality body length of the Russian girls there is more.


78-82 179
Article presents an analysis of the results of surgical treatment of primary (18 cases), metastatic (21 cases) and benign (42 cases) liver tumors, conducted in the Karaganda regional oncologic dispensary for 10 years. Among patients operated on for primary and metastatic tumors, postoperative complications were noted in 16.7 and 23.8%, respectively. Operations on the liver for malignant tumors are difficult to perform and require careful preoperative preparation of patients.
83-86 222
The article presents the results of the analysis of 431 stationary cards of patients of the surgical department of the Municipal hospital №1 of Karaganda from January 2017 to September 2018 admitted with a diagnosis of urolithiasis. Patients underwent contact laser lithotripsy. In data collection, operated patients with a diagnosis of urolithiasis were divided into groups: by gender, by age, by localization in the urogenital system and by localization in the ureter. As a result of the analysis of the study, it was proved that the use of contact laser lithotripsy for ureteral stones and the bladder is a highly effective and minimally invasive treatment method.
87-90 184
The article presents the results of surgical treatment of patients with cancer of the mid-thoracic and lower thoracic esophagus, who were hospitalized in the thoracic department of the Karaganda oncologic center. The immediate results of surgical treatment of thoracic esophageal cancer of 214 patients from 2007 to 2016 were studied. The analysis of the obtained data was condacted. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that the main cause of postoperative mortality during resection of the thoracic esophagus is the insufficiency of the esophageal fistula - 20.00±6.76% among all complications. Plastics of the esophagus during subtotal resection of the esophagus with a «whole» stomach is the most optimal variant, in which there is no insufficiency of the esophageal fistula, and postoperative mortality does not significantly exceed 4.87±3.36%.
91-94 203
Acute pancreatitis takes one of the leading places in the structure of acute surgical pathology. Severe course of the acute pancreatitis takes place approximately at 20% of patients with this pathology. This exact group of patients forms mortality with acute pancreatitis. According to various authors, mortality in groups of patients with severe course of acute pancreatitis fluctuate from 20 to 80%. This huge dispersion of mortality shows not only of various criteria and methods of considered pathology, but different methods and criteria of acute pancreatitis severity evaluation. The pancreonecrosis develops in 20% of patients, the amounts of lethal cases of which can reach 40% and higher. Such a large variation in mortality data indicates not only different approaches to the treatment of patients with the pathology in question, but also different methods and criteria for assessing the severity of acute pancreatitis. Lack of general treatment tactics and unsatisfactory results of treatment of patients with acute pancreatitis, its complications lead to the need to use new opportunities to improve treatment results. To this end, in recent years, the use of various minimally invasive treatment methods has been widely used.


95-104 216
In the experiment, the effect of Regel's Eminium extract on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system in peripheral organs of immunogenesis was studied under the combined action of a fractionated dose of gamma radiation and emotional stress. The results show that in the lymphatic nodes of the small intestine with the action of Regel's Eminium extract, combined with emotional stress and irradiation of the fractionated dose of gamma radiation in the early and late stages of the general adaptation syndrome, the level of lipid peroxidation and glutathione reductase contents increase; in the late stage of general adaptive syndrome, the levels of conjugated dienes and malondialdehydes were significantly lower than the control values. Under the action of Regel's Eminium extract in peripheral blood lymphocytes in combination with emotional stress in the irradiated fractionated dose of gamma radiation, the level of primary and secondary products of lipid peroxidation increases in the early stage of the general adaptation syndrome, the conjugated dienes and malondialde-hydes levels are significantly lower than the control values. There was an increase in the content of glutathione reductase and glutathione peroxidase, which indicates the activation of the antioxidant system
105-110 205
One of the features of urbanized territories is the anthropogenic impact on the environment, characterized by an intensive change in the natural geochemical background. Chemical compounds entering the natural environment as a result of man's productive activity are included in the natural cycles of the matter cycle and are capable of accumulating not only in environmental objects, but also in the human body. One of the objective indicators of the ecological and hygienic well-being of the territory is the microelement status of the population, while human hair is of the greatest interest for detecting the state of the exchange of microelements in the body and the toxic effects of certain heavy metals on the body. With the purpose of expanding the identification capabilities during the forensic examination of identification of unknown and skeletal bodies the study was conducted of 1 138 residents of various regions of the Karaganda region (624 women and 514 men aged 25-50 years) and 217 corpses using multi-element hair analysis using the mass method spectrometry with inductively coupled plasma. As a result, the peculiarities of the elemental status of the adult population of the region are revealed, characterizing the region of his permanent residence in the Karaganda region. The obtained data can be used as comparison criteria for solving a number of important identification tasks in forensic medicine or reference values of the content of chemical elements in adult hair of the Karaganda region.
111-120 416
In the experiment on white mature rats, there was an in-depth study of the effect of Regel's Eminium extract on lipid peroxidation and antioxidant system in the central organs of immunogenesis during the combined action of a fractionated dose of ionizing radiation and emotional stress. The results of the study show that in the spleen in the longterm period after fractionated gamma radiation a significant decrease in the content of glutathione reductase and catalase was recorded. In the thymus, there was a decrease in catalase activity and an increase in malondialdehydes level. In the spleen, with the combined action of fractionated ionizing gamma radiation and emotional stress, there is an increase in concentrations of conjugated dienes and malondialdehydes in the late period of the general adaptation syndrome, in the thymus during this period there is activation of the sex in both the early and late periods of the general adaptation syndrome. Regel's Eminium ectract in the spleen of the irradiated organism when exposed to emotional stress does not cause changes in the levels of conjugated dienes and malondialdehydes, which is accompanied by an increase in the antioxidant protection of the irradiated organism. In the thymus with the action of Regel's Eminium extract in combination with emotional stress in the irradiated fractionated dose of gamma radiation in the long-term general adaptive syndrome, there is a decrease in the concentration of the primary products of lipid peroxidation, activation of antioxidant protection in the late period of the adaptation syndrome manifests itself in increasing glutathione reductase and catalase concentration


121-125 186
The article presents the results of the study of value orientations of students of the specialty «Nursing», studying at the Karaganda state medical university. The study used the psychodiagnostic method «Diagnosis of the real structure of the value orientations of the individual» of S. S. Bubnov and the questionnaire of personal orientation of Shostroma, the author's questionnaire and the method of in-depth focus interview. The results obtained testify to the average degree of self-actualization of the identity of the participants in the sample, the importance for them of professional and career values, but the need to develop and improve communicative competence.


126-129 194
The article describes the case of photodamage of the retina as a result of exposure to solar radiation. The authors, thanks to a modern high-informative method of optical coherent tomography, detected photodamage of the macula with detailing damage in the outer layers and retinal pigment epithelium, the development of cystic hyporeflexive defect in the area of the highly reflective reflection band of the articulation of the external and internal segments of photoreceptors with sufficiently high visual acuity (0.9) in both eyes). The decisive role of optical coherence tomography in the formulation of a correct diagnosis has been proved.

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)