Quiz as an effective technology for forming the professional personality of medical students in the aspect of the basic values of Zhana Kazakstan
The article is devoted to the current problem of the formation of the professional personality of medical students from the point of view of basic values, such as citizenship and responsibility, corresponding to the new demands of society, lying in the plane of the modern Concept of Zhana Kazakhstan. The purpose of the article is to formulate the principle of the effectiveness of using a quiz in classroom and extracurricular work with students of medical specialties. The authors offer a specific scenario for the quiz «Medical Karaganda», and at the same time describe in detail the tasks and the course of the game. The tasks are based on materials on the history of medicine in Karaganda, including unique archival sources, materials collected in museums and other sources. The quiz also involves conducting it in the second language that the students are studying (in this case, Russian for students in groups with Kazakh as the language of tuition). The article analyzes both the effectiveness of individual tasks and the quiz as a whole. The analysis was carried out based on the results of testing a quiz in the classroom (NС JSC «Karaganda Medical University», 1st year students) and as part of the «City Day» event at the private institution «Bolashaq Academy» with students of the specialty «Pharmacy». Analysis of the results obtained during feedback and questioning proved the effectiveness of the quiz in the formation of basic values (patriotism, responsibility, critical thinking) and allowed us to formulate the principle of effectiveness based on a careful selection of tasks and interdisciplinary connections.
About the Authors
A. U. IlyasovaKazakhstan
100008, Karaganda, Yerubayeva str., 16/6
N. F. Yushko
Nellya Yushko – teacher
100008, Karaganda, Gogolya str., 40
E. R. Keller-Deditskaya
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For citations:
Ilyasova A.U., Yushko N.F., Keller-Deditskaya E.R. Quiz as an effective technology for forming the professional personality of medical students in the aspect of the basic values of Zhana Kazakstan. Medicine and ecology. 2024;(2):5-12. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.59598/ME-2305-6045-2024-111-2-5-12