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Purpose: to analyze the suicidal activity of the population, changes in the prevalence of suicide methods, to analyze the dynamics, structure and social characteristics of suicides in the Karaganda region. Materials and methods: analysis of mortality rates due to suicide in the Karaganda region. Results and discussion: Monitoring data made it possible to identify the dynamics of a decrease in suicide rates in the period from 2016 to 2020. There were significant differences in the frequency, tendencies and methods of suicide. Typical differences were established between men and women (prevalence of attempts among women and completed suicide among men). Suicide patterns indicate that men use more aggressive methods of self-harm. An increase in suicides was noted among men of working age. The number of suicides due to gunshot injuries, poisoning, jumping from a height and drowning has decreased, but the number of cases of hanging of both men and women has increased. Conclusion: the suicidal behavior of the population living in this territory changes depending on changes in internal and external factors acting on a regional scale. Effective measures to reduce the level of suicides in the Karaganda region require the introduction of special preventive programs covering different age groups of the population. Findings: the number of suicides in the territory of the Karaganda region is generally decreasing. The determining factors when choosing a method of suicide for a man and a woman are the availability, popularity and social acceptability of the method. Consideration should be given to preventive measures to limit the availability of lethal methods of suicide.

About the Authors

S. A. Adilbek
Karaganda medical university

S. A. Musabekova
Karaganda medical university


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For citations:

Adilbek S.A., Musabekova S.A. SUICIDAL DYNAMICS IN THE TERRITORY OF THE KARAGANDA REGION. Medicine and ecology. 2021;(2):40-48. (In Russ.)

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