Socio-hygienic portrait of patients with arterial hypertension in Kazakhstan in modern conditions
Introduction. The article notes that the greatest contribution to the structure of causes of death and disability associated with cardiovascular diseases identified as a result of the study falls on patients with arterial hypertension. Social and hygienic portrait of a patient with arterial hypertension. Age – most often occurs in people over 40 years of age, the most common age is 40-60 years, the highest incidence is observed in this age group. At this age, there is a physiological aging of the vessels and an increase in blood pressure. After over 60 years: the incidence increases and the detection of AG among older people increases significantly due to age-related changes in the circulatory system and the presence of concomitant diseases. Among men by gender, the incidence of hypertension is most often observed in men in young and middle age (up to 60 years). This is due to high levels of stress, alcohol consumption, smoking and a sedentary lifestyle. And among women, the difference in morbidity between the ages of 60 and older decreases, and women begin to suffer from hypertension as much as men. This can lead to an increase in blood pressure due to changes in the hormonal background, especially after menopause.In terms of social characteristics, a low level of education may predispose to not being aware of the risks associated with arterial hypertension, as well as a healthy lifestyle.
Aim. To characterize the modern socio-hygienic characteristics of the personality of patients with arterial hypertension.
Materials and methods. A comprehensive medical and sociological study was conducted from 2020 to 2023 on the basis of Karaganda city polyclinic No. 3. The research program is implemented in accordance with the goals and objectives of the doctoral work, and the research practice is based on specific criteria. Results and discussion. Among the respondents, the largest number were patients aged 54-62 years (N = 241; 58.1%). In addition, the proportion of representatives of this age group among the women surveyed exceeded the statistically significant (p<0.05) similar indicator among men (67.4 and 45.3%, respectively).
Conclusion. The results of our study confirm that, like other authors who conducted similar studies when planning and implementing preventive measures related to hypertension, men of working age should be especially attentive as a category of people with more pronounced risk factors for hypertension and rarely spread to medical organizations.
About the Authors
E. J. MakhanbetchinRussian Federation
Yeldos Zhanzakovich Makhanbetchin
050060, Almaty с., Utepova strю, 19a
A. N. Nurbakyt
050060, Almaty с., Utepova strю, 19a
S. R. Miraliev
010000, Astana c., Beybitshilik str., 49a
T. S. Sergaliev
734003, Dushanbe с., Sino str, 29-31
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For citations:
Makhanbetchin E.J., Nurbakyt A.N., Miraliev S.R., Sergaliev T.S. Socio-hygienic portrait of patients with arterial hypertension in Kazakhstan in modern conditions. Medicine and ecology. 2024;(4):53-58. (In Kazakh)