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Changes in the vascular wall in patients with prediabetes are currently poorly understood, however even at the stage of prediabetes and diabetes risks, endothelial dysfunction occurs. Objective: to study the relationship between the endothelial dysfunction marker - Endocan-1, intima media thickness and insulin resistance indicators in patients with prediabetes. Materials and methods: an observational cross-sectional study was conducted, including 133 individuals, aged from 18 to 65 years. After clinical assessment, study participants were divided into 2 groups: Group I (n=55) - patients with prediabetes, Group II (n=78) - patients without prediabetes. HbA1c levels from of 5.7 to 6.4% were considered as a prediabetes. Ultrasound measured of the right and left intima media thickness of common carotid artery value >0.9 mm was considered as a marker of atherosclerosis. Results: significant differences the Endocan-1 levels were found between Group I (Mean±SD: 1787,18±435,1 pg/ml) and Group II (626,19±118,1 pg/ml; p=0,01). Also significant differences were found during study of intima media thickness with a predominance it in Group I, so the right common carotid artery intima media thickness: comprised 0,85±0,18 mm, the left common carotid artery intima media thickness 0,96±0,22 mm (p=0,03) in patients with prediabetes. Correlation analysis found relationships between Endocan-1, the right common carotid artery intima media thickness (r=0,62; р=0,005), the left common carotid artery intima media thickness (r=0,86; р<0,001), and also presence of an atherosclerosis (r=0,86; р<0,001). These findings indicate that in patients with prediabetes the elevation of the Endocan-1 level is associated with common carotid artery intima media thickness increase. Moreover, an elevation of Endocan-1 level has impact on the development of subclinical atherosclerosis in these patients. Endocan-1 showed significant correlation with insulin (r=0,27; р=0,03), IR-HOMA index (r=0,37; р=0,02), С-peptide (r=0,23; р=0,03), fasting glucose (r=0,22; р=0,05). Conclusions: we found the association of the Endocan-1 biomarker, Intima media thickness and insulin resistance indicators in patients with prediabetes. We suggest that rising of insulin resistance leads to Endocan-1 elevation, Intima media thickness and thereby to increase endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular risk in these patients.


About the Authors

V. F. Parakhina
Karaganda medical university

Ye. M. Laryushina
Karaganda medical university

L. G. Turgunova
Karaganda medical university

D. N. Sheryazdanova
Karaganda medical university

A. A. Shatygina
Karaganda medical university

A. B. Bugibayeva
Karaganda medical university


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For citations:

Parakhina V.F., Laryushina Ye.M., Turgunova L.G., Sheryazdanova D.N., Shatygina A.A., Bugibayeva A.B. RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN ENDOCAN-1 LEVEL, INSULIN RESISTANCE INDICATORS AND INTIMA MEDIA THICKNESS IN PA TIENTS WITH PREDIABETES. Medicine and ecology. 2020;(4):72-81. (In Russ.)

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