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At certain age periods for the assessment of the biological age and morphofunctional state of the child's body, knowledge of the timing of the eruption of certain groups of teeth can be invaluable. Of great importance is the systematic study of the indicators of biological maturity among children at the population level, due to the diversity of the peoples of the region and climatic, geographical, socio-economic influences and environmental factors. Although there is a tendency to accelerate the change of teeth, the problems of lagging in teething remain significant, which is important in assessing the development of the child and public health.

About the Author

A. Zh. Bakirova
Karaganda state medical university


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For citations:

Bakirova A.Zh. GENERAL TRENDS AND FEATURES OF PERMANENT TEETH ERUPTION. Medicine and ecology. 2018;(4):33-39. (In Russ.)

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