The role and prognostic value of the interleukin 2 gene at multiple myeloma
Aim of the study. To determine the relationship of the polymorphic locus of the IL2 genetic marker (T-330G) with the risk of complicated course of multiple myeloma.
Materials and methods. The molecular analysis of the IL2 (T-330G) gene was carried out in the laboratory of Molecular Genetics, cytogenetics and FISH at the Republican Specialized Scientific and Practical Medical Center of Hematology of the Republic of Uzbekistan (Tashkent city). 101 patients aged 34 to 72 years with a reliably established diagnosis of multiple myeloma were examined. IL2 polymorphism (T-330G) was genotyped by real-time PCR using primers from Litech (Russia) using an Applied Biosystems thermal cycler (USA).
Results and discussion. An increased risk of complicated course of multiple myeloma compared with healthy individuals was found to be 1.6 times higher among carriers of the mutant G allele (χ2=4.3; p=0.05). Statistically significant differences between unfavorable loci in the group of patients with combined complications of multiple myeloma compared with the control were revealed.
Conclusions. The risk of developing multiple myeloma compared with healthy individuals is 1.6 times higher among carriers of the mutant G allele (χ2=4.3; p=0.05) according to the polymorphism of the IL2 gene (T-330G). Along with this, a statistically significant relationship was established between unfavorable loci (G and G/G) with an increase of 2.5 (χ2=9.4; p=0.01) and 3.5 times (χ2=5.3; p=0.03) the risk of developing multiple myeloma complicated by plasmacytoma in combination with nephropathy.
About the Authors
G. Z. MakhamadaliyevaUzbekistan
Gulchehra Zukhridinovna Makhamadaliyeva – PhD, Chief Hematologist of the Republic of Uzbekistan, Head of the Transplantation Department
Tashkent city, Chilanzar district, Arnasai str., 16/1A
A. A. Kayumov
Tashkent city, Chilanzar district, Arnasai str., 16/1A
N. K. Akhrarova
Tashkent city, Chilanzar district, Arnasai str., 16/1A
N. H. Kakhkharova
Tashkent city, Chilanzar district, Arnasai str., 16/1A
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For citations:
Makhamadaliyeva G.Z., Kayumov A.A., Akhrarova N.K., Kakhkharova N.H. The role and prognostic value of the interleukin 2 gene at multiple myeloma. Medicine and ecology. 2024;(3):75-81. (In Russ.)