Changes in the indicators of the cardiovascular system in aluminum plant workers under the influence of physical factors
The cardiovascular system is considered as an indicator of adaptive activity of the whole organism, where an unstable indicator is the heart rate, which changes even with minor physical activity. The article shows the change in cardiovascular parameters of the main and auxiliary workers of the aluminum plant under the influence of physical factors of the production environment. The type of reaction of the hemodynamic system in the main working professions is mainly designated as vascular, where the load reaction was accompanied by the most pronounced changes in the peripheral part of the hemodynamic system: an increase in systolic and diastolic blood pressure, heart rate. Employees of auxiliary specialties reacted to the load by increasing diastolic blood pressure.
About the Authors
Z. T. MukhametzhanovaKazakhstan
40, Gogolya str., Karaganda city.
K. Ye. Amreyeva
Kymbat Yeralievna Amreyeva – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor,
40, Gogolya str., Karaganda city.
K. K. Kaiyrbekova
40, Gogolya str., Karaganda city.
S. S. Atshabarova
40, Gogolya str., Karaganda city.
N. N. Nauryzov
40, Gogolya str., Karaganda city.
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For citations:
Mukhametzhanova Z.T., Amreyeva K.Ye., Kaiyrbekova K.K., Atshabarova S.S., Nauryzov N.N. Changes in the indicators of the cardiovascular system in aluminum plant workers under the influence of physical factors. Medicine and ecology. 2024;(1):22-26. (In Kazakh)