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Article presents an analysis of the results of surgical treatment of primary (18 cases), metastatic (21 cases) and benign (42 cases) liver tumors, conducted in the Karaganda regional oncologic dispensary for 10 years. Among patients operated on for primary and metastatic tumors, postoperative complications were noted in 16.7 and 23.8%, respectively. Operations on the liver for malignant tumors are difficult to perform and require careful preoperative preparation of patients.

About the Authors

K. Zh. Musuimanbekov
Karaganda state medical university

M. D. Zhumakayev
RSFE «Regional oncologic center»

A. M. Zhumakayev
RSFE «Regional oncologic center»


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For citations:

Musuimanbekov K.Zh., Zhumakayev M.D., Zhumakayev A.M. SURGICAL TREATMENT OF LIVER TUMORS. Medicine and ecology. 2018;(4):78-82. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)