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The role of a nurse in the care of patients after kidney transplantation


This work is devoted to studying the role of the nurse in the postoperative period in accompanying patients who were kidney recipients. Over the past decade, more than 200 successful donor kidney transplant operations have been performed in the Republic of Kazakhstan, articles describing operation statistics, medical tactics and clinical cases have been published, but there are no studies on the importance of postoperative care and the role of nurses in this process. Nursing care used after kidney transplantation should not be limited; nursing staff, in the modern development of nursing services, independently conducts nursing diagnostics, provides nursing support and is an important component of the team on which the successful outcome of the operation depends.

About the Authors

B. Ye. Suleimenova
Bone Marrow Transplantation Department of LLP «National Scientific Oncological Center»

Bibisara Yeralinovna Suleimenova – Senior Nurse

Astana city, Kerey str., Zhanibek khandar 3

A. K. Kusainova
Bone Marrow Transplantation Department of LLP «National Scientific Oncological Center»

Astana city, Kerey str., Zhanibek khandar 3

G. Z. Galimova
Bone Marrow Transplantation Department of LLP «National Scientific Oncological Center»

Astana city, Kerey str., Zhanibek khandar 3

V. Yu. Yablonskaya
LLP «SANAD Clinical Diagnostic Rehabilitation Center»

Karaganda city, K. Amanzholova str., 41

S. G. Voronova
PI «Temirtau Higher Medical College»

Temirtau city, Lunacharskiy str., 48/1

T. T. Kispayeva
LLP «SANAD Clinical Diagnostic Rehabilitation Center»

Karaganda city, K. Amanzholova str., 41


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For citations:

Suleimenova B.Ye., Kusainova A.K., Galimova G.Z., Yablonskaya V.Yu., Voronova S.G., Kispayeva T.T. The role of a nurse in the care of patients after kidney transplantation. Medicine and ecology. 2023;(4):59-64. (In Russ.)

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