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Results of the analysis of the body length of 6 068 almost healthy children and teenagers of the Western Kazakhstan are presented in article. Children have been distributed on age groups according to the principle accepted in anthropology - with an annual interval and also on ethnic sign. Measurement of body length was taken by the standard technique in the first half of day by means of the height meter (accuracy of measurement of 0.5 cm). As a result of a research it has been established, growth the jump at boys of the Kazakh nationality is revealed in 7 years with the maximum gain of 9 cm a year. The jump of growth is found in the Russian boys in 11 years at the maximum gain of 12.5 cm a year. At girls of the Kazakh nationality the pubertal jump of growth with the maximum gain of 7 cm a year is established in 11 years. At the Russian girls the pubertal jump of growth is registered in 6 years at the maximum gain of 10 cm a year. The research has shown that by 17 years of the young man become above girls. The Russian boys are higher boys of the Kazakh nationality up to 15 years, inclusive. The Russian girls are higher the contemporaries of the Kazakh nationality up to 12 years, and at 13-year age of body length of girls of the Kazakh nationality body length of the Russian girls there is more.

About the Authors

S. I. Rogova
Karaganda state medical university

M. G. Kalishev
Karaganda state medical university

N. T. Zhaketayeva
Karaganda state medical university

G. N. Taliyeva
Karaganda state medical university

G. M. Eieusinova
Karaganda state medical university

A. M. Zekenova
Karaganda state medical university

A. Sh. Userbayev
Karaganda state medical university


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For citations:

Rogova S.I., Kalishev M.G., Zhaketayeva N.T., Taliyeva G.N., Eieusinova G.M., Zekenova A.M., Userbayev A.Sh. FEATURES OF LENGTH OF THE BODY OF PUPILS OF SCHOOLS OF THE WESTERN KAZAKHSTAN. Medicine and ecology. 2018;(4):73-77. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)