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An analysis of the perinatal causes of an increase in infant mortality in the Kostanay region for 7 months of 2018 compared with 2017 based on the materials of the Republican headquarters for the adoption of urgent measures to reduce maternal and infant mortality. In Kazakhstan, in 2018 a decrease in the infant mortality rate was noted, but this figure is still 2-3 times higher than in developed countries of Europe, Asia and America. The authors of the article come to the conclusion that in order to further reduce the infant mortality rate and save each life, a constant comprehensive analysis of the indicators is necessary, taking into account the structure of infant losses. It requires the development of new strategic mechanisms for the use of modern medical technologies for therapeutic and rehabilitation measures aimed at correcting perinatal and congenital diseases; quality work and interaction of all health facilities accompanying the feto-infantile period and the first year of life, further strengthening and improving the quality of medical care, especially in primary health care, monitoring the implementation in practice of effective programs of WHO and UNICEF, in particular professional level of doctors and nurses and the skill of rational use of new perinatal technologies.

About the Authors

R. Z. Boranbayeva
Scientific center of pediatrics and pediatric surgery of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan

K. Ye. Khairov
Scientific center of pediatrics and pediatric surgery of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan

B. T. Karin
Branch of the corporate fund «University medical center» of the National scientific center for motherhood and childhood

B. K. Nurmagambetova
Branch of the corporate fund «University medical center» of the National scientific center for motherhood and childhood

S. T. Kizatova
Karaganda state medical university

A. G. Zaitova
Scientific center of pediatrics and pediatric surgery of the Ministry of health of the Republic of Kazakhstan


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For citations:

Boranbayeva R.Z., Khairov K.Ye., Karin B.T., Nurmagambetova B.K., Kizatova S.T., Zaitova A.G. ANALYSIS OF INFANT MORTALITY IN KOSTANAY REGION FOR 7 MONTHS OF 2018. Medicine and ecology. 2018;(4):63-68. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
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