Clinical and epidemiological analysis of odontogenic inflammatory diseases of the maxillo-facial area in children
Children of the Karaganda region have a high prevalence of odontogenic inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region. For this purpose, epidemiological material was collected and analyzed from 426 children aged 1 to 17 years inclusive; distribution of medical records of an inpatient was carried out depending on the nosological form of the inflammatory process and covered the period from 2018 to 2022. in the SOE «Multiprofile hospital named after Kh. M. Makazhanov» (Karaganda city), nosological forms: acute purulent periostitis; acute odontogenic osteomyelitis, abscess and phlegmon. In the comparative structure of odontogenic inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region, acute odontogenic osteomyelitis of the jaw predominates – 41.8 %, the second place is occupied by odontogenic phlegmon – 36.6 %, followed by acute purulent periostitis – 15 %, odontogenic abscess – 6.6 %.
Studies on the level, structure and prevalence of odontogenic inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region in children, depending on the place of residence, revealed that in children of urban areas the highest incidence rate was found for acute odontogenic osteomyelitis. Whereas in rural children odontogenic phlegmon and odontogenic abscess occurred on average 2.2 times more often than in urban children, which indicates the severity of the development of odontogenic inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region in them.
Thus, in our studies, a relationship was found in the prevalence of odontogenic inflammatory diseases of the maxillofacial region between the age characteristics of children and their place of residence.
About the Authors
A. U. BirmukhanovaKazakhstan
Karaganda city, Gogolya str., 40
A. T. Tokbergenova
Aliya Tolegenovna Tokbergenova – assistant professor at the School of Dentistry
Karaganda city, Gogolya str., 40
A. S. Almuratova
Karaganda city, Gogolya str., 40
R. M. Uzhakhova
Karaganda city, Gogolya str., 40
Zh. B. Baibulova
Kostanay city, 1 Maya str., 151
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For citations:
Birmukhanova A.U., Tokbergenova A.T., Almuratova A.S., Uzhakhova R.M., Baibulova Zh.B. Clinical and epidemiological analysis of odontogenic inflammatory diseases of the maxillo-facial area in children. Medicine and ecology. 2023;(4):35-39. (In Kazakh)