Assessment of the research potential of healthcare specialists in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the implementation of clinical research: results of online questionnaires and self-assessments. Global crisis of clinical researcher shortage
The study aimed to identify and analyze the potential of practical healthcare professionals in terms of skills and knowledge for conducting clinical research in Kazakhstan, as well as to identify obstacles that may arise and cause the low involvement of specialists in research activities.
Materials and methods. A specially developed questionnaire was conducted online. Various healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, teachers of medical educational organizations) from all regions of Kazakhstan participated. By random sampling, 337 respondents answered the questions. Data was collected anonymously through Google Forms.
Results and discussion. 29,7% respondents had participated in clinical research. Most respondents do not have sufficient knowledge in conducting clinical research; on average, 35% of respondents answered correctly. On average, respondents' self-assessment of knowledge and skills in choosing a study design, forming groups of study objects, collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data obtained during clinical trials, and performing statistical processing of results was 3 points (max = 5 points). A majority expressed a need for further training in clinical research. The main barriers to conducting clinical research were identified as lack of working time (44%), insufficient knowledge in conducting clinical research (34%), inaccessibility of educational programs (28%), lack of personal interest (27%), non-compliance of clinical base infrastructure (23%), difficulties in patient recruitment (20%), and the risk of losing professional autonomy (13%).
Conclusions: The survey results show an unsatisfactory level of existing research potential of healthcare professionals in the organization and conduct of clinical research. the findings reveal a significant gap in the research potential of healthcare professionals in Kazakhstan. There is a lack of understanding of clinical research concepts, international standards, and local legislative requirements. The main obstacles are inadequate time for research, insufficient knowledge and experience, limited access to training, and low interest among professionals.
About the Authors
G. U. KulkayevaKazakhstan
010000, Astana, Mangelik el street 20
V. M. Tarassova
Valentina Mikhailovna Tarassova - Clinical research development center
010000, Astana, Mangelik el street 20
M. A. Graf
Clinical research development center
010000, Astana, Mangelik el street 20
A. B. Tabarov
010000, Astana, Mangelik el street 20
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For citations:
Kulkayeva G.U., Tarassova V.M., Graf M.A., Tabarov A.B. Assessment of the research potential of healthcare specialists in the Republic of Kazakhstan in the implementation of clinical research: results of online questionnaires and self-assessments. Global crisis of clinical researcher shortage. Medicine and ecology. 2024;(3):121-128.