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An analysis of occupational traumatism and professional morbidity in the Republic of Kazakhstan for a depth of 10 years is carried out, data on industries with adverse and harmful working conditions are presented. The dynamics of the total number of incidents among men and women (including group) are shown, data on the number of victims and deaths from industrial accidents are given. The data on occupational traumatism and professional morbidity by certain types of economic activity and by the level of accidents in various regions of the Republic of Kazakhstan are reflected. The aim of the study: analysis of occupational traumatism and professional morbidity in the Republic of Kazakhstan for a depth of 10 years, from 2008 to 2018. Materials and methods: a review of occupational traumatism and professional morbidity in the Republic of Kazakhstan is based on the analysis of statistical data from the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics. Results and discussion: the analysis of the level of accidents showed that occupational traumatism in all regions of the republic has a general tendency to decrease. So, when comparing the indicators for 2008 and 2018, the following is observed: in the Karaganda region - a decrease of 54.2%; in the East Kazakhstan region - a decrease of 43.6%; in Pavlodar region - a decrease of 43.6%; in the city of Astana - a decrease of 55.9%; in Almaty - a decrease of 44%. Although the overall level of occupational traumatism and professional morbidity in the country remains high, it requires special attention and implementation of measures based on the assessment of working conditions. Conclusions: analyzing the situation of traumatism and professional morbidity in the whole country, we can conclude that every accident that occurs, except for social damage, causes the state large material losses. The analysis revealed that the largest number of victims of accidents and, accordingly, the largest material losses are observed in regions with worn-out fixed assets, a spent raw material base, which also has industry-specific consequences.

About the Authors

N. Zh. Yerdessov
Karaganda medical university

Ye. N. Sraubayev
Karaganda medical university

B. .. Serik
West-Kazakhstan medical university named after Marat Ospanov


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For citations:

Yerdessov N.Zh., Sraubayev Ye.N., Serik B... OCCUPATIONAL TRAUMATISM AND PROFESSIONAL MORBIDITY IN THE REPUBLIC OF KAZAKHSTAN. Medicine and ecology. 2020;(4):38-45. (In Russ.)

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