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Acute pancreatitis takes one of the leading places in the structure of acute surgical pathology. Severe course of the acute pancreatitis takes place approximately at 20% of patients with this pathology. This exact group of patients forms mortality with acute pancreatitis. According to various authors, mortality in groups of patients with severe course of acute pancreatitis fluctuate from 20 to 80%. This huge dispersion of mortality shows not only of various criteria and methods of considered pathology, but different methods and criteria of acute pancreatitis severity evaluation. The pancreonecrosis develops in 20% of patients, the amounts of lethal cases of which can reach 40% and higher. Such a large variation in mortality data indicates not only different approaches to the treatment of patients with the pathology in question, but also different methods and criteria for assessing the severity of acute pancreatitis. Lack of general treatment tactics and unsatisfactory results of treatment of patients with acute pancreatitis, its complications lead to the need to use new opportunities to improve treatment results. To this end, in recent years, the use of various minimally invasive treatment methods has been widely used.

About the Authors

B. V. Tshai
Regional clinical hospital

Ye. A. Toleubayev
Regional clinical hospital

A. Ye. Alibekov
Karaganda state medical university

D. K. Kaliyeva
Karaganda state medical university

A. M. Baiykbayeva
Karaganda state medical university

M. I. Kusainov
Karaganda state medical university


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For citations:

Tshai B.V., Toleubayev Ye.A., Alibekov A.Ye., Kaliyeva D.K., Baiykbayeva A.M., Kusainov M.I. MINIMALY INVASIVE METHODS OF ACUTE DESTRUCTIVE PANCREATITIS. Medicine and ecology. 2018;(4):91-94. (In Russ.)

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