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Geriatric service in the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of development


The issues of geriatric service development in the aspect of relevance, development of regulatory and resource base are considered. Taking into account the world trends, the validity of geriatrics development at the interdisciplinary level has been analyzed. The situation of geriatrics development in the country is considered taking into account the stage-by-stage multilevel resolution of geriatric service improvement taking into account the trinity of “practice-sciences-education”. Analyzed the situation and development of conditions and resources for the development of gerontological service in the country. Actualized on the basis of official data the deficit of specialists to serve the age category of clients for the provision of medical service. At the same time, the cost of providing medical service to patients ≤65+ was noted. The development of training programs in the specialty of «geriatrics» within the framework of continuing professional education makes it possible to fill the shortage of specialists. The development of the resource base requires more improvement to improve the quality of life of the age category of the population and leveling the burden on the health care system with improved performance of the outcomes of resource management processes in the field of geriatrics. Actualization of legal and regulatory and normative base of geriatric service and their complementarity with normative and legal acts in the field of palliative care creates conditions for improvement in the implementation of practical processes of geriatric service. Taking into account the global trend and progress in the promotion of geriatric service within the country, the prerequisites for effective implementation of practice within the specialty “geriatrics” have been created.

About the Authors

D. A. Urazalina
RSE on REM «Central Clinical Hospital for Veterans of the Patriotic War» MH RK

010000, Astana city, st. Azerbayzhan Mambetov, 28

K. Ye. Gubskaya
RSE on REM «Central Clinical Hospital for Veterans of the Patriotic War» MH RK

Kristina Gubskaya – Master of Medical Sciences, Manager for Strategy and Development, Strategy, Economics and Marketing Department

010000, Astana city, st. Azerbayzhan Mambetov, 28

A. M. Zhumagaliev
RSE on REM «Central Clinical Hospital for Veterans of the Patriotic War» MH RK

010000, Astana city, st. Azerbayzhan Mambetov, 28

G. T. Tuleshova
RSE «Forensic Examinations Centre» MJ RK

010000, Astana city, Saryarka district, Saryarka avenue, 3/1, VP 15

L. M. Idrisova
RSE on REM «Central Clinical Hospital for Veterans of the Patriotic War» MH RK

010000, Astana city, st. Azerbayzhan Mambetov, 28


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For citations:

Urazalina D.A., Gubskaya K.Ye., Zhumagaliev A.M., Tuleshova G.T., Idrisova L.M. Geriatric service in the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of development. Medicine and ecology. 2024;(4):131-138. (In Russ.)

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