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In this original article the analysis of interaction between kidneys and paranephral tissue with synthetic implants made of polyester mesh, macroporous partially absorbable light mesh UltraPro and own peritoneal-fascial flap in nephropexy, by conducting an experimental study on laboratory animals. The results were obtained on the basis of the assessment of macroscopic and histological picture, also using the statistical analysis of the morphometric picture of the kidney sections and paranephral fiber.The results obtained in the study expanded idea of the influence of the implant in the kidney tissue and perirenal fat, justifying the possible reactive changes parenchymal kidney and connective components in interaction with polyester mesh and nephropexy using own peritoneum - fascial flap. The findings substantiate the possibility of carrying out clinical trials to study partiallyeasy absorbable mesh UltraPro.

About the Authors

N. T. Abatov
Karaganda state medical university

M. M. Tusupbekova
Karaganda state medical university

Ye. M. Assamidanov
Karaganda state medical university

A. N. Abatova
Karaganda state medical university


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For citations:

Abatov N.T., Tusupbekova M.M., Assamidanov Ye.M., Abatova A.N. COMPARATIVE EVALUATION OF THE USE OF VARIOUS IMPLANTS IN NEPHROPEXY AN EXPERIMENTAL STUDY. Medicine and ecology. 2018;(1):116-122. (In Russ.)

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