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The authors studied the influence of independent work, including the teacher in pediatric surgery on the level of the cognitive process in the bachelor's degree, internship, residency in 86.7% of trainees. When studying the applied concept of the pedagogical process, the component «hidden desires» (34.6%) was revealed, which combined with the natural and educational influenced the development of clinical thinking. It was proposed to reorganize the competency matrix and add to the evaluation role of the automated systems (Platonus, Sirius) by e-folders on teacher's computers to induce the students to change the orientation of the students with a GPI (93.6%) increase in startup ideas (133.3%), as corresponding to innovative requirements.

About the Authors

M. S. Askarov
Karaganda state medical university

Kh. B. Bismiidin
Karaganda state medical university

A. Z. Kusainov
Kazakh medical university of continuing education

M. A. Rakhmanov
Kazakh medical university of continuing education


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For citations:

Askarov M.S., Bismiidin Kh.B., Kusainov A.Z., Rakhmanov M.A. SELF-WORKING TUTORIALS IN THE STRUCTURE OF HIGHER MEDICAL EDUCATION IN NEW INNOVATIVE CONDITIONS. Medicine and ecology. 2018;(2):121-124. (In Russ.)

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