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In this review, the spectrum of pathogens isolated from patients before and after upper urinary tract stenting was evaluated based on literature data from foreign sources. Analysis of the literature data revealed that the most frequent microorganisms isolated from urine samples and stents are E. coii, P. mirabiiis, P. aeruginosa, S. epidermidis and E. faecium. Many of these microorganisms are resistant to antibacterial drugs, which is an urgent problem, as it leads to an increase in the length of hospitalization, increased mortality and increased medical costs. Despite the fact that at the moment there are foreign works confirming the effectiveness of antibacterial prevention and therapy for urinary tract stenting, there is still no local data on the spectrum of microorganisms and their sensitivity to antibacterial drugs, which determines the relevance of future research.

About the Authors

N. A. Simokhina
Karaganda medical university

Sh. S. Kaliyeva
Karaganda medical university

Y. Y. Kornienko
Karaganda medical university


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For citations:

Simokhina N.A., Kaliyeva Sh.S., Kornienko Y.Y. SPECTRUM OF BACTERIAL PATHOGENS IN PATIENTS WITH UPPER URINARY TRACT STENTING. Medicine and ecology. 2020;(4):19-24. (In Russ.)

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