
Medicine and ecology

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This article presents medical errors in pediatrics for teaching senior students in order to determine the type of medical error and make the optimal decision on the tactics of patient management. The study of these clinical cases will allow students to record important information and be prepared to avoid medical errors in their future professional activities.

About the Authors

A. S. Akhayeva
Karaganda medical university

G. S. Aitmukusheva
Karaganda medical university

I. A. Skosarev
Karaganda medical university

A. B. Kysabekova
Karaganda medical university

D. Ye. Zhupenova
Karaganda medical university

T. A. Kenzhetayeva
Karaganda medical university

A. T. Bektursunova
Karaganda medical university

S. A. Turlybekova
Karaganda medical university

A. A. Isayeva
Karaganda medical university


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For citations:

Akhayeva A.S., Aitmukusheva G.S., Skosarev I.A., Kysabekova A.B., Zhupenova D.Ye., Kenzhetayeva T.A., Bektursunova A.T., Turlybekova S.A., Isayeva A.A. TRAINING TO AVOID MEDICAL ERRORS IN PEDIATRIC PRACTICE. Medicine and ecology. 2020;(4):124-127. (In Russ.)

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