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Among the cancer diagnoses that men make, the most common is prostate cancer. Although it often has a latent course, prostate cancer remains the third leading cause of cancer death in men. The main risk factors are age and family predisposition. The diagnosis is confirmed by prostate biopsy in patients with abnormalities in the level of prostate-specific antigen and finger rectal examination. This article discusses the epidemiological data of prostate cancer in Semey: by age, stage, and nationality. Over the past decade, the incidence rate has increased due to the widespread use of antigen tests, often specific to the prostate, although the mortality rate from prostate cancer has remained relatively stable during this time period. Objective: to study the epidemiological indicators of prostate cancer(PC) in patients registered in the regional oncology dispensary of Semey in the period from 2015 to 2020. Materials and methods: the design of this study was horizontal and retrospective. To achieve this goal, we analyzed the official medical records of patients with prostate cancer in the regional oncology dispensary in Semey, East Kazakhstan region. To the study methods, we copied the data of all registered cases of prostate cancer for the period from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2020. We have studied the age-sex, ethnic and morphological features of prostate cancer. Statistical processing of the results was carried out using the Excel 2010 program, the data obtained was shown in the form of diagrams. Results: during the study period (2015-2020), according to the Semey Cancer and Nuclear Medical Center, 385 cases of prostate cancer were registered, including 44 cases with a fatal outcome. According to the ethnic composition, the Kazakhs in the overall average score were 75.09%, Russians-25.5%, representatives of other nationalities-19.3%. Most patients are under observation at stage 1-2. Patients with stage 3, the frequency of occurrence is on the 3rd place. Conclusion-, the increase in the level of prostate cancer over the past (2015-2020) years is observed not only in Semey, but also at the global level. The main reasons are the change in the lifestyle of men, the mass move to the city, smoking and the introduction of large-scale screening measures. PSA screening-led to multiple cancer detection in the initial 1-2 stages. The same reason should be considered as one of the main issues of reviewing measures for the treatment of prostate cancer.

About the Authors

Y. Kh. Abildaev
Semey medical university

Zh. M. Duisengazhieva
Semey medical university

O. D. Zhumabekov
Semey medical university

A. K. Kassymgali
Semey medical university

E. C. Sabit
Semey medical university

A. M. Kabykenov
Semey medical university


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For citations:

Abildaev Y.Kh., Duisengazhieva Zh.M., Zhumabekov O.D., Kassymgali A.K., Sabit E.C., Kabykenov A.M. EPIDEMIOLOGICAL DATA ON PROSTATE CANCER IN SEMEY FROM 2015 TO 2020. Medicine and ecology. 2021;(2):80-84. (In Russ.)

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