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Clinical case of the development and course of Graves' disease against the background of HIV and HCV-infection


This article discusses a clinical case of the onset and course of Graves' disease against the background of long-term antiretroviral therapy, interferons. The complexity of this case was the resistance of thyrotoxicosis therapy, as well as the impossibility of prescribing the necessary doses to normalize the thyroid profile due to the drug's hepatotoxicity. During the treatment of thyrotoxicosis, an increase in liver enzymes occurred. The tactic was adopted to perform a thyroidectomy with sedation. After normalization of liver function for a period of 2 months, it was possible to achieve subcompensated thyrotoxicosis by taking Tyrozol 40 mg per day. After the strumectomy, the patient’s condition was much better. Started hormone replacement therapy, thyroid status returned to normal. It was concluded that it is necessary to exclude the development of thyrotoxicosis by determining the level of TSH, the levels of free thyroxine and triiodothyronine, the determination of antibodies to thyroperoxidase, antibodies to the TSH receptor before starting antiretroviral therapy and interferon therapy.

About the Authors

N. A. Nezdaiminova
Karaganda Medical University NC JSC, Department of Internal Diseases

Natalia Alexandrovna Nezdaiminova – Resident Endocrinologist,

40, Gogol str., Karaganda, 100008.

L. Ye. Alimkhanova
Karaganda Medical University NC JSC, Department of Internal Diseases

40, Gogol str., Karaganda, 100008.

G. T. Rapikhova
Karaganda Multidisciplinary hospital No. 2 RSE of the Department of Health of the Karaganda region

23, Krylova str., Karaganda,100019


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For citations:

Nezdaiminova N.A., Alimkhanova L.Ye., Rapikhova G.T. Clinical case of the development and course of Graves' disease against the background of HIV and HCV-infection. Medicine and ecology. 2024;(1):70-76. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)