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Author Guidelines

Requirements for manuscripts submitted to the editorial board of the quarterly peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal «Medicine and Ecology»


  1. General information

The journal «Medicine and Ecology» publishes articles on various problems of clinical, practical, theoretical and experimental medicine, history, organization and economics of healthcare, ecology and hygiene, issues of medical and pharmaceutical education. Manuscripts can be presented in various genres of scientific articles: review, original article, observation from practice, etc.

The submitted material must be original and not previously published. Upon detection of a violation of this provision (duplicate publication, plagiarism, self-plagiarism, etc.), the editorial board reserves the right to refuse all co-authors further cooperation.

The editorial board does not limit the authors in the total volume of the submitted manuscript (including bibliography, summaries, tables and figure captions). Manuscripts with a non-standard structure may be submitted for consideration after prior approval by the editorial board of the journal.

The manuscripts must be designed and submitted to the editorial board in accordance with the requirements specified below. Manuscripts that are not designed and submitted to the editorial board in accordance with the requirements of the journal, as well as those published in other publications, are not accepted.

When preparing manuscripts, the editorial board recommends that authors also adhere to the Uniform Requirements for manuscripts of the International Committee of Editors of Medical Journals (ICMJE). Full compliance with the requirements will significantly speed up the review and publication of manuscripts in the journal.

The authors are fully responsible for the content of the materials submitted to the editorial board, including the presence of information in them that violates the norms of international copyright, patent or other types of rights of any natural or legal persons. The submission of the manuscript by the authors to the editorial board of the journal «Medicine and Ecology» is a confirmation of the guaranteed absence of the above violations in it. In the event of claims by third parties against copyrighted materials published in the journal, all disputes are resolved in accordance with the procedure established by law between the authors and the prosecution, while the editorial board does not withdraw the material that is the subject of the dispute from the published print run. The withdrawal of the material that is the subject of the dispute from the electronic version of the journal is possible subject to full compensation for moral and material damage caused to the editorial office by the authors.

The editorial board reserves the right to edit manuscripts and change the style of presentation that do not affect the content. In addition, the editorial board reserves the right to reject manuscripts that do not correspond to the level of the journal, and return the manuscripts for revision. The editorial board may require the author to submit the source data, using which the results described in the manuscript were obtained, in order for the reviewer to assess the degree of compliance of the source data and the content of the manuscript.

When submitting a manuscript to the editorial board of the journal «Medicine and Ecology», the author (-s) transfers the exclusive property rights to use the manuscript and all related accompanying materials, including reproduction in print and on the Internet, translation of the manuscript into foreign languages, etc. The author transfers these rights to the editorial board of the journal without limitation of their validity period and on the territory of all countries of the world without exception.


  1. The procedure for submitting a manuscript to the journal.

The quarterly peer-reviewed scientific and practical journal «Medicine and Ecology» uses an online system for manuscripts submitting and reviewing. Such a system facilitates the provision of manuscripts from authors, simplifies the review and publication process. Select the «Submit Manuscript» button and follow the instructions.


To submit a manuscript, the authors must confirm the following points. The manuscript can be returned to the authors if it does not correspond to them:

  • This manuscript has not been previously published, nor it has been submitted for review and publication in another journal.
  • The file of the submitted manuscript is presented in Microsoft Word document format.
  • Full Internet addresses (URLs) for links are provided where possible.
  • The text is typed with double line spacing; a font size of 14 points is used; italics are used for highlighting, not underscores (except for Internet addresses); all illustrations, graphs and tables are titled and located in appropriate places in the text, and not at the end of the document.
  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic requirements described in the Authors' Guide located on the About the Journal page.
  • The requirements for blind peer-review have been met (a document meeting these requirements must be attached in a separate file in the online manuscript submission system).
  • The structure of the manuscript corresponds to the example of manuscript structure (ta document meeting these requirements must be attached in a separate file in the online manuscript submission system).
  • In total, when uploading a manuscript to the online article submission system, the author must attach 3 separate mandatory files (note: the number of optional files depends on the desire of the authors to submit additional materials):
  1. finished version of the manuscript, designed according to the example of manuscript structure 

  2. version of the manuscript prepared for blind peer-review

  3. cover letter

A cover letter addressed to the editor-in-chief with the signature of all authors and the seal of the institution is drawn up in any form, but must contain the following points (the cover letter must be attached in a separate file in the online manuscript submission system):

1) a statement that the manuscript has been read and approved by all authors, that all authorship requirements have been met and that all authors are confident that the manuscript reflects the work actually done;

2) the name, address and telephone number of the author responsible for correspondence and communication with other authors on issues related to the processing, correction and final approval of the trial print;

3) information about the manuscript: type of manuscript (original, review, etc.); number of printed characters with spaces, including bibliography, summary, tables and figure captions, indicating the details by the number of printed characters in the following sections: text of the manuscript, summary (Rus), summary (Eng), summary (Kaz); the number of references in the bibliographic list of references; the number of tables; the number of figures;

4) conflict of interest. It is necessary to indicate the sources of financing for the creation of the manuscript and the research preceding it: employer organizations, sponsors, commercial interest in the manuscript of certain legal entities and/or individuals, objects of patent or other types of rights (except copyright);

5) surnames, first names and patronymics of all authors of the manuscript in full.


