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Effectiveness of implementation of innovative educational methods tpcbl into the educational process


Aim of the study. Assessing the effectiveness of introducing the innovative educational methodology TPCBL into the educational process by comparing qualitative indicators of student performance.
Materials and methods. The effectiveness of introducing the innovative methodology TPCBL (theory, practice and clinic based learning), based on the trinity of theory, practice and clinic, when conducting classes at a medical university was studied. A lesson was conducted using the TPCBL methodology at the Astana Medical University NJSC from September to December 2023. The departments of normal physiology and internal medicine with a course in geriatrics participated. The experimental group consisted of 3rd year students in the educational program “General Medicine” in the amount of 679 people (66 groups) (166 students with Russian language of instruction, 513 students with Kazakh language of instruction). The clinical case of “Sabir Ramzai” was studied.
Results and discussion. In general, in the Department of Internal Medicine with a course in geriatrics, the quality indicator of academic performance was before implementation (2022-2023 academic year) - 94%, after implementation (2023-2024 academic year) - 96.5%. That is, it increased by 2.5%. Compared to the 2022-2023 academic year, 3rd year students in the specialty “General Medicine” had a success rate before implementation (2022-2023 academic year) - 91.1%, after implementation (2023-2024 academic year) - 96.4%, that is, increased by 5.3%.
Conclusions. An integrated, systematic approach to studying the material helps students consolidate theoretical knowledge, identify practical significance and better assimilate new material.

About the Authors

A. K. Smagulova
NC JSC «Astana Medical University»

Department of Internal Medicine with a course in geriatrics

010000, Astana, Beibitshilik str., 49A

Sh. B. Suleymenova
NC JSC «Astana Medical University»

Sholpan Bolatovna Suleymenova - Department of Internal Medicine with a course in geriatrics

010000, Astana, Beibitshilik str., 49A

G. S. Khusainova
NC JSC «Astana Medical University»

Department of Internal Medicine with a course in geriatrics

010000, Astana, Beibitshilik str., 49A

B. A. Omirtaeva
NC JSC «Astana Medical University»

Department of Internal Medicine with a course in geriatrics

010000, Astana, Beibitshilik str., 49A

G. B. Kurmanova
NC JSC «Astana Medical University»

Department of Internal Medicine with a course in geriatrics

010000, Astana, Beibitshilik str., 49A

A. A. Yktiyarov
NC JSC «Astana Medical University»

Department of Microbiology and Virology named after Sh. I. Sarbasova

010000, Astana, Saryarka Ave. 33


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For citations:

Smagulova A.K., Suleymenova Sh.B., Khusainova G.S., Omirtaeva B.A., Kurmanova G.B., Yktiyarov A.A. Effectiveness of implementation of innovative educational methods tpcbl into the educational process. Medicine and ecology. 2024;(3):138-144. (In Russ.)

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