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The prevalence of dental caries in children with iron deficiency anemia in the Karaganda Region


Aim of the study. To assess the prevalence of caries in children with iron deficiency anemia.
Materials and methods. A study was conducted on 1500 children and adolescents in 3 areas of the Karaganda region, of which 54% suffer from IDA. Study examined children and adolescents aged 3 to 17 years, who were classified into three age categories: preschool children (3-6 years), primary school age (7-11 years), and high school age (12-17 years). The analysis was aimed at identifying the connection between iron deficiency anemia and the prevalence of caries among children and adolescents in the Karaganda region. To achieve this goal, statistical methods were applied, including correlation analysis and analysis of variance, considering age groups and regional characteristics.
Results and discussion. All study participants examined showed a direct connection between the degree of iron deficiency anemia (IDA) and the prevalence of caries, amounting to 67.98%, which is a significant correlation. This effect is especially noticeable among children aged 7 to 11 years. It was also found that with an increase in the severity of iron deficiency anemia, an increase in the number of cases of decompensated caries is observed.
Conclusions. Children and adolescents with iron deficiency anemia (IDA) exhibit higher rates of caries activity. In severe iron deficiency anemia, there is a high prevalence of caries, which indicates a significant impact of iron deficiency on dental health. Such figures indicate the importance of timely diagnosis and treatment of iron deficiency anemia to improve overall health and prevent possible complications in the form of oral diseases, including caries.

About the Authors

S. T. Tuleutayeva
Non-Commercial Joint-Stock Company «Karaganda Medical University»

100008, Karaganda, Gogol str., 40

A. D. Seitzhanova
Non-Commercial Joint-Stock Company «Karaganda Medical University»

Aikhanym Dulatkyzy Seitzhanova – School of Dentistry

100008, Karaganda, Gogol str., 40

K. A. Shauyenova
Non-Commercial Joint-Stock Company «Karaganda Medical University»

100008, Karaganda, Gogol str., 40

D. Zh. Tuleutayev
Non-Commercial Joint-Stock Company «Karaganda Medical University»

100008, Karaganda, Gogol str., 40

K. S. Mukhtarova
Non-Commercial Joint-Stock Company «Karaganda Medical University»

100008, Karaganda, Gogol str., 40

A. S. Zhumadilova
Non-Commercial Joint-Stock Company «Karaganda Medical University»

100008, Karaganda, Gogol str., 40

N. V. Abdygalieva
Non-Commercial Joint-Stock Company «Karaganda Medical University»

100008, Karaganda, Gogol str., 40


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For citations:

Tuleutayeva S.T., Seitzhanova A.D., Shauyenova K.A., Tuleutayev D.Zh., Mukhtarova K.S., Zhumadilova A.S., Abdygalieva N.V. The prevalence of dental caries in children with iron deficiency anemia in the Karaganda Region. Medicine and ecology. 2024;(3):51-58.

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