Manuscripts with a non-standard structure that does not meet the requirements of the journal can be submitted for consideration by e-mail after prior agreement with the editorial board.

In order to obtain the editorial board's permission to submit such a manuscript, it is necessary to submit a reasoned petition to the editorial board in advance, indicating the reasons for the inability to fulfill the basic requirements for manuscripts in the journal Medicine and Ecology. If the authors have not received a response within two weeks of sending the manuscript, the letter has not been received by the editorial board and it should be sent again.


  1. Requirements for submitting manuscripts

Compliance with the established requirements will allow the authors to properly prepare the manuscript for submission to the editorial office, including through the online system.


3.1. Technical requirements for the text of the manuscript

Manuscripts in Kazakh, Russian and English are accepted. The text of the manuscript should be printed in Microsoft Word (RTF and DOC files), Times New Roman font, size 14 pt., black, width alignment, single line spacing. Margins on top and bottom are 2 cm, on the right – 1.5 cm, on the left – 3 cm. The pages should be numbered sequentially, starting with the title page, and the page number should be printed in the lower right corner of each page.

There are no intervals between paragraphs. The first line is indented by 1 cm. The font for figure captions and table text should be Times New Roman, size 14 pt. The designations of units of measurement of various quantities, abbreviations should be preceded by an indissoluble space sign, marking the imposition of a ban on their separation from the number or word they define during layout. The same applies to the set of initials and surnames. When using quotation marks in the text, so-called typographic quotation marks (« ») are used. The dash is indicated by the symbol «–»; the hyphen is «-».

The structure of the manuscript design: 1) UDC (required), 2) the claimed type of manuscript (original, review, etc.), 3) initials and surnames of all authors in a line with asterisk indexing of the author responsible for correspondence, 4) title of the manuscript, 5) full name of the institution, address and e-mail with indexing of each author in depending on the affiliation, 6) first name, last name, patronymic of the author responsible for the correspondence and his data (position, title, place of work, full address of the place of work, e-mail), 7) abstract in the language of the manuscript with keywords in the language of the manuscript, 8) the text of the manuscript (divided into sections depending on the genre of the scientific article), 9) the contribution of the authors, 10) conflict of interest, 11) the bibliographic list, 12) transliteration of the bibliographic list, 13) abstract in 2 languages with keywords, i.e. if the language of the manuscript is Russian, then English and Kazakh languages; if the language of the manuscript is English, then the abstract is in Russian and Kazakh; if the language of the manuscript is Kazakh, then the abstract is in English and Russian. The abstract in 2 languages is provided with mandatory indication of paragraphs 1-6 above.

An example of manuscript structure (the content of the document is given solely as a visual example).

3.2. Preparation of the text of the manuscript

Articles on research results (original articles) should contain the following sections sequentially: «UDC», «Abstract in the language of the manuscript», «Introduction», «Purpose», «Materials and methods», «Results», «Discussion» («Results and discussion» is allowed), «Conclusion» or «Conclusions», «Contribution of the authors», «Conflict of interest», «References», «Transliteration», «Abstract», «Abstract". Other types of manuscripts (reviews, lectures, observations from practice, etc.) may have other sections. It is also allowed to specify sections such as «Gratitude» and «Financing» if necessary.


3.2.1. Title of the manuscript

The title should reflect the main purpose of the manuscript. For most cases, the length of the title text is limited to 150 characters with spaces. The need to increase the number of characters in the title of the manuscript should be agreed with the editorial board.


3.2.2. Abstract

The abstract (in Russian, Kazakh and English) should provide an understanding of the main provisions of the manuscript. When sending materials to the editorial office, you can limit yourself to an unstructured annotation describing the main provisions, results and conclusions, but using a structured annotation is preferable. The abstract should be at least 1,500 characters with spaces and no more than 300 words. Before the main text of the abstract in 2 languages at the end of the manuscript, it is necessary to re-specify the authors, the title of the manuscript and affiliation (not included in the number of characters). At the end of the annotation, you must specify the keywords. It is advisable to use generally accepted keyword terms reflected in controlled medical dictionaries, for example,


3.2.3. Introduction

The introduction reflects the main essence of the described problem, contains a brief analysis of the main literary sources on the problem. At the end of the section, it is necessary to formulate the main purpose of the work (for manuscripts about the results of the study).


