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Evaluation of living conditions in Karaganda today is impossible without monitoring of fine dust, nitrogen oxides, sulfur and carbon, due to the high emission of solid and gaseous polluting substances in atmospheric air. Ecological-hygienic assessment of atmospheric air pollution of Karaganda for 2012, 2014-2017 was held on materials annual Information bulletins on the state of environment of Kazakhstan, bulletins «On the state of atmospheric air in the Karaganda region». An overall assessment of pollution of atmospheric air on the territory of Karaganda city was high, especially in 2015 and 2016, and corresponded to the level of «stressed». According to the analysis of pollution of atmospheric air and precipitation obtained that the thermal power plant in Karaganda and the mining industry (mines, concentrators, metallurgical production of JSC «Arcelor Mittal») are the emission into the atmosphere of significant amounts of pollutants, particulates and heavy metals. The total number of ingredients in the city atmosphere exceeds ten, many of which are first and second class of hazard. The main pollutants were sulfur dioxide, carbon oxides and nitrogen dioxide.

About the Authors

O. V. Grebeneva
National center of labour hygiene and occupational diseases

N. Yu. Aleshina
National center of labour hygiene and occupational diseases

N. K. Smagulov
National center of labour hygiene and occupational diseases


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For citations:

Grebeneva O.V., Aleshina N.Yu., Smagulov N.K. MODERN ASSESSMENT OF AIR POLLUTION IN KARAGANDA. Medicine and ecology. 2018;(3):26-31. (In Russ.)

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