
Medicine and ecology

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To form the skill of scientific research among students at the Department of general pharmacology have developed several forms of performing RBL in the framework of individual work in the form of a project, a resume and an essay. The structure of the performing task and the requirements for the design of scientific research work contained in the methodical recommendations of students individual work. Evaluation sheets of students individual work on writing a project, a resume and an essay and feedback questionnaire were developed. After preparation of scientific research work, students were underwent questionnaire survey in the framework of feedback. The questionnaire showed interest and a conscious desire of students to obtain necessary knowledge on pharmacology. Most of the students coped with the task, but some faced the problem, due to the inability to briefly formulate the main theses and justify them, as well as in the conclusions, summarizing the study, some had difficulties in correctly providing information. Thus, the use of RBL in the performing students individual work will allow: to develop practical skills and abilities; actively use the literature review of scientific literature in preparation for classes on the SIWT and SIW.

About the Authors

L. I. Piven
Karaganda state medical university

K. U. Karabaeva
Karaganda state medical university

A. R. Romanova
Karaganda state medical university

T. V. Kim
Karaganda state medical university

T. L. Nikoiayeva
Karaganda state medical university

M. K. Kuderinova
Karaganda state medical university

L. V. Penkova
Karaganda state medical university


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For citations:

Piven L.I., Karabaeva K.U., Romanova A.R., Kim T.V., Nikoiayeva T.L., Kuderinova M.K., Penkova L.V. IMPLEMENTATION EXPERIENCE OF RBL AT THE DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL PHARMACOLOGY. Medicine and ecology. 2018;(1):149-155. (In Russ.)

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