3.2.4. Purpose of the study

After the «Introduction» section, the purpose of the study is described, which should be clearly formulated, it is forbidden to use abbreviations in the formulation of the purpose of the work.


3.2.5. Materials and methods

This section should provide sufficient information about the organization of the study, the object of the study, the sample under study, inclusion/exclusion criteria, research methods and processing of the data obtained. It is mandatory to specify the criteria for the distribution of research objects into groups. It is necessary to describe in detail the equipment and diagnostic equipment used, indicating its main technical characteristics, the names of the kits for hormonal and biochemical studies, indicating the normal values for individual indicators. When using generally accepted research methods, it is necessary to provide appropriate literary references; specify the exact international names of all drugs and chemicals used, doses and methods of administration (routes of administration).

The participants of the study should be familiar with the objectives and main provisions of the study, after which they must sign a written consent to participate. The authors should provide details of the above procedure when describing the research protocol in the section «Materials and Methods» and indicate that the Ethics Committee approved the research protocol. If the examination procedure includes X-ray experiments, it is advisable to provide their description and exposure doses in the section «Materials and methods».

Authors submitting literature reviews should include a section describing the methods used to find, select, obtain information and synthesize data. These methods should also be given in the summary.

Statistical methods should be described in such detail that a competent reader with access to the source data can verify the results obtained. If possible, the data obtained should be quantified and presented with appropriate indicators of measurement errors and uncertainty (such as confidence intervals).

The description of the statistical analysis procedure is an integral component of the section «Materials and Methods», while statistical data processing itself should be considered not as an auxiliary, but as the main component of the study. It is necessary to provide a complete list of all used statistical methods of analysis and criteria for testing hypotheses. It is unacceptable to use phrases like «standard statistical methods were used» without specifying them specifically. The critical significance p-level accepted in this study must be indicated (for example: «The critical significance level was assumed to be 0.05 when testing statistical hypotheses»). In each specific case, it is desirable to indicate the actual value of the achieved significance p-level for the statistical criterion used. In addition, it is necessary to specify the specific values of the statistical criteria obtained. It is necessary to define all the statistical terms, abbreviations and symbolic designations used, for example, M is the sample mean, m is the error of the mean, etc. Further in the text, it is necessary to indicate the sample size (n) used to calculate statistical criteria. If the statistical criteria used have limitations on their application, indicate how these limitations were checked and what the results of these checks were (for example, how the fact of the normality of the distribution was confirmed when using parametric statistical methods). The vague use of terms with multiple meanings should be avoided (for example, there are several variants of the correlation coefficient: Pearson, Spearman, etc.). The average values should not be given more precisely than one decimal place compared to the initial data. If the data analysis was performed using a statistical software package, then you must specify the name of this package and its version.


3.2.6. Results and discussion

This section describes the results of the conducted research, supported by visual illustrative material (tables, figures). All data from tables or figures should not be repeated in the text; only important observations should be highlighted and summarized.

When discussing the results of the study, references to the works of other author groups are allowed. It is necessary to highlight new and important aspects of the study, as well as the conclusions that follow from them. In this section, it is necessary to discuss the possibility of applying the results obtained, including in further studies, as well as their limitations. It is necessary to compare the observations of the authors of the manuscript with other studies in this field, to link the conclusions made with the objectives of the study, however, «unqualified», unsubstantiated statements and conclusions that are not fully supported by facts should be avoided. In particular, authors should not make any statements regarding economic benefits and costs unless the relevant economic data and analyses are presented in the manuscript.

It is necessary to avoid claims of priority and references to work that has not yet been completed. It is necessary to formulate new hypotheses only when it is justified, but clearly indicate that these are only hypotheses. Sound recommendations may also be included in this section.


3.2.7. Conclusion

This section can be written in the form of a general conclusion, or in the form of specific conclusions, depending on the specifics of the manuscript.


3.2.8. Conclusions

The conclusions should be numbered, clearly formulated and follow the set goal.


3.2.9. Authors contribution


In this section, it is necessary to indicate the contribution of each author to the work with a manuscript. A contribution to the work with a manuscript is an intellectual investment, without which part of the work or the work as a whole could not be completed or a manuscript written. In accordance with the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors, the authors of the article may be persons whose contribution is based on the following criteria:

- significant contribution to the concept or design; collection, analysis or interpretation of the results;

- writing a text and/or critically reviewing its content;

- approval of the final version of the manuscript for publication;

- consent to be responsible for all aspects of the work, proper study and resolution of issues related to the reliability of data or the integrity of all parts of the article.


3.2.10. Conflict of interest

In this section, it is necessary to indicate any financial relationships that may lead to a conflict of interest in connection with the material presented in the manuscript. If there is no conflict of interest, then write: «No conflict of interest is declared».

