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Analysis of risk factors for the development of community acquisited pneumonia in children depending on the degree of severity


Aim of the study. Study of the role of the main risk factors for community-acquired pneumonia in children.

Materials and methods. The study was conducted among 136 children with pneumonia out of hospital, aged 3 to 14 years. Among them, 37% were boys undergoing treatment in a specialized department. During the study, all children were divided into groups according to severity (groups I, II and III). The diagnosis was verified on the basis of clinical, anamnestic and laboratory fundamental data in accordance with the diagnostic protocol of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Statistical analysis of the obtained data was carried out using standard methods of variation statistics, assessing the correctness of the differences.

Results and discussion. The most important risk factors in the examined children were: increased blood pressure during pregnancy (59.4+4.21); excessive work of the mother during pregnancy (48.4+3.17); early artificial feeding in the 1st year of life (61.5+4.93); manifestations of protein-energy deficiency in the 1st year of life (53.9 + 3.53), respectively, discrepancy between weight and height in the 1st year of life (33.9 + 3.11) and rickets in the 1st year of life child and pneumonia factors (46.9+4.11; 40.5+3.21).

Conclusion. The study determined the varying degrees of occurrence of risk factors depending on the severity of community-acquired pneumonia in the examined children. The results obtained indicate the need to take into account risk factors to determine the severity of the disease as an additional criterion.

About the Authors

A. S. Akhayeva
Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology of Karaganda Medical University NC JSC

Ardak Sekenovna Akhayeva - AssociateProfessor,

40,Gogol str., Karaganda, 100008.

B. T. Tukbekova
Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology of Karaganda Medical University NC JSC

40,Gogol str., Karaganda, 100008.

A. B. Kysabekova
Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology of Karaganda Medical University NC JSC

40,Gogol str., Karaganda, 100008.

I. A. Skosarev
Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology of Karaganda Medical University NC JSC

40,Gogol str., Karaganda, 100008.

D. Ye. Zhupenova
Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology of Karaganda Medical University NC JSC

40,Gogol str., Karaganda, 100008.

S. A. Turlybekova
Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology of Karaganda Medical University NC JSC

40,Gogol str., Karaganda, 100008.

T. A. Kenzhetayeva
Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology of Karaganda Medical University NC JSC

40,Gogol str., Karaganda, 100008.

A. A. Zhanpeisova
Department of Pediatrics and Neonatology of Karaganda Medical University NC JSC

40,Gogol str., Karaganda, 100008.

G. B. Akhmetova
Multidisciplinary Children's Hospital of Karaganda City, Department of Health of Karaganda Region

106, K. Liebknecht str., Karaganda. 


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For citations:

Akhayeva A.S., Tukbekova B.T., Kysabekova A.B., Skosarev I.A., Zhupenova D.Ye., Turlybekova S.A., Kenzhetayeva T.A., Zhanpeisova A.A., Akhmetova G.B. Analysis of risk factors for the development of community acquisited pneumonia in children depending on the degree of severity. Medicine and ecology. 2024;(1):38-43. (In Kazakh)

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