ABC/VEN analysis of drug consumption in the occupational health clinic of Karaganda medical university
Purpose of the study. Study ABC/VEN analysis indicators, identify the most expensive medications and determine ways to rationalize costs in the Occupational Health Clinic of Karaganda Medical University NC JSC.
Materials and methods. The material for the study was material records of the purchase of medicines within the framework of the guaranteed volume of free medical care and compulsory social health insurance for the treatment of patients for 2023. For the ABC/VEN analysis drugs were grouped by international nonproprietary names (INN). The VEN-analysis of drug costs with assignment of an index of evidence/importance of drugs was carried out in comparison with the Kazakhstan National Medicines Formulary, the World Health Organization Model List of Essential Medicines and the British National Formulary.
Results and discussion. The ABC/VEN analysis indicators for the purchase of Medicines in the Occupational Health Clinic of Karaganda Medical University NC JSC for the treatment of patients within the framework of the GAFMC/CSHI. The analysis of the financial costs of drug provision in accordance with the structure of treated patients with occupational diseases, rationality and effectiveness was carried out.
Conclusions. It was established that in the Occupational Health Clinic of Karaganda Medical University NC JSC according to ABC/VEN analysis, the financial costs of drug provision within the framework of GAFMC/ CSHI were appropriate, corresponded to the structure of treated patients with occupational diseases.
About the Authors
N. K. DyusembayevaKazakhstan
Nailya Kamashevna Dyusembayeva – Department of Clinical Pharmacology and Evidence-Based Medicine,
100008, Karaganda, Gogol st., 40;
100008, Karaganda, Mustafina st., 15.
Zh. A. Abyzhanova
100008, Karaganda, Gogol st., 40.
A. A. Muratbek
100008, Karaganda, Gogol st., 40.
M. T. Tusenova
100008, Karaganda, Gogol st., 40.
Ch. Z. Salibekova
100008, Karaganda, Gogol st., 40.
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For citations:
Dyusembayeva N.K., Abyzhanova Zh.A., Muratbek A.A., Tusenova M.T., Salibekova Ch.Z. ABC/VEN analysis of drug consumption in the occupational health clinic of Karaganda medical university. Medicine and ecology. 2024;(1):55-60. (In Russ.)