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Breast cancer is a malignant tumor of glandular breast tissue. 10-12% out of the 10 million newly reported cases of malignant diseases worldwide are the breast cancer. There are differences in the incidence of breast cancer among various ethnic groups. This is associated with the traditions and lifestyle of different peoples. According to the literature, there are studies comparing the incidence of breast cancer among different ethnic groups in the US and many other countries. Undeservedly insufficient attention is given to the problem of ethnic characteristics of breast cancer in Kazakhstan. Currently, the molecular genetic classification of breast cancer, which was proposed by C. M. Perou et al. in 2000, is used to determine the optimal treatment tactic. This classification is based on the allocation of a cluster of 465 genes that are divided into four expression classes corresponding to luminal A, luminal B, HER2/neu positive and triple negative breast cancer by cluster analysis. Each of these types is characterized by its specific tumor response to ongoing treatment, and the outcome of the disease. This classification remains relevant until now. The "gold standard" for conducting immunohistochemical research for the selection of adequate tactics for patients is the expression determination of receptors for estrogen, progesterone, HER2/neu, Ki67, and in cases of triple negative cancer - CK5/6 and EGFR1 or vimentin, additionally.

About the Authors

Ya. L. Poluektova
Karaganda state medical university

N. A. Kabildina
Karaganda state medical university

B. .. Sapar
Karaganda state medical university

A. A. Shemberetskaya
Karaganda state medical university


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For citations:

Poluektova Ya.L., Kabildina N.A., Sapar B..., Shemberetskaya A.A. ETHNIC FEATURES OF HER2/NEU POSITIVE IMMUNOHISTOCHEMICAL BREAST CANCER PHENOTYPE. Medicine and ecology. 2018;(1):98-104. (In Russ.)

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