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Currently, cerebral palsy remains practically incurable; however, rehabilitation and treatment of patients can improve their condition and quality of life. The current treatment protocol of cerebral palsy does not reflect the recommendations of the most modern studies; the proposed therapies have a low level of evidence base (level C). The aim of the study was to evaluate and study the most effective methods of treatment and rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy. Methods: this literature review searches performed using PubMed, Cochrain Library and Google Scholar databases. Inclusion criteria were published studies on therapy and rehabilitation for children 0-16 years old with cerebral palsy or at risk of cerebral palsy. Type of studies: systematic reviews, RCTs and meta-analyzes; studies that have a conclusion on the system of classification, assessment, development and examination of GRADE recommendations. The keywords cerebral palsy, rehabilitation and treatment were used. Results: 7 506 results were found, of which only 12 matched our search strategy. Having studied the available literature on the therapy and rehabilitation of patients with cerebral palsy and comparing the results of studies using the GRADE system, we divided the studied methods of treatment into 3 groups according to the level of effectiveness: low, medium and high. According to the GRADE system, each article was awarded points from 1 to 4, where 1 point means very low effectiveness of the intervention, 2 points mean low, 3 points - average and 4 points - high effectiveness. Conclusions, it was recommended using therapies with a high level of evidence of effectiveness, to use complex therapy for cerebral palsy, since none of the types of interventions has shown greater efficiency than the use of an integrated approach to the treatment of cerebral palsy. Each patient should be assigned an individual treatment and rehabilitation plan, taking into account the form of cerebral palsy, the stage of the disease, the presence of complications, age and the presence of a response to the interventions.

About the Authors

A. P. Kazarina
Kazakh national medical university named after S. D. Asfediyarov

N. O. Beisembinova
Kazakh national medical university named after S. D. Asfediyarov

Yu. . Sokolova
Kazakh national medical university named after S. D. Asfediyarov


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For citations:

Kazarina A.P., Beisembinova N.O., Sokolova Yu. TREATMENT AND REHABILTATION OF CHILDS CEREBRAL PALYSIS. Medicine and ecology. 2021;(2):19-32. (In Russ.)

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