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Orphanic diseases. Literature review and clinical cases of anthrax in adult and the child


Orphan diseases are rare diseases that affect a small part of the population. Anthrax is an acute saprozoonotic infectious disease with a predominantly contact mechanism of pathogen transmission. It belongs to the group of especially dangerous infections.

The article presents clinical cases of anthrax in adults and children.

This clinical observation in an adult patient caused diagnostic difficulties in the initial period of the disease. Then it manifested itself as a severe variant of anthrax, a secondary generalized form, with progressive severe systemic disorders and had an unfavorable outcome.

The contact child had anthrax, carbuncle variant of the skin form, of moderate severity, uncomplicated course with a favorable outcome – recovery.

About the Authors

R. Kh. Begaidarova
Infectious Diseases Center of the Regional Clinical Hospital

Rosa Khasanovna Begaidarova – Academician of the RAE, MD, Professor- consultant of the Intensive care unit 

Karaganda city

A. S. Saramanova
Infectious Diseases Center of the Regional Clinical Hospital

Karaganda city

A. A. Virtz
Infectious Diseases Center of the Regional Clinical Hospital

Karaganda city

G. K. Alshynbekova
Infectious Diseases Center of the Regional Clinical Hospital

Karaganda city

H. G. Devdariani
Infectious Diseases Center of the Regional Clinical Hospital

Karaganda city

A.  E. Dyusembayeva
Infectious Diseases Center of the Regional Clinical Hospital

Karaganda city

E. A. Stupina
Infectious Diseases Center of the Regional Clinical Hospital

Karaganda city

R. A. Daurbekov
Infectious Diseases Center of the Regional Clinical Hospital

Karaganda city


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For citations:

Begaidarova R.Kh., Saramanova A.S., Virtz A.A., Alshynbekova G.K., Devdariani H.G., Dyusembayeva A.E., Stupina E.A., Daurbekov R.A. Orphanic diseases. Literature review and clinical cases of anthrax in adult and the child. Medicine and ecology. 2023;(3):71-78. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2305-6045 (Print)
ISSN 2305-6053 (Online)