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Prospects for dual education in the implementation of the educational program «pharmacy»


The problem of insufficient level of practical training of graduates in the educational program «pharmacy» can be solved by introducing and improving the practice of dual training, which has proven itself very well in many foreign countries and in our country at the level of vocational and technical training. However, for the implementation at the level of higher education, there are still insufficiently developed educational programs of dual education, which requires certain efforts from both universities and potential employers.

About the Authors

I. V. Losseva
Non-Commercial Joint-stock Company «Karaganda Medical University»

Irina Viktorovna Losseva – Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Dean of the school of pharmacy

Karaganda city, Gogol str., 40

K. K. Shakarimova
Non-Commercial Joint-stock Company «Karaganda Medical University»

Karaganda city, Gogol str., 40

N. A. Sagymbekova
Non-Commercial Joint-stock Company «Karaganda Medical University»

Karaganda city, Gogol str., 40


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2. V centre vnimanija – peresmotr srokov vnedrenija GPP// Kazahstanskij farmacevticheskij vestnik. URL:



For citations:

Losseva I.V., Shakarimova K.K., Sagymbekova N.A. Prospects for dual education in the implementation of the educational program «pharmacy». Medicine and ecology. 2023;(4):71-74. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)