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Assessment of the frequency of cesarean section according to the criteria of M. Robson in the Regional perinatal center №1 of Turkestan region


Objective. To identify and analyze the groups of women who contribute the greatest and least to the frequency of caesarean sections in general. Conducting an assessment of the frequency of caesarean sections in the Regional Perinatal Center №1 of the Turkestan region according to the classification of M. Robson.

Materials and methods. We conducted a retrospective analysis of the history of 5286 births in the Regional Perinatal Center No. 1. The history of childbirth of women who gave birth in 2022 was taken into account. According to the history of each birth to complete the table: method of delivery (delivery through the birth canal, caesarean section); parity (first time , repeated); number of fetuses (one, two, three or more); delivery period (up to 37 weeks., 37-40 weeks., 41-42 or more); type of fetal malformation (head, pelvis, transverse/ oblique); induction of labor (induction was carried out, induction was not carried out); spontaneous childbirth; the number of caesarean sections in the history (one or more) was taken into account.

Results and discussion. The group contributed the most to the total CS frequency were 5 groups – with a history of one or more CSs, one fetal head arrival, ≥37 weeks – 24.1%; the group contributed the least to the total CS frequency was 9 groups – single fetal pregnancy, women with a horizontal or oblique fetal position, including women with a history of one or more CSs – 2.2%.

Conclusion. The largest share of the group in the total frequency of CSwas Group 5 – 22.1% of all births, 888 (75.9%) of 1,170 women in this group underwent surgery, all pregnant women with scars on the uterus ; group 9 – 0.7% of births accounted for the smallest share of the group in the total frequency of CS, 100% of 38 women gave birth with CS.

About the Authors

S. N. Kulbaeva
South Kazakhstan medical academy

160019, South Kazakhstan region, Shymkent city, Al-Farabi Square 1

A. R. Zhumadilova
South Kazakhstan medical academy

160019, South Kazakhstan region, Shymkent city, Al-Farabi Square 1

R. T. Tleuzhan
South Kazakhstan medical academy

160019, South Kazakhstan region, Shymkent city, Al-Farabi Square 1

G. U. Akberdieva
South Kazakhstan medical academy

160019, South Kazakhstan region, Shymkent city, Al-Farabi Square 1

R. K. Dzhunusova
South Kazakhstan medical academy

160019, South Kazakhstan region, Shymkent city, Al-Farabi Square 1

B. T. Salimbaeva
South Kazakhstan medical academy

160019, South Kazakhstan region, Shymkent city, Al-Farabi Square 1

I. S. Sarkulova
Institution «International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Khoja Ahmed Yasawi»

Iroda Sabirzhanovna Sarkulova 

160019, South Kazakhstan Region, Shymkent, Gani Ilyaeva str., 16


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For citations:

Kulbaeva S.N., Zhumadilova A.R., Tleuzhan R.T., Akberdieva G.U., Dzhunusova R.K., Salimbaeva B.T., Sarkulova I.S. Assessment of the frequency of cesarean section according to the criteria of M. Robson in the Regional perinatal center №1 of Turkestan region. Medicine and ecology. 2024;(2):33-40. (In Kazakh)

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