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Training of pharmaceutical production technologists through scientific research


The article considered the approach to training pharmaceutical production technologists through scientific research. Successful learning through scientific research requires not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical experience. Involving students in research and projects allows them not only to gain valuable experience, but also to learn how to work in a team, develop critical thinking and solve problems. In addition, active participation in research projects can lead to publications that can be an excellent start for a future career in science. Learning through scientific research allows students to better understand theoretical concepts, as well as to gain practical skills that can be applied in future professional growth. The article considers some features and tools for the early involvement of students in scientific research through the training of project activities, including the choice of topic, task setting, research methods and analysis of results. Specific steps were also proposed to introduce this approach into the educational process, including the organization of students' research work. The importance of involving undergraduate students in publication activity was considered. It should be noted that the approach of learning through scientific research is one of the most effective methods of training specialists, which allows them not only to acquire the necessary knowledge and skills, but also to gain valuable scientific experience that can be used in their future careers.

About the Author

D. P. Khrustalev
School of Pharmacy, Non-Commercial Joint-stock Company «Karaganda Medical University»

Dmitriy Petrovich Khrustalev – Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor

Karaganda city, Gogolya str., 40


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For citations:

Khrustalev D.P. Training of pharmaceutical production technologists through scientific research. Medicine and ecology. 2023;(4):65-70. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)