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Breast cancer is a malignant tumor of the glandular tissue of the breast. According to IARC, 167,114 new cases of breast cancer are registered in the world annually. In the structure of oncological pathology, this localization takes first place for many years. 10-12% of the world's total is breast cancer out of ten million new cases of malignant diseases. According to research in the US, the incidence of breast cancer is steadily increasing in older women, namely after the onset of menopause. These age-specific morbidity rates are higher in Caucasian women than afroamericans. Although the mortality rates from breast cancer in black women are higher. In Kazakhstan breast cancer takes the first place among other cancers in women. Unfortunately, the incidence rate is increasing year by year. There are differences in the incidence of breast cancer among diverse ethnic groups, this is associated with the traditions and way of life of various peoples. The issue of racial differences in patients with breast cancer (BC) has recently become more topical. In the era of individualization of treatment, knowledge of ethnic characteristics, such as tumor aggressiveness, its immunohistochemical characteristics in representatives of different nationalities, seems necessary and logical. A conducted literary search has shown that that question is more covered only in the United States of America (USA). The similar studies are not available or they are of a single character with a small sample of patients in Europe, Asia, Africa, South America.

About the Authors

Ya. L. Poluektova
Karaganda state medical university

N. A. Kabildina
Karaganda state medical university

V. B. Sirota
Karaganda state medical university

B. .. Sapar
Karaganda state medical university


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For citations:

Poluektova Ya.L., Kabildina N.A., Sirota V.B., Sapar B... ETHNIC FEATURES OF HER2NEW POSITIVE IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL PHENOTYPE OF BREAST CANCER. Medicine and ecology. 2018;(1):29-35. (In Russ.)

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