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The primary care in providing care for inflammatory bowel diseases: PEST analysis


Aim of the study. The study of macroeconomic (external) environmental factors influencing primary healthcare level as the main link in routing a patient with inflammatory bowel diseases and providing quality care.
Materials and methods. The opinion of three experts on 4 groups of indicators (political, economic, social and technological) in the context of their impact on the outpatient level of care for inflammatory bowel diseases in the next 3-5 years is analyzed. All factors were taken into account based on the strength of their influence (from 1 to 3) and the probability of variability. Then, according to the methodology, a weight-adjusted score was determined.
Results and discussion. The analysis of environmental factors on the effectiveness of medical care for inflammatory bowel diseases in primary health care has shown the importance of both technological factors (availability of information systems, telemedicine technologies, innovative techniques), political (related to the regulation of the health system at the Ministry level, the existing Standard, labor policy, the level of knowledge of doctors and preventive measures) and economic (financing of the system health care, developed infrastructure, income of the population and accessibility of services); socio-cultural factors are slightly less significant, primarily related to joint responsibility for the health of citizens, the level of education of the population, the degree of trust in medicine and the existing inflated expectations of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases.
Conclusions. The analysis showed an obviously significant influence of technological, political and economic factors on the quality of care provided for inflammatory bowel diseases in primary health care. It is obvious that socio-cultural factors, primarily related to joint responsibility for the health of citizens, the level of education of the population, the degree of trust in medicine and the existing high expectations of patients with inflammatory bowel diseases, are comparatively less significant for the quality of care provided.

About the Authors

J. A. Kaibullayeva
Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Diseases

Jamilya Akhtanovna Kaibullayeva

120 Aiteke bi str., Almaty

M. O. Pashimov
Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Diseases

120 Aiteke bi str., Almaty

A. M. Kasatova
Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Diseases

120 Aiteke bi str., Almaty

A. S. Tanabaeva
Scientific Research Institute of Cardiology and Internal Diseases

120 Aiteke bi str., Almaty

K. E. Agibayev
Многопрофильная городская больница №1


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For citations:

Kaibullayeva J.A., Pashimov M.O., Kasatova A.M., Tanabaeva A.S., Agibayev K.E. The primary care in providing care for inflammatory bowel diseases: PEST analysis. Medicine and ecology. 2024;(3):113-120. (In Russ.)

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