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Formation of the key values of Zhana Kazakhstan in the process of language training for students of a medical university (from the experience of Languages Development Center)


The purpose of the study. To consider the phenomenon of the key values of Zhana Kazakhstan and the peculiarities of their formation in the process of language education; to propose the most effective combination of methods of language training for medical students and enlightenment methods of future professionals within the framework of a nationwide idea.

Materials and methods. The article describes the experience of working with 1st year students of Karaganda Medical University NC JSC in Russian language classes at the B1 level in the aspect of the formation of key values of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Results and discussion. Based on the results of the teaching experience, the most effective ways of Zhana Kazakhstan values forming are proposed. The topics on the Russian language subject in the framework of the Standard Program and the key values were identified by the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan at the third Kurultai, and they are correlated in terms of their potential for the formation of a particular value. Special attention is paid to the problem of selecting material for classes in the listening and reading modules (types of speech activity) as well as on topics proposed for discussion. The article describes examples of this material with active forms of learning using in a classroom.

Conclusions. The forms of activation of work are proposed: discussion, quiz, meetings. The techniques of working with texts and interrelated learning of listening and reading based on the material of the proposed texts and videos are described. The effectiveness of the proposed tools for the formation of key values of Zhana Kazakhstan is confirmed by the results of oral and written questionnaires of students during feedback. 

About the Author

O. F. Kucherenko
Karaganda Medical University NC JSC

Olga Fyodorovna Kucherenko – Associate Professor of Languages Development Center,

100008, Karaganda, Gogol str., 40.


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For citations:

Kucherenko O.F. Formation of the key values of Zhana Kazakhstan in the process of language training for students of a medical university (from the experience of Languages Development Center). Medicine and ecology. 2024;(1):5-13. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)