It is also necessary to indicate the sources of financing for the work. The main sources of funding should be indicated in the title of the manuscript in the form of employer organizations in relation to the authors of the manuscript. In the text, it is necessary to specify the type of financing by employer organizations (research and development, etc.), as well as, if necessary, provide information about additional sources: sponsorship (grants from various foundations, commercial sponsors).

This section also indicates, if applicable, the commercial interest of individual individuals and/or legal entities in the results of the work, the presence in the manuscript of descriptions of objects of patent or any other type of rights (except copyright).

Read more about the concept of «Conflict of Interest» in the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).


3.2.11. Acknowledgements

This section is optional, but its presence is desirable, if applicable.

All participants who do not meet the criteria of authorship should be listed in the «Acknowledgements» section. Examples of those who should be thanked include those who provide technical support, assistants in writing an manuscript, or the head of a department providing general support. It is also necessary to express gratitude for financial and material support. Groups of people who participated in the work, but whose participation does not meet the criteria of authorship, can be listed as: «clinical researchers» or «study participants». Their function should be described, for example: «participated as scientific consultants», «critically evaluated the objectives of the study», «collected data» or «participated in the treatment of patients included in the study». Since readers can form their own opinions based on the data and conclusions presented, these persons must give written permission to be mentioned in this section (no more than 100 words in length).


3.2.12. References

The editorial board does not limit the authors in the number of literary sources used, but asks the authors to be careful about the financial and time resources of the editorial board and make only the necessary references. References to literary sources should be indicated in Arabic numerals and indicated in the text of the manuscript in square brackets.

The reference bibliographic list should be given in alphabetical order and designed in accordance with GOST 7.1-2003 «Bibliographic record. Bibliographic description. General requirements and rules of compilation». All sources are given in a sequentially numbered list, listed alphabetically – first the sources in Cyrillic, then in Latin. The sources are given in the original language. When designing the names of foreign-language publications, the arrangement of uppercase and lowercase letters is preserved.


3.2.13. Transliteration

When compiling a list of bibliographic references, Russian-language sources must be transliterated, and foreign sources must be brought into line with transliteration requirements. All transliterated sources are given in a sequentially numbered list, in accordance with the sequence of sources from the «References» list.

To get a transliterated list of references, you can use the transliteration program of the Russian text into Latin on the website


3.2.14. Graphic material

The amount of graphic material is the minimum required. If the figures were published earlier, it is necessary to indicate the original source and provide written permission for their reproduction from the holder of the publication right. Permission is required regardless of authorship or publisher, with the exception of non-copyrighted documents.

Figures and diagrams in electronic form must be submitted with the extension JPEG, GIF or PNG (resolution 300 dpi). Figures can be presented in various color options: black and white, shades of gray, colored. Color figures will be presented in color only in the electronic version of the magazine, in the printed version of the magazine they will be published in shades of gray. Micrographs must have internal scale labels. The symbols, arrows, or letters used in microphotographs should be in contrast to the background. If photos of people are used, then these people either should not be recognizable, or written permission for their publication should be attached to such photos. Changing the format of the figures (high resolution, etc.) is preliminarily agreed with the editorial board. The editorial board reserves the right to refuse to place figures of non-standard quality in the text of the manuscript.

The figures should be numbered sequentially according to the order in which they are first mentioned in the text. The captions are prepared in the numbering order of the figures.


3.2.15. Tables

Tables should have a title and clearly marked columns that are easy to read. The font for the table text should be Times New Roman, size at least 10pt. Each table is printed at 1 interval. Photos of the table are not accepted.

Number the tables sequentially, in the order of their first mention in the text. Give a short name to each of them. Each column in the table should have a short title (abbreviations can be used). All explanations should be placed in the notes (footnotes), and not in the title of the table. Indicate which statistical measures were used to reflect the variability of the data, for example, the standard deviation or the error of the mean. Make sure that each table is mentioned in the text.


3.2.16. Units of measurement and abbreviations

Measurements are given according to the SI system and the Celsius scale. Abbreviations of individual words and terms, except for generally accepted ones, are not allowed. All entered abbreviations are deciphered in full at the first indication in the text of the manuscript, followed by an indication of the abbreviation in parentheses. Abbreviations should not be used in the title of the manuscript and in the summary.


Copyright Notice

Authors who publish with this journal agree to the following terms:

  1. Authors retain copyright and grant the journal right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License that allows others to share the work with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in this journal.
  2. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in this journal.
  3. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).


Privacy Statement

Specified when registering the names and addresses will be used solely for technical purposes of a contact with the Author or reviewers (editors) when preparing the article for publication. Private data will not be shared with other individuals and organizations.