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The purpose of the research was studying of a condition of a vegetative homeostasis at the persons living in conditions of influence of adverse factors of the environment. Complex assessment of variability of a warm rhythm at the persons living in conditions of influence of adverse factors of the environment is carried out in Maiskiy settlement in Pavlodar region. Indicators of static, spectral analyses, a variation pulsometriya and an indicator of activity of regulatory systems are studied. By results of a research of variability of a warm rhythm, it has been established prevalence of a parasympathetic link of regulation, psychoemotional tension, expressed tension of regulatory systems. Increase in activity of sympathetic (AMo) and parasympathetic departments of the autonomic nervous system (Mo, HF) was followed by increase in the index of a stress (SI) that defined prevalence of activity of the central mechanisms of regulation over autonomous. Among the examined persons it is established: the expressed tension of vegetative regulatory systems (PARS), increase a stress index (SI), high-frequency respiratory waves (HF, ms2) and decrease in slow waves (VLF).

About the Authors

Sh. B. Battakova
National center of labour hygiene and occupational diseases of the MH of the RK

A. S. Shokabayeva
National center of labour hygiene and occupational diseases of the MH of the RK


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For citations:

Battakova Sh.B., Shokabayeva A.S. А UTONOMIC HOMEOSTASIS OF THE POPULATION OF MAISKIYSTTLEMENT OFSEMIPALATINSK REGION . Medicine and ecology. 2018;(3):39-41. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)