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Materials and methods: the study involved 79 children. 6 main groups were formed depending on the level of glycosylated hemoglobin. The control group consisted of 52 children. Finally, refractometry was examined with the equipment «Auto Ref/Keratometer Huvitz» (HRK-7000A), for the quantitative analysis we calculated the spherical equivalent of eye refraction. Results and discussion: among children of the main groups, simple myopic (21.5%) and mixed astigmatism (36.7%) were most common in comparison with patients in the control group, 5.8% and 5.76%, respectively. The level of clinical refraction with the calculation of the spherical equivalent in patients with astigmatism and diabetes mellitus differs from the control group by some «myopization» in one of the study meridians. Determination of the level of clinical refraction in patients of the main groups, depending on the level of glycated hemoglobin, showed some variability in values from -0.76 D in the III and V groups to +0.5 D in groups VI and VII. Conclusions: among patients with diabetes mellitus type 1, refractive errors were more common (76%) than in children of the control group (38.5%). Among children of the main groups, simple myopic (21.5%) and mixed astigmatism (36.7%) were most common, in comparison with patients in the control group 5.8% and 5.76%, respectively. The level of clinical refraction with the calculation of the spherical equivalent in kids with diabetes mellitus differs from the control group by some «myopization» in one of the study meridians. Determination of the level of clinical refraction in patients of the main groups depending on the level of glycated hemoglobin showed some variability in values from -0.76 D in the III and V groups to +0.5 D in VI and VII groups.

About the Authors

V. R. Abdullina
Research Institute of Eye Diseases

M. A. Oteuliyeva
Research Institute of Eye Diseases

V. S. Mogilnikov
Ai-Farabi KazNU's college


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For citations:

Abdullina V.R., Oteuliyeva M.A., Mogilnikov V.S. REFRACTIVE ERRORS IN CHILDREN WITH DIABETES MELIUS TYPE 1. Medicine and ecology. 2020;(4):59-64. (In Russ.)

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