Features and algorithm of preparation of qualifying scientific work in the magistracy
Master's thesis in the system of science performs a qualifying function, i.e. it is prepared for the purpose of public defense and obtaining a scientific degree. Therefore, the compliance of such research with the basic requirements (justification of the relevance of the topic and methodological approach; correspondence of the goal, objectives and conclusions; subject and object, etc.) is fundamental in the preparation of master's theses. However, first-year master's students generally do not have basic research competencies, cannot choose and show the relevance of the topic, formulate the goal and objectives, determine the novelty and practical significance of their scientific work. In addition, having a limit time to choose and approve a relevant topic, without a pilot study, they often make a number of significant mistakes when preparing and defending their dissertation work.
The article discusses the peculiarities of preparing a qualifying research paper in the master's program using modern educational technologies and algorithms. To solve these problems, in order to effectively help the novice researcher, the authors consider it necessary to use a technological approach in the preparation of qualification work, which is useful in terms of unifying the actions of the student, ensuring the reproducibility of research steps and achieving a guaranteed result.
For this purpose, the authors have compiled and proposed, for use in classes with master's students, a step-by-step structured algorithm of actions aimed at solving research problems. And eligibility is a diagnostic indicator of the achievement of the learning goal and objectives. The developed step-by-step algorithm is used in the discipline «Technology of preparation of master's research», which is conducted for master's students of Karaganda Medical University, studying in various specialties.
About the Authors
N. U. TankibayevaKazakhstan
100008, Karaganda, Gogolya str., 40
Zh. K. Tukhmetova
100008, Karaganda, Gogolya str., 40
Y. E. Burdelnaya
Yelena Vyacheslavovna Burdelnaya
100008, Karaganda, Gogolya str., 40
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For citations:
Tankibayeva N.U., Tukhmetova Zh.K., Burdelnaya Y.E. Features and algorithm of preparation of qualifying scientific work in the magistracy. Medicine and ecology. 2024;(4):145-151. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.59598/ME-2305-6045-2024-113-4-